Bobby Brown’s 16th minute

As if the Britney and K-Fed show wasn’t bad enough, we must now be subjected to the Bobby Brown “career-clean-up” special. And boy, it should be special. Poor Bobby Brown, he is so desperate for good attention, that he needs a crew to follow him around to prove that he isn’t the “bad boy” the press believes him to be. And honestly, I want to know how he is going to prove that. I am thinking that there will be no long car rides where the crew smokes pot, and Whitney does a line off of the dashboard. I am also assuming there will be no in-depth footage of Bobby beating the hell out of Whitney when she neglects to cook dinner, cause she is as high as a kite and singing about “Allah”. Chances, are, that stuff will be left on the cutting room floor.

I also believe there will be no footage of Bobby brown singing “Jail house blues” from the inside of an actual jail cell. None of that should be in there, because Bobby is a good boy, and we are just going to prove that with this show. If it is any indication about the quality of the upcoming programming, the opening of the first show describes a scene where Bobby says this: (taken from this CNN article)

“You recognize me now?” Brown asks, bending over and pushing his hands behind his back to mimic being handcuffed.

Oh Bobby, you are so silly. And such a good boy, too. That arrested gag was a hoot! Oh God, this is going to be a long summer.

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