take one down, pass ’em around…

Today is kind of all over the place for me… no real ability to concentrate; but hey, we all have those days, right? I have thought about changing my template, but I can’t seem to find anything that I am super happy with. Any suggestions? Anything you like? Don’t like? Anything you just neeeeed? Well, say it here, and I will take it into consideration.

I have kind of been giving some thought to drinking lately; no, not just the usual, “hey, I think I want to drink” stuff, but more about what the act signifies for me and other people around me. I in no way consider myself an alcoholic; mainly because I know that I don’t need to drink to have a good time, and basically because I don’t feel the need to drink every day. I don’t crave alcohol, and I actually know when to stop drinking, as to prevent myself from getting wasted or getting sick. (I just wanted to go ahead and put that out there; before I go any further…)

With that being said, the reason I was thinking about this, is because sometimes I feel like people judge me for enjoying drinking. No, that doesn’t mean that people point and stare, or whatnot, but I do feel like sometimes, some people look at me with a, “I can’t believe you want to drink” or “how can you still be drinking” thought in the backs of their minds.

I don’t let it “bring me down” so to speak and it has never really affected my drinking habits (that’s right, I’m a trooper!); but it does make me wonder: are people really looking at me, and thinking that I drink too much? Are people thinking that I enjoy drinking too much, and therefore, they are concluding to themselves that I may actually be an alcoholic? Do people see me as someone who just loves to drink so much that it is all I think about (or somewhat close to that extreme)? What do those people define as excess drinking, or drinking too much; and why?

I think about this, I guess, because I don’t want to be judged for something that I do that I like. I also don’t want to be judged for doing something that I am perfectly capable of controlling, and, at least up until this point, almost always have (save those few nights in college where you wake up on the toilet type thing). I guess I just wonder why drinking is something that is a necessity in college, but then when you find yourself in “real life”, it seems there are more eyes on you, watching to see what you are doing. It is almost like drinking has become something deviant, or somehow wrong. And since it has become that way, I feel more and more judged by it. I guess I am writing this post, because I want to see if any of you out there in the blogosphere experience the same looks or feelings coming from those that are around you? If drinking is something that you enjoy, and like all good things, you do it in moderation (or at least your definition of moderation); it is necessarily a bad thing? If no one is effected by it, but you (your liver, your hangover, your wallet), and there are no evident negative side effects (i.e. violence, abuse, spiraling out of control, DUI’s, etc), what is the big deal with enjoying a few beers every now and then? What do you think?

I’m going to have a few beers while you think about it…

Also, for those of you that don’t drink, or don’t really care for drinking, let me hear from you as well… it is nice to get different perspectives!

Sing it!
The Postal Service – This Place is a Prison

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