Category: “pointless”

file this under dumbass…

James just left to go and get us some food, and there, hanging in the door, were my keys. Yup. Not only did I leave the keys to my semi-new car outside merely steps from the actual vehicle, but I left the token of entry to our home in a place where it would have required no effort to break in and kill us, rob us, etc. Wow… Let’s also file that under firsts. Now, I will never think badly of people that leave their keys in the door, or that leave their doors open because they were distracted. I am now one of you. I just hope that never happens again!

There’s really nothing too interesting about today, but:

I do find it interesting that our president skirts his requirements as a US citizen by skipping out on yet another activity; jury duty. Old Bushie can get out of doing jury duty, but we, the American people have to take a day off of work and sit in a crowded courthouse, because we can’t get out of it and we are give this dog and pony speech about how important this service is to the judicial and legal system. Sounds to me like he doesn’t take the system all that seriously, so, should he be appointing all of these judges? Hmmm… I am going to go with no, but we all knew I felt that way, right? Ah, to be the president, right? All that vacation time; sound like a pretty sweet gig to me! AND you don’t have to worry about doing jury duty or your personal responsibility to protection and liberty!! WOOT!

Last night, my friend Steve called me up and wanted to go drinking. So we did. To a straight bar in the VA Highlands. And we drank. A lot. And there were girls. Lots of girls. Some of them, well, they were pretty fucking annoying, but for the most part, I had a blast. And spent $60. WOOT!

That’s two woots… and I am out!

time to fly north for “Thanks-mas”

It’s that time, kids; time for old duane to go home for Thanksgiving. But this year, we have decided to have Christmas at the same time as Thanksgiving (since James and I will not be going back, and will be spending Christmas with his folks); which gives us the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. So, for this year, let’s call it Thanks-mas cool? This is a notice of sorts, as well. Are you sitting down? Okay. Um… how should I put this; well, uh, they don’t really have internet access where I am going. I am talking no dial up, nothing; so… I will not be able to blog until I return (even I just started shaking). I look forward to getting back though, because I will take detailed notes on any and all “good” things that happen during Thanksmas. Feel free to keep on commenting on what I have already written though; and hey, now that I think about it, look at this as an opportunity of sorts, you now have a reason to go through the archives! YEAH!

On a side note: Hey Bank of America, quick question. What time would you think would be the best time to make one of your only two ATMs unusable, by putting it out of service? Lunch time? The time when everyone would be able to run errands and get to the bank to use said ATMs? Yeah… that’s what I thought. Oh, and PS: BOA, you suck!

HAPPY THANKS-MAS EVERYONE! (except you Bank of America) See you on the other side!!!

sunday bloody sunday

I have not done anything to be considered a “value” to society today; and it feels awesome. I have this feeling that if I were fortunate enough to eventually be able to work from home, I would be a complete bum. I haven’t even left the house. And I love it.

What I have been doing today, is painting. I love painting. And I have been doing it. The picture above, is off an incident that occurred during said painting activity; Sydney decided that he wanted to be a part of it. I went to grab him before he got in the paint, which only forced him to back up quicker; where he proceeded to lay his tail in the paint. That would have been totally okay, if he hadn’t decided to trash that newly paint-coated tail around in the air. All the mixing you see; totally dog induced. There is no editing here folks, the dog does it all.

Other than painting, I have been drinking a 40. I sent James to the store last night to get beer, and told him I wanted 2 double deuces of icehouse, you know, to drink before going out last night. Instead, I got two 40s. I am not complaining, because we live in the ghetto, and now, I can really connect to our neighbors. I may even step outside so that I can pour a little on the ground, you know, for the ones we have lost. This one’s for my homies!!! Now, I need to get back to my day of “nothing”. God I wish I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow.

Sunday tunes:
U2 – Sunday Bloody Sunday (for the record, I hate U2)
Alanis Morrisette – Crazy (James Michael Mix)
Pras feat. Mya – Ghetto Supastar (that is what you are)

a tuesday triple threat!!

A trio, if you will, of things for you today:

We finally joined the Y last night. Thank God. It is official, work out is ON! My thighs are singing (picture it!), but my waist is lamenting. I know that most people keep saying that they cannot even tell that I have gained any weight, but it is there, oh yes, it is there. And it is going bye-bye. Weights lifted last night: 4 exercises (chest and tri’s); exercise tonight: Spin class, 6-7. HOOOWAH!
A little more like this, please
It’s good to have goals!

Last night, when we got home from the gym, I was cooking spaghetti (one of my favorite things), and when I went to stir the sauce, it spattered out at me like a bullet to my neck, and managed to cause a HUGE blister that can only be described as a 2nd or 3rd degree burn. Who knew that cooking could be this dangerous? Apparently, simmering the sauce was not what I was doing. Luckily, I managed to shut my eye when it happened, because the other droplet of lava hit my eyelid. Luckily, I can still see, and there is no blister there.

happy happy; mad mad

I know that this will probably show that I have been living somewhat in the stone age, but I just decided to join Netflix last night. (obviously, I am not that inept with regards to technology, and I am obviously NOT in the stone age; as I did design and currently run this site… ahem; but anyway) I must say that am excited about the idea of always having new movies around and at my disposal, and considering how many DVD’s I already own, this could prove to be quite fun; maybe I will find some new favorites. James is always complaining that we watch the same ones (I GUESS there are only so many times one can watch Mean Girls or 13 going on 30; but, is there really?), and that we never rent ones he wants to see.

monday afternoon life-changing thoughts…

I have recently been toying with changing careers, and honestly, I think that I have come to an all important decision: I don’t think that I am ever going to figure out “what I want to be when I grow up”; and honestly, I am okay with that. All I want to do is something that pays pretty well (i.e. NOT less than I make now), is decently entertaining and not utterly boring, and doesn’t stress me out. I know that I will probably have to go back to school for this, but I say, “bring it on!”. I loved grad school, so I totally think that I could go there again… now all I need to do is worry about that pesky living expenses thing; that always seems to get in the way during grad school! If I could only win the lottery!

soaring gas prices, birthday gifts, and continuing the workout routine

In the wake of SOARING gas prices (I heard that there were some places that were gouging prices to as high as $8 a gallon yesterday), due to the shortened supply from Katrina, I have decided to consistently carpool with my buddy Deb. This way, we can both share the increased costs of this catastrophe.

Related, but only slightly, I got a new car for my birthday. NICE! you say? Totally nice. It is a 2005 Acura TSX, and it is SUUUWEEET! It has just about every feature ever made for cars, and I love it.

first day; in more ways that one

Today is my first day on my “new job”, which inevitably means that I am trapped somewhere between two offices, two phones, and two computers. Also, the office that I am moving into, was recently painted, which means that it gives migraines to anyone even walking by it. Fun first day, huh?

As for this weekend… I had lots of fun with Grandma and Julius… I will have to share some stories, if there are any. More news on the way, but probably not anything major until tomorrow; due to the office stuff.

I’ll see you in San Francisco

I am off to San Francisco for a couple of days, and will not be able to post anything (at least I don’t think I will), while I am there. I am going for work, so I doubt anything exciting will happen, but you never know, right? I will post something on the Alexander DVD release when I get back. Don’t buy the director’s cut in the mean time… I will tell you why! See you when I return.