did I really need another reason to drink?

Last night, James dragged me to a hockey game at Phillips arena. The Thrashers (who knew that they were named after the Georgia state bird, the Brown Thrasher; or more importantly, who knew that the Thrasher was the Georgia state bird?) were playing the Nashville something-or-others; eh, I’m not gonna lie. I really wasn’t that into it when we went; but, I found myself actually having fun! Who knew that hockey was cool, no pun intended, and that some of the players were so hot! I did actually have a good time, a 24oz beer is always a good thing (Martha, write that down, it’s a freebie, from me, to you).

Yeah, we had a great time, well, except for having to experience all of the overcompensating anti-gay shit people at sporting events do. For example, people kept yelling, “hey ref, get off your knees!”, which obviously is a derogatory statement about him blowing someone, rather than judging the game. Real mature fellas. Maybe you should read the post about sex, then we can all grow and mature and realize how wonderful blow jobs can be to give and receive. Moving on…

I think that the worst part, is that the event workers egg it on. They had a “kiss cam” (oh how fucking super-hetero do we have to be people, are we overcompensating for anything?), and would show couples on the screen, expecting them to kiss when they were shown. Then, at the end, they showed two guys, and everyone had a laugh when they pretended to kiss, as if to say that was unnatural, and was something that everyone should get a good laugh out of. Yeah, really funny; and again, really mature. Other than that, I dare say I had a good time; I just wish I didn’t have to sit there and witness all of the anti-gay sentiment in the arena. I also think that I may have overdosed on raw testosterone; I really wanted to head butt some guy in the lobby after the game just for the hell of it. That’s normal, right? Well, we are going again in a week, and this time, anti-gayness aside, I am actually kind of looking forward to going!

One more thing, because I thought this was pretty funny… After I came home from the game, I had a few drinks in me, and decided to go out with my good friend Steve. We went to Blake’s, and while I was talking to an old friend I hadn’t seen in a long time, one of his friends comes over, and I get introduced. I literally had said maybe 3 words, and this is what his genius friend hits me with:

“Who is this guy? I know who this guy is, he is boring dot com”

That’s right. He called me boring dot com. Um… yeah. You know how sometimes you just feel sorry for someone, instead of getting mad or whatever? This was one of those times. I hope you felt good about that when it came out dude, because it seriously made you look, and sound, like a complete idiot. And, duh, if you would have talked to me for more than 3 seconds, you would see that I am actually duanemoody dot com, okay!

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