why can you be an asshole on the radio?

My alarm is set to play the radio to wake me up. I have the station set to 99x. Not a big deal right? Well, maybe I should stop being such a lazy bones, and change the station. Almost every morning I awake to catch several snippets (several, because I definitely make use of my snooze button) of the Jimmy, Toucher, and Leslie morning show. I can guarantee you that each morning, I am subjected to some comment that is either misogynistic, bigoted, or border-line racist. Now, I know that they are probably just some middle-aged idiots poking fun at the world, and I should not get offended; but honestly why shouldn’t I?

Or why shouldn’t anyone for that matter? Why are these people continually coming on the radio, just so they can be misogynistic bigoted assholes (and probably get paid damn fine to do it!)?? I guess I thought that in this day and age, that we would have a more progressive and understanding society that considered the feelings of those that may happen to catch a bit of what they are saying. I know that they have the freedom of speech, and honestly, I am all for that, but I would just like the asshole-ness of it all to scale back. If all you are talking about is how stupid women are (with a woman on the show… that is low), and making fun of fart jokes, fags, how someone “might be gay”, and how much you hate everyone; what does that say about you? Sure, you have the right to say it, but does it make you any less of a sad asshole? I think not.

(FYI: in case you don’t believe that I have a case to be saying this, just this morning, after I turned on my car and the radio was on 99x, I heard one of the guys threaten to give his wife two black eyes, and then proceed to say several disparaging comments about gay people and laugh like an idiot at the IDEA that someone would be gay. Yep, they are assholes.)

And I guess the reason it makes me the MOST mad, is because, other than this… 99x is a pretty good station! UGH! The problems I face!

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