stop the funk?!?

I am sitting here today, with not too much to do (since I have been in trainings all week), and I am really in a funk. I need to be applying for an FTE (see five hours of time writing KSA’s for a position that you will probably not have a chance in hell of getting), but I cannot bring myself to start. I cannot figure it out either. Why can’t I just do it? Well, other than what I said just a second ago? I guess that a lot of it is because I get into times of my life where one thing or another is not really moving forward, and it causes a sort of funk. Now, I am not saying that my life sucks and everything is bad, in fact, that is far from the truth.

James and I are doing wonderfully. The house is really coming together, and we are finally working through some issues with that. (Side note: when painting, avoid the blue tape, it WILL stick to the paint, and it WILL pull it and drywall off of the wall… DON’T USE IT!) I am starting to be comfortable with myself, even though I have gained a little weight, I don’t fret too much about it, unlike I used to. I suppose that not going to Red Chair every Friday night has a little something to do with that. But honestly, I cannot put my finger on this funk. It comes and goes, sometimes by the day, and it only effects certain things. Today, it is effecting my ability to get started on this job application, and I fear that it will prevent me from even doing it. Not that it would be end of the world, because I doubt I will get it, as so many more qualified people are definitely applying. If anyone has any suggestions how to get out of this, I am all ears.

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