Category: “pointless”

a new beginning: re-purposing a room

Well, the elliptical machine has been sold. I will actually kind of miss it, but I love the freedom that I feel has been bestowed upon me, now that it is in a new home. In case you are going, “what?”, then let me give you a little back story… First of all, we have a 3 bedroom bungalow, which isn’t small, but it really isn’t that big either. One of our bedrooms, the one just off of the living room, has always been used as a guest room. Got a visual? Alright… moving on…

James and I started to hate going to the gym, so something convinced us that we needed to plop down about $2000 on a piece of gym equipment, so that we could stop going to the gym. We got fat. Cut to a few months ago, when we decided to join the YMCA to get less fat; what would we do with the elliptical machine, now? It is just sitting there, unused! I KNOW! Let’s sell it and make the guest room, the new living room! That’s right, you heard me; I am making our guest room into our new living room!!! That doesn’t mean we will no longer be entertaining overnight guests, we still have another bedroom that has a full sized deluxe futon in it; and, we may even be able to be persuaded to buy an aerobed or something; so no need to fret.

But now, we will have a great comfy living room, and have enough room to have a full on dining room too!! I never thought the house would actually grow, but I totally feel like it has for me now. And in order to make it into a living room, we went out and bought ourselves a fancy sectional!! Check out the photos:

It is actually coming in that brownish color that you see on the piece of fabric draped over the chaise end in the second picture. I CAN’T WAIT TILL THIS BITCH IS IN MY HOUSE!!! It is down-filled!!! DOWNFILLED! I will definitely be falling asleep a lot more while watching movies in my new living room!!! AND, James and I will get to sit together on the same piece of furniture and be comfortable! Life is good!

Now, if I can only convince James that we need a much bigger, and more awesome TV…

lazy Saturday; just how I like it.

Today has been awesome. I really haven’t done anything at all. Why can’t every day be like this? James is in Savannah, so I have been lounging at the house alone. I watched Paris is Burning (fantastic documentary), and learned all about the New York City ball scene in the late eighties. It was really interesting to say the least, and it was a real blast from the past to hear names like Alexis Carrington and Christy Brinkley being referred to as fashion icons. I highly recommend it.

Other than that, I just ran some errands, which was pretty uneventful; well, other than the exchange I had when I got my Green Tea Frappuccino from Starbucks (yay! they are back!). I told the barista that I didn’t want the creme on top, and she responded with, “well, I’ll just eat your creme then”. Okay, you do that. I wonder if she got the sexual innuendo she was throwing my way with that one. Green Tea Frappuccino and sex talk. Thank you Starbucks.

I also saw a bunch of guys at the grocery store with prominent and visible tattoos… perhaps my “waiting” for my next one won’t be as long as I had previously thought. I may be getting one very soon. Stay tuned. Happy Weekend bitches! And thanks to Dave, Lori, Barry, and Rebekah for a KICK ASS time last night. I think that I drank my body weight in alcohol… and loved every minute of it. We should definitely do that again soon.

ONE MORE THING: A few people mentioned that they couldn’t tell a difference in my tweaks to the template, so click here to see what it used to look like.

oh well… can’t win ’em all, I guess

So, apparently, no one was moved by yesterday’s post. Not even enough for one comment. Did it suck that bad? Sigh… I fear that what it really is, is one of my biggest “no-nos” may have become reality; am I posting too many diatribes? Ugh, I certainly hope not; because that is the last thing I want. For both your sake, and mine.

So, in the spirit of keeping things interesting, and blatant attempts to have a diatribe-free Saturday, I thought I would include these little photos of Paul Walker. That’s right, I wanted to switch it up from Jake Gyllenhaal a little bit. This doesn’t mean I am cheating on Jake, but ever since I saw Into the Blue this past week (which, by the way, was actually a pretty decent movie), I have to say that Paul is one hot boy. No diatribe for today coupled with pictures of Paul Walker? How can this be wrong?

UPDATE: Since Brian asked so nicely, I thought I would give back a little to my straight male and lesbian readers. So, in the spirit of togetherness, I present, the smoking hot Jessica Alba, also from Into the Blue. I do admit, she is just as hot, if not hotter than, Paul Walker.

[as usual, I don’t claim these pics to be mine, yo.]

play that track one more time:
Beck – Devil’s Haircut

“it’s really coming down out there!”

Now, those of you that read the blog may remember the day that I got all pissy at people that look at you when you come in from the rain, notice that you are drenched to the core, and exclaim, “It’s really coming down out there!”. No shit, Sherlock. Luckily, no one has said that to me today. Perhaps, that is because I punched out one more notch on my official lesbian card, and bought a really nice North Face coat today. I even got it on sale and everything; even though the outlet mall excursion proved to have no North Face outlet, and no purchase of said coat, after all. Now, I can stay all warm and snug in my new Varius Guide jacket (see the picture, isn’t it pretty?) In true “gay boy” indecisiveness, I only had to ask two people’s opinions like 300 times. I am almost sure I got the right thing. Now, all I need to do, is stock up on my flannel, go to a few more Indigo Girls concerts, and send off for that mail order pussy, and I will be that much closer to becoming a full-fledged lesbian. I can’t wait.

