Category: civil rights

stop the name calling

Remember that petty ass Grey’s Anatomy name calling thing a few months ago? Well, if not, here’s a recap: the out gay actor was called a faggot by a fellow cast member, who not only denied he ever did it, but didn’t really apologize, either. Well, Mr. Bigot was all about discussing the event the other night after the Golden Globes, and said he never called him a “faggot” (mentioning it, AGAIN).

Now, I can’t help but sit here and wonder, why is this guy just throwing around faggot like it isn’t that big of a deal? I mean, when will people realize that derogatory and shameful terms used to describe others isn’t okay? I think that the guy from Seinfeld figured that out, as did (hopefully) Mel Gibson; so why is it something other people have such a hard time with? Faggot is not a word you are allowed to use without consequence. Stop the name calling; because I am pretty sure if they tables were turned, you would take great offense at some words that could be used to hurt you, okay?

Seriously, why can’t we just live in a world where there isn’t so much hate and fear? When will be able to just be kind and peaceful? Will we ever? Little things like this make me doubt we ever will. Ugh. (article)

MLK jr. Day

Today, a few of us are lucky enough to have a day off to remember a great man. A man that had a dream that we could all exist and be treated as equals. I too have that dream, and as I remember his life and what he did on this day, I am thankful for everything that has changed as a result of his words. But I am even more hopeful that those changes will continue to march forward, in hopes that one day, we ALL can be equal. We can all have the same civil liberties, and we can all truly call ourselves free and equal.

Here’s to you Martin Luther King, Jr. Thanks for your contribution to freedom and equality.

stem cells and Jimmy Carter

Two things that as I sit here thinking about, don’t really make sense to me:

1) Why Bush (or anyone) is so opposed to stem cell research, especially because of the amazing benefits that it can bring in curing many different incurable diseases, like cancer and Alzheimer’s. More importantly, why Bush should be the final say in the decision for the stem cell bill that passed recently with a vast majority.

Okay, so you don’t agree with abortion. Fine. I get it. It may mean you are a little narrow-minded, but you don’t like it, I understand that. I still stand by the position of, “if you don’t like abortion, don’t have one”, but I understand that doesn’t work for everyone. But why attack stem cells? First of all, these cells are not the reason people get abortions. The source of stem cells may come from aborted fetuses, but they also come from embryos that were slated for in vitro fertilization; that is, eggs that were fertilized outside of the body for later transplantation, that for whatever reason, were not used. Now, the only other option, is to throw these cells away. You can also clone these cells, but I can see where some are against cloning too; but if it is only for the purpose of research, and the cells are going to be destroyed anyway, why not? Especially when the benefits are so potentially great? That doesn’t make sense. Think of what the world would be like without surgery. They had to practice it and try new things when it was first developed; do you think people didn’t die? At least in this circumstance, people wouldn’t be dieing; it would be cells slated for destruction, cells that could potentially allow someone who is paralyzed be able to walk again. Making this decision as one man, is completely selfish and unrepresentative of the people that live in this country, and those that will be living here and affected by this narrow-minded decision in the future. I just don’t understand that, especially because, hey, don’t we have 3 arms of government? The two should keep the third in check, right? So why does he just get come in and veto it? It just doesn’t work for me.

2) How people can be saying that Jimmy Carter is anti-Semitic with his book, and why 14 people decided that he is so “evil” that they resigned from the board of the Carter center.

