Category: the catch-all-egory

diet day two: what I have already learned

1) I may have a slight allergy to almonds. After downing several in my post-breakfast-pre-lunch-snack, I have had a pressure in my chest for the past several hours. Note to self: skip almonds in afternoon snack.
2) Eating six times a day is hard. I don’t know how people are bulimic; just thinking about all that food would stress me out. I never thought I would have to keep a ticker of the amount of times I eat a day, but now, I do. No real appetite + being forced to eat 6 times a day = a challenge.
3) I already feel healthier, whether it is in mind, body, or spirit; now, I expect to drop 15 lbs in 2 weeks, dammit.
and finally (it is only day 3 after all), I appreciate everyone’s comments yesterday about oatmeal, but…
4) Oatmeal is now my bitch. Don’t cook it. Put it in yogurt. Success. Who’s your daddy Oatmeal? Duane is!

Stay tuned for more “tales of the Abs Diet”. I love that have this medium to hold myself accountable, and maintain this thing… let’s hope I don’t turn out to be a big ass failure! HA! Abs, here I come!

Also, on an unrelated note, I was reading a blog yesterday, and I totally got to thinking that I should write more about my past; so that you all could learn more about the man behind the mask. It will be random, so don’t have too high expectations; but know that it will enlighten you as to why I think and act as I do in the many situations I am in today.

awww… thanks guys!

Um, I didn’t realize how “running for the razors” I came across yesterday; so for that, I am sorry! I don’t want to be that much of a downer… I guess we just all have those days where everything seems to be shitty. I do have to say that I thank all of your well wishes and stuff; and I do know that I am awesome, and that things in my life are totally awesome, and I have nothing to be upset about… I guess I just have one of those personalities where I worry about everything; and sometimes it gets the best of me. Either way; thanks for the love!

I thought it was funny (and super sweet) what Joseph said about me yesterday (sorry to call you out Joseph):

You know…after all your talking about how you need to diet and start “getting hot” i was totally expecting you to be a seriously obsese guy who just takes a really good picture. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that you actually are hot already!

First, let me say that you are so immensely sweet!!! Thank you!! No seriously, I really appreciate the compliment; that is why I called you out! I don’t want people to think that I am this crazy, thin person who acts like he is as big as a house (but takes a good picture). Let me explain…

no need to worry, I haven’t inked it in yet!

A few people said they really liked the design that I had as an IDEA for my tattoo, but don’t think that it is ready to be inked in. That was just a brain storming session, and while I like it, I don’t have my mind made up. I am thinking that I am going to actually incorporate some things together into a design that is just mine. I think that is probably the direction I will end up taking in the long run… I was up drawing last night til 2. Stay tuned…

Oh yeah, while I DIDN’T watch the presidential state of the union speech last night (seeing him and hearing him talk makes me want to break things), I do have one comment on the whole Americans need to get over this “addiction” to oil: YOU FIRST, SWEETHEART. YOU FIRST.

did I really need another reason to drink?

Last night, James dragged me to a hockey game at Phillips arena. The Thrashers (who knew that they were named after the Georgia state bird, the Brown Thrasher; or more importantly, who knew that the Thrasher was the Georgia state bird?) were playing the Nashville something-or-others; eh, I’m not gonna lie. I really wasn’t that into it when we went; but, I found myself actually having fun! Who knew that hockey was cool, no pun intended, and that some of the players were so hot! I did actually have a good time, a 24oz beer is always a good thing (Martha, write that down, it’s a freebie, from me, to you).

Yeah, we had a great time, well, except for having to experience all of the overcompensating anti-gay shit people at sporting events do. For example, people kept yelling, “hey ref, get off your knees!”, which obviously is a derogatory statement about him blowing someone, rather than judging the game. Real mature fellas. Maybe you should read the post about sex, then we can all grow and mature and realize how wonderful blow jobs can be to give and receive. Moving on…

eh, it’s Saturday, no one is around anyway…

I went on a photo stroll through Little Five Points with my good friends Deb and Byron this afternoon. I sit here and wonder why I don’t do stuff like that more often… Not much else is going on this lazy Saturday; but no one really reads the blog on Saturday anyway, so no big deal, right?! HA! Anyway, look for the pictures on flickr soon, and then on my photographs page… I haven’t abandoned/forgotten about the photographs page! Happy Saturday, folks! Hope your’s is going swell!

ATL: A look back in time

This has got to be one of the coolest websites I have seen in a long time. Amber posted a link to this website,, where someone has done A LOT of work chronicling Atlanta then vs. now. The result is a look back in time at good old ATL, where you get to see that a lot has changed over the last 50 years. Thanks Amber! I hope someone else will get the same “how cool is that?” effect from the site, as I did.

greetings… from Tennessee

ho, ho, ho; or some shit...Wassup bitches? I am writing you from my home for the next couple of days; Nashville, TN. James and I are home with his rents for the holidays, and well, let’s just say, we are here. I am still working on my end of year charts that I mentioned earlier, and hope to bring them to your salivating lips shortly. Hope that everyone out there in the blogoshere is having a happy holidays (ha! I ain’t no hypocrite!); and I hope that if you are home with yours or the partner’s rents, you are having a good time, are drinking, or both. Everything is more fun when you are drinking! I just can’t wait till it gets a little later, so that I can drink without looking like an alcoholic… we all have to make good impressions.