You know it is a slow day when all you think about is a new coat purchase; that, and realizing that you don’t know the address to send your father’s birthday card to, since your parents have either moved, or are in the process of moving. Now I have to call home and get that address… hope the phone number is still the same! Hope everyone is having a dry Tuesday (which totally feels like Monday); if I think of anything else, you know I will bring it right to you.

gotta get moving…

We are getting ready to head up 400 into scary country, in order to see if there is anything we just can’t resist buying at the outlet mall. I am hoping for an adventure; but nothing TOO exciting. There is also a good chance that I will try to convince James that it is absolutely necessary for us to go to the Sweetwater Tour tonight. Again, looking for some adventure. Expect updates, maybe even drunken updates.

UPDATE: Not so much an adventure, as a disappointment. See, I had my heart set on a North Face coat; you know, to complete my transition into lesbian-hood… but no such luck, the North Face store closed at the outlet. So, if you know where I can get a great deal on a North Face coat, let this lesbo know. Also, we did go to Sweetwater, and, don’t tell anyone, I am a little tipsy right now! I love beer! And free glasses!!! WHOO HOO!

I don’t want to work! (thank goodness I’m off tomorrow!)

Today was your typical lounge around Sunday afternoon, and it couldn’t have come at a better time; I really need the R&R. We had brunch with an old friend, went looking for Mr Fangs, and managed to sneak in a work out just before the Y closed. Now, I am drinking a beer, getting ready to go to dinner with another friend. Man, I wish every day could be like this! AND! I have tomorrow off; what will you kids be doing tomorrow? Hope your weekend has been swell… Here’s one of my Mr Fangs I found today:

Any day that you find new Mr Fangs is a good day indeed. Why hasn’t he been chosen as the ATL mascot I ask you? Why?

we’re back from TN!

Glad to say that we made it back safely. First I went to TN for Xmas. Now, James’ mom is here till Thursday. Should I be nominated for sainthood? You be the judge.

Obligatory 10:26pm Update: I have had 2 martini’s, am making a third, and wanted to let you know, the night isn’t going half bad. I added a shit-ton of new banners for all my loverly viewers, many of which are from my trip to the aquarium; the pics from the trip should be up later tonight under the photographs page. Hope you enjoy. Muwah!

still not convinced, sorry!

After the post that I posted a couple of days ago about the waning support for the war, and lack of accountability that has been, or probably will be, attributed to Bush and the rest of the government; I must say that last night’s speech did little to stay my concerns. I still feel like things are going to hell, and have been for the past 3 years, and we need to wrap it up, and come on home. Let’s start focusing on what we are saying that matters (the people of Iraq), rather than our pocket books; let’s try focusing on the people. If we are truly going to rebuild, then let’s rebuild and then get out of there; even though we said we weren’t going to do that. Let’s not let anyone else die for this war. There are other pressing concerns that we must also focus on. Let us not forget that there is a potentially deadly flu pandemic that is sweeping its way closer and closer to our back yard each and every day, and I for one, think that this should be one of our main concerns. That is a situation where it is best to be over prepared, and we are no where near where we need to be with that one.

Thanks to everyone that commented on the aforementioned post, I do enjoy talking about things that are going on the world, sometimes. I honestly wondered just the other day, what I would do after Wednesday, when I finally see Brokeback Mountain; what will I have to blog about? (you bet I am going to review it… even if it is like the millionth review) I guess I have proven to myself that I have more to talk about than BBM and Jake (not that I ever REALLY thought that was all I talked about… but I mean, come on! It’s Jake Freaking Gyllenhaal we are talking about! How is that not something to want to always talk about? Exactly.)

As for my heat, it is going to be fixed today. That is a $700 Christmas gift right from the HVAC guy. Ho. Ho. Ho. At least I have Bobby and Whitney to cheer me up on Wednesday. Man this post is all over the place! But you know you like it!

Sing it with me now…
Kanye West – Bring Me Down
Lindsay Lohan – Confessions of a Broken Heart
Blur – The Universal

the weekend is fading away!

As I sit here on my Sunday night, I wonder, why the fuck can’t the weekend be three days long? Or four? Hell, why can’t I just get paid to think about going in to work, and instead, just continue sitting at home like it is the weekend? Sorry for the lame post, but I think that I am in need of some serious R&R. Luckily, I will be getting that… this week, I will have 2 days off, and I will be off on Monday. Nice. Christmas will come somewhere in there, but I won’t let that break my spirits. I have vodka and beer on standby.

I just need to rest. Would anyone want to pay me to do just that? God, I need to win the lottery… Hope you all are having a great weekend, and I will see you tomorrow!

“It’s nothing, they turned off my heat”

from iheartjakemedia.comