Category: is it just me?

I’m late!! I’m late! I’m late! (later, latest…)

I was thinking about it this morning just like every morning, as I hit the alarm for the 4th time; there is one thing about me that I really hate, and would love to change, but for some reason, never do. I hate being late, but it seems that I always am. Now, I wasn’t always late, in fact, I used to be known for being a little early. Perhaps I was a little overzealous, but I would always be around 10 minutes early for everything. I do recall that this was mostly during the time I was in college; but nevertheless, I was almost always a little early. But once I got out of college, being late kind of took over. Add a relationship to that, and it kind of spirals out of control from there. Sometimes, I am no more than a few minutes late, which really isn’t that big of a deal; but when you combine James and me together, that few minutes can turn into a long time.

I know that this really bugs people and hell, it even bugs me, but for some reason, I can’t seem to get my ass in gear enough to be early or on time for anything. Does anyone else out there have a similar problem?


For some reason, I really couldn’t fall asleep last night, as I was riddled with anxiety and whatnot; which has led to me feeling kind of down today. I want everyone to keep the abortion talk going though, because I still think that it is a great thread discussion, and I don’t want to kill it. I just kind of feel like the frowning guy here.

Don’t worry, I am not depressed or as Tom Cruise would say, faking it and just needing to get over it. No worries. I am just a little stressed about money and things. But who isn’t right? Well, that’s true, but it doesn’t stop the anxiety, let me tell you. I just wish that for once, I could get a leg up, and finally not feel so inundated with things coming at me left and right sucking all of the money right out of my pockets. I swear, if I could just win that damn lottery, none of this would be a worry to me any more. Or, if I could somehow stumble on a kick ass, really high paying job; that wouldn’t be that bad either. I know that I am very lucky, and definitely know that there are people out there that are way worse off than me; but honestly, that just worries me even more: how do those people make it? How does one survive on anything less than I make, if I am just getting by? I don’t live an extravagant lifestyle, so where is it going?

Ugh. Some days can be frustrating. Maybe I will feel better after the hockey game tonight… If not, at least pay day is on Friday… oh wait… that money is already allocated, shit. Back to the drawing board… Here’s hoping that once I am in my thirties I am more comfortable financially, like all of my other friends are. Yeah! That is something to hope for!!! See?!?! Ending on a positive note here folks! (no seriously, that’s the best you’re going to get today; I suggest you take it.)

let’s go… nananana… OUT TONIGHT!

Last night was the blogger outing (APWBWGTTD) I discussed in my post yesterday, and all I can say is, it shouldn’t be legal to have so much fun. I remember when I first moved to Atlanta, and I used to go out with friends all of the time, and now that I am “married” (I wish I could remove the “”), I do long for those nights where I would just hang out and get drunk with cool people again (this is not to suggest that I don’t love being “married”, in fact, I DO!). Last night was definitely like one of those nights I remember, and I had a blast. AND, there were Irish Car Bombs, so you know I was happy. Oh how I love you, sweet, sweet Irish Car Bombs. Muwah! But enough about alcohol… at least until later this afternoon.

Interestingly enough, one of the underlying themes of many conversations last night, in one way or another, was about what people do/are doing/were doing/will be doing/want to be doing/etc. with respect to jobs and whatnot. While I will not talk about my job on this blog (I’m sticking to that! I don’t want to be dooced.), I do want to point out that I really think, especially after talking with people last night, that this article, has hit the nail on the head. The article looked at a study done by two people, where they surveyed Gen Xers, in order to find out how they felt about their jobs, what they wanted in a job, and what was most important to them when looking for a job.

it’s raining, it’s pouring… really???