Another good reason for me to get my drink on, is the very real threat that James has thrown out; his family goes “caroling” at midnight on Christmas Eve. Um, can I get a big order of “hell”, and you can put that in a “to the naw” so I can take it to go? This queen only carols of it involves lots and lots of alcohol. Hey, you know what, that is something to carol about. It would probably go a little something like this; “Bartender, can I please have 12 buttery nipples, 11 jager shots, 10 kamikaze’s, 9 vodka tonics, 8 dry martinis, 7 black and tans, 6 bud lights, 5 Irish car bombs!!!!, 4 scotch and sodas, 3 apple-tinis, 2 margaritas, and one long island iced tea” (sung in the key of “the 12 days of Christmas”) Can I start a tab? Uh, James’ parents will be picking up the bill. Happy Holidays bitches!

Georgia Aquarium… our first visit

I bought James a season pass for Christmas, and this was our first opportunity to check out the new Georgia Aquarium. The place is pretty huge, and definitely impressive. Only downside is the number of people. Since everything is kind of “tanked” off, you have to wait and kind of push your way to see anything. People are pretty much not caring that you want to see it to, either. Regardless, I managed to snap several shots, all of which I will eventually edit and get up on flickr, and on my photographs page. Here are a few teasers to wet your appetite:

Oh baby it’s Wednesday! All over!

There’s a lot going on today: (take a deep breath with me)

– Brokeback Mountain at 1:15 (I hope). We are going to see it, finally, today. I will let you know what I thought soon… I am sure that it is going to be nothing but great things to say about it; after all, Jake is in it! AND it is a love story about two men!

– James and I are committing ourselves today; in the sense of powers of attorney, wills, domestic partnership agreements, etc. I mentioned a while back that we took the steps to solidify our partnership and provide ourselves with some protection (since the damn government refuses to recognize our commitment), by going to a lawyer and having all of the necessary documents drawn up. Well, today is the culmination of that effort; we are signing the papers, and they will be official as of this afternoon. I am very excited. We are one step closer to legal commitment; and I couldn’t be happier. Now, if we could only do that whole “wedding” and “reception” thing… I want my blue diamond ring! Soon… Soon… (Seriously, you can count on that!)

– Finally, I am working on a set of entries that will highlight the year in review in the following areas: my top albums of 2005, my top movies of 2005, my top singles of 2005, and my top dance tracks of 2005. I always love to see what other people think about movies and music, and I, myself, love to share what I know about artists and films; in order that someone else might find something they enjoy, or at least to foster conversation about it. That is exactly what these lists will do; they will give you all a glimpse into what I was enjoying this year, with regards to movies and music. Hopefully, it will also give you some suggestions as to stuff to check out that you may then enjoy. I am always on the lookout for new media, and word of mouth is always the best way I have found things in the past. So, I will pass that on to you. Expect these entries in the very near future (like, this week). Also, if there is anything that you would like to see in these entries, here is your chance to voice those opinions!

– Happy Hump day everyone! Now, I am leaving work!

I made it. I. am. back.

My sinuses aren’t the only thing thanking me for returning to the good old ATL; the rest of me is glad to be back at home sweet home. I must say, that the “holiday” weekend was not as long as it could have been, and I did at least get to see almost all of my family. I did learn a few things while I was in NC though, and I thought that I would pass these gems on to you:
1) Everyone in North Carolina smokes. If they don’t smoke, they smell like smoke. Everywhere you go, is like a bar. Take lots of changes of clothes, or wear lots of cologne. Either way, your sinuses are going to pay; big time.
2) Spending time with family should usually involve the consumption of alcohol. This is not specific to NC; it is a general rule that should be applied at any family function. It is best to stock up.
3) Everything in the Research Triangle Park area of NC (where my family lives) is at least 1 hour away from wherever else you need to, or want to go. You will do a lot of driving.
4) Everywhere in NC is now to be referred to as “the middle of nowhere”. No, seriously.
5) Probably the best thing I learned: My sister is pregnant, and when I asked her how long she was planning to breast feed, she replied, “6 weeks”. When I recommended 6 months, and sited several benefits, including the inability/decreased likelihood of getting pregnant again within that time, she insisted that you are actually MORE fertile while breastfeeding, so it is best to keep it short. I think that we should notify Nestle of this new information, so that they can use it, along with their other tactics, to convince more and more women to abandon the healthiest way of raising their children, and latch their kids onto Nestle’s products. The things you learn, right?

I learned other things, as I always do, but I am seriously pooped from the 6 hour car ride that actually took almost 9 hours. I need to rest. At least I have my friend back… civilization. See you tomorrow kids! It’s good to be back!!!