First of all, it is pretty clear that anyone that calls Jimmy Carter an evil man is a pretty delusional person. The man won the Nobel Peace Prize, is an amazing diplomat, and possibly most contradictory thing to the “evil” label, is the fact that he is a renowned humanitarian. Jimmy Carter is not anti-Semitic, in fact, he isn’t anti-anyone; which is why he wants peace in Palestine, and not apartheid, which is basically enforced discrimination and separatism resulting in the denial of human rights. The statements he has made in favor of peace for Palestine (and Israel) make complete sense if you look at them in context. People have said that he is anti-Israeli because of his stance against bombing Lebanon and Palestine; but he is against this because he is against war and killing. He stated that Israel has no right to destroy and reclaim Palestine, because, well, they don’t. Just because you believe “God” ordained something for you to have, doesn’t mean that you can take it by force. Sure, Palestine doesn’t have a spotless history, but when do you stop and say, “let’s think about our future?” A great man once said, “An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind.”, and you know what, Gandhi was right. Continued fighting over the right to this tiny piece of land will bring about nothing but death and destruction in both places, and what Jimmy Carter is highlighting with his book, is that it doesn’t have to be like that. A call for piece is a call for survival. It is a call for humanitarianism, and should never been seen as anything but civil and just. People have got to stop hiding behind religion and killing each other over land and differences of opinion… and that is what Jimmy Carter sees. We as a nation have no right to stand on either side of that fence and state “we agree” with either side; it is not our place. But if we have any involvement in the region or the discord between these two nations, it should be one of peace making and diplomacy; something that Jimmy Carter knows a lot about. That is why I wonder how people can still think he is anti anything, other than anti war, anti death, and anti hate. I don’t know about you, but he sounds like a pretty good guy to me. UPDATE: After several conversations, I feel the need to follow up on these statements I made about Jimmy Carter, and have done so in this blog post. Please check it out.

Man, I have been thinking way too much lately. A nice 3 day weekend is just what the doctor ordered. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and a great Monday remembering such a wonderful man, Martin Luther King, Jr.!

Atrocity in Iran: Two boys killed for being gay

I am sure that by now, everyone has heard about (and probably written about) the two teenaged boys that were hanged in Iran for being gay. Not only does writing this and thinking about this actually happening make my physically ill, it makes me wonder: what is it about being gay that is so wrong, that it would warrant such behavior or action? It also makes me question, and really being to look deeper at, the stance and direction the southern Baptist convention is taking in our American struggle for equality and civil rights. That�s when I begin to have scary thoughts like: Could it ever get this bad here in the USA? Could there come a time when people are hanging for being gay?

To the homophobic BIGOTS at 99x:

when does free speech become slander? When does free speech become hatred? Well, that is the line that 99x has been skating, and I believe that they have finally stepped over the line. I posted earlier about 99x?s bigoted and homophobic slander that they portray and laugh about during their juvenile morning show, and I feel the need to speak even further on the subject. I just heard a radio spot for the Toucher, Jimmy, and Leslie morning show, and quite frankly, I was completely disgusted. In the radio spot, one of the DJ?s (either Toucher or Jimmy) made the proclamation that he would not like his kid being taught by a gay teacher.

why can you be an asshole on the radio?

My alarm is set to play the radio to wake me up. I have the station set to 99x. Not a big deal right? Well, maybe I should stop being such a lazy bones, and change the station. Almost every morning I awake to catch several snippets (several, because I definitely make use of my snooze button) of the Jimmy, Toucher, and Leslie morning show. I can guarantee you that each morning, I am subjected to some comment that is either misogynistic, bigoted, or border-line racist. Now, I know that they are probably just some middle-aged idiots poking fun at the world, and I should not get offended; but honestly why shouldn’t I?

Mom, mommy, dad, daddy???

A really good friend of mine brought up something recently, that I just cannot seem to shake: She told me how everyone that asks about her kids asks her what the kids call her (since she is a lesbian and her partner is the birth mother). Now, this really bothers me, because I would think that if it were a straight person, the question would be something related to, “how are your kids?”, “are they growing?”, “are they talking?”, etc. But no, people keep asking her, “So what do your kids call you?” Now keep in mind, this is either the first thing or within the first couple of things they ask her. That is why I think it bothers me so much! Now, this is my only question: is it so confusing for people that are not in same sex relationships to understand that if you have two mommies, you call them both mommy? Or, if you have two daddies, you call them both daddy? Or you can call one mom and one mother, or call one dad, and one father?

gay marriage is soooooo powerful!!!!

US Senator Rick Santorum said recently that gay marriage threatens his and all marriages:

From the New York Times: “When I asked [Rick Santorum] if he viewed gay marriage as a threat to his own marriage, he answered quickly. ‘Yes, absolutely,’ he said. ‘It threatens my marriage. It threatens all marriages.'”

Well, really, my question here is… wait for it… HOW???