Why is it that people feel the need to say, “Å“It sure is coming down out there”, or, “Å“It’s really raining out there, huh?”, when you walk into the building and are obviously completely soaked from the aforementioned rain? Did they think that I didn’t notice the rain that just soaked my pants? Did they think that I am so stupid that I don’t realize that it is rain that has just soaked my pants? Or, is it more likely, that they are mocking me for having gotten wet while they stood inside, all dry and warm? Just for the sake of argument, I am going to go with the last one. I would like to believe that people aren’t that stupid, as to think that I don’t know when it is raining, especially when I have just stepped inside out of the very same rain. I would hope beyond hope that they were not so stupid as to think that I don’t know what rain is. But perhaps? I mean, what would warrant such a response to my coming inside, soaked through from the rain? I must say, based on my “Å“rain experiences” that I may have been led to believe that people tend to just be mean, and are prone to going out of their way to mock you, whenever the opportunity presents itself. And apparently, when it is raining, is a great time. Because it is always funny when someone gets caught in the rain, right?

mama, can you hear me?

So, I don’t obsess about it, by any means, but I do use sitemeter (ingenious tool, by the way), to occasionally check and see where people are visiting my site from. I think it is pretty cool that you can see that people visit from San Francisco, or from Denver, or from Singapore; where ever… I just think it is pretty cool. But, I found out something interesting recently, someone had been visiting me from my home town, of Raleigh, NC; coincidentally where my parents live.

Now, I convinced myself it probably wasn’t them, and dropped it. But, now, I know it was! My mom emailed me today (if you are reading this, HI MOM!; and insert “you” wherever there is a “she” as you continue to read) to my account; the address which she got from my website. Now, this isn’t really a problem, in fact before this was the blog you see standing before you, I gave everyone in my family the address, so they could check out the photos, etc., and was excited if they even acknowledged it. Even though I knew there was a possibility of it, I never thought they would actually be using it (except for Wendy… wassup!). But now, it has kind of hit me that my mom is probably reading everything that I write.

damn you to hell, mosquitoes!!!

I HATE mosquitoes. I hate them. I am from NC, where, in some parts of the state, you can actually ride them they are so big. And yet, I think that they are worse here in Atlanta. I went to school at ECU, which is right on the Tar River, and again mosquitoes are a big problem. But still, worse in Atlanta.

I normally wouldn’t mention such silliness, but this morning, when I got in my car to come to work, I looked in my rear view mirror to back out of my driveway, and I saw a mosquito sitting on my forehead!!! I swatted it, and then, when I looked again, he was sitting on my cheek!!!

is it just me?

Is it just me, or is it MUCH hotter this year in Atlanta than it was last year? James and I have noticed that, not only does our house’s air conditioning never get below 77 degrees (unless it rains, then we get down to the frosty temperature of 74), but it just feels like there is no escape. Now, we have ordered an extra AC unit, but it isn’t here yet, and it seems that this has been one of the hottest weeks of the summer. Does anyone else notice this “extra heat”, or is it just me? (here’s hoping that it ends soon, either way.)

Atrocity in Iran: Two boys killed for being gay

I am sure that by now, everyone has heard about (and probably written about) the two teenaged boys that were hanged in Iran for being gay. Not only does writing this and thinking about this actually happening make my physically ill, it makes me wonder: what is it about being gay that is so wrong, that it would warrant such behavior or action? It also makes me question, and really being to look deeper at, the stance and direction the southern Baptist convention is taking in our American struggle for equality and civil rights. That�s when I begin to have scary thoughts like: Could it ever get this bad here in the USA? Could there come a time when people are hanging for being gay?

Bobby Brown’s 16th minute

As if the Britney and K-Fed show wasn’t bad enough, we must now be subjected to the Bobby Brown “career-clean-up” special. And boy, it should be special. Poor Bobby Brown, he is so desperate for good attention, that he needs a crew to follow him around to prove that he isn’t the “bad boy” the press believes him to be. And honestly, I want to know how he is going to prove that. I am thinking that there will be no long car rides where the crew smokes pot, and Whitney does a line off of the dashboard. I am also assuming there will be no in-depth footage of Bobby beating the hell out of Whitney when she neglects to cook dinner, cause she is as high as a kite and singing about “Allah”. Chances, are, that stuff will be left on the cutting room floor.

Michael’s Epiphany

This just in… Michael Jackson has decided not to sleep in bed with little boys any more! Is that really a revelation that has dawned upon him, after having to sit through a trial that seemed to last forever? I guess so. That is like a fat lady giving up donuts after having gastric bypass? it is what I would like to file under: NO-BRAINER!