darfur update: Condi to the rescue!

Well, now we are the world’s father and mother, telling them to act, what to do, and how to do it. Apparently, pray-fest 2005 was a bust (See last weekend’s “weekend of prayer” for Darfur), so Condi flew down to Sudan to tell them that they needed to act now against the torture and genocide in Darfur. And! On top of that, (quote taken from BBC news)

Ms Rice stressed that the US would hold him to account if he failed to act, particularly in stopping violence to women.
Ms Rice told reporters: “I said to the Sudanese government that they had a credibility problem with the international community… I have said, ‘actions not words’.”

So, not only are we not doing ANYTHING (well, other than praying) about the people that have been displaced, the violence, the genocide; BUT we are deciding that it is someone else’s RESPONSIBILITY to act. Really? We are telling Sudan, “You know that nobody likes you guys cause you are all crazy and shit, so why not make amends by taking care of this problem that we obviously are too busy to worry about??”. Well, I guess that is just what the doctor ordered.

Hell, to be honest, all I care about is the safety and lives of those people, so maybe that is a good thing… but wait, aren’t we pissed off at Sudan? Aren’t they pissed off at us? What if they don’t listen? What if this causes more probelms in the region, and we are the reason that a war breaks out? Are we going to invade and bomb them? Nah, they will probably do it, cause hey, we offered to cut them a break for all the bad shit they are doing if they do (meanies)!

Who knows how this will end kids… stay tuned!!!

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