bathroom remodel… take two!

Not much going on, but I feel compelled to post something, so here it is. My legs still feel like someone has beaten me with reeds, after crouching for 12 hours straight while doing the tile in the bathroom and mudroom. Hopefully, that will soon go away. Until then, I would like to post some “lessons learned” from bathroom remodeling, to share with any and all that think that they should take on a project like this, as we have done.

Lessons Learned from Bathroom Remodeling:
1) Take the amount of time that you think that it will take to do any part of your project, and triple that. It will take at least 3 times as long as you are thinking. This is not up for negotiation.
2) Don’t watch those DIY shows, they make everything look really easy, when it can actually be painful; both physically, and emotionally.
3) You will fight with your partner (if you are doing the project with them) at least once. Expect it, but do not deny that it will happen. And you will get over it.
4) Tiles do not generally come up the way they went down (i.e., in one piece). Thousands of tiny shards of tile will need to be meticulously picked up, and will also add lots of time to your project.
5) Scraping old mortar off of the floor causes a fine mist of powder to explode into the air. Everything in your house will be completely covered by it, and no matter how many dusk masks you wear, you will inhale most of it.
6) Don’t leave a bag of unmixed mortar on the deck; it will definitely rain while you are inside.
7) Measuring tiles is not as easy as it looks. In many cases, you can measure a tile 3 or even 4 times, and still get a tile that is not the correct size.
8) Self leveling solution is the messiest material to work with. It can also cause fights. I will definitely add one day to your project, and may not even level your floor.
9) Applying mortar is very messy. It has a really disgusting consistency, and will only fall off the trowel onto your arm, toes, hands, or other tiles.
10) Don’t believe what those tile instruction books tell you, they lie.

Other than that… enjoy your project!! Seriously, if it weren’t for the bragging rights, I would definitely recommend hiring someone if you can afford to. Here are a few pictures:

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