let’s go… nananana… OUT TONIGHT!

Last night was the blogger outing (APWBWGTTD) I discussed in my post yesterday, and all I can say is, it shouldn’t be legal to have so much fun. I remember when I first moved to Atlanta, and I used to go out with friends all of the time, and now that I am “married” (I wish I could remove the “”), I do long for those nights where I would just hang out and get drunk with cool people again (this is not to suggest that I don’t love being “married”, in fact, I DO!). Last night was definitely like one of those nights I remember, and I had a blast. AND, there were Irish Car Bombs, so you know I was happy. Oh how I love you, sweet, sweet Irish Car Bombs. Muwah! But enough about alcohol… at least until later this afternoon.

Interestingly enough, one of the underlying themes of many conversations last night, in one way or another, was about what people do/are doing/were doing/will be doing/want to be doing/etc. with respect to jobs and whatnot. While I will not talk about my job on this blog (I’m sticking to that! I don’t want to be dooced.), I do want to point out that I really think, especially after talking with people last night, that this article, has hit the nail on the head. The article looked at a study done by two people, where they surveyed Gen Xers, in order to find out how they felt about their jobs, what they wanted in a job, and what was most important to them when looking for a job.

Ideally, they were most likely trying to figure out what would be the perfect job for most Gen Xers. Since I am a Gen Yer by one year, I have to say that while I do not fit the technical guidelines, I do believe that I, and many of my blog buddies have similar interests and desires as other Gen Xers. The perfect job just needs to be challenging, interesting, speak to our needs and desires, and offer us the chance to be comfortable and live an outside life. A job needs to be flexible and interesting. I honestly think that if I could find a job where some or all of these needs were met (and I am not saying that my current one doesn’t… I will not discuss my job, remember!), I think that it would make me, and many of my mates, feel much more fulfilled. I also need a job that brings to dough; cos the bling is expensive.

I have said this before, but I will say it again, because I totally think that it packs a big punch: I watch movies where people live near the sea and work in a crummy shop somewhere; but they are blissfully happy because they get to live near the sea, because that is what does it for them. They are happy with their lives, because they get to do something outside of work that makes them really happy. That is what I am going to do. I am going to take the information from this survey (and from the examples my friends provided last night), and apply it to my own life; I am going to work hard this year, and from now on, on trying harder to make myself happy. Almost everything in my life is already going well (so why aren’t you happy, right? I am! I just want to be happier, and not have so much anxiety…), so it isn’t going to be that hard of a push; but it is still the kick in the butt reminder that I think that I need, in order to keep me moving in that direction. Who knows, I may discover what I really want to be when I grow up, and actually take the steps and do it! Here’s keeping my fingers crossed… Let’s hope there are big things in the future of duane moody.

And to my blog buddies; thanks for a kick ass time last night. Thanks for being my muses when it comes to fulfillment and happiness; even though you may not have known before 5 minutes ago that you were. Thanks for just being fucking cool people. Let’s hang out again soon, rather than later. I’ll get on planning something.

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