I’m late!! I’m late! I’m late! (later, latest…)

I was thinking about it this morning just like every morning, as I hit the alarm for the 4th time; there is one thing about me that I really hate, and would love to change, but for some reason, never do. I hate being late, but it seems that I always am. Now, I wasn’t always late, in fact, I used to be known for being a little early. Perhaps I was a little overzealous, but I would always be around 10 minutes early for everything. I do recall that this was mostly during the time I was in college; but nevertheless, I was almost always a little early. But once I got out of college, being late kind of took over. Add a relationship to that, and it kind of spirals out of control from there. Sometimes, I am no more than a few minutes late, which really isn’t that big of a deal; but when you combine James and me together, that few minutes can turn into a long time.

I know that this really bugs people and hell, it even bugs me, but for some reason, I can’t seem to get my ass in gear enough to be early or on time for anything. Does anyone else out there have a similar problem?

Do you know what makes you be late to everything? Is there a deeper meaning behind being late (such as, it isn’t that important to you, so you just show up whenever)? I am not saying that there is, but I am curious to know why I can’t seem to shake this nasty habit! I know that being late is something that you can work on, and even successfully change, if you are committed to the effort; but for one reason or another, I am pretty much late for everything.

I guess one of my reasons for posting this, is because I want to apologize to everyone that I have been late when meeting up in the past. I am going to try my best to stop doing this annoying ass habit, and try and actually meet up with people on time in the future. James, you better read this, honey, because it affects you as well. The other reason is to make myself feel accountable, and perhaps let this serve as a proclamation of my newfound attempts at preventing lateness. Perhaps I will discover that it is actually the product of something else, and that I need to work harder, or whatever. Either way, I want to have it out there for people to see. And finally, I want to hear from you: if anyone has any tips to make being on time easier, I am all ears; I need all the help I can get. Some people are excellent at being on time, and I would love to know the secret.

Also, I added a new item to the column on the right; an open thread list. I put some of the more “hot topics” here at duanemoody.com over there, and encourage all of you to keep the conversations going, I am very interested and involved. Also, if you feel like you “missed it”, don’t, it is like double dutch, you just have to figure out how to get in there, and you can jump rope with the rest of us. Let me know if you would like to see anything added to that list.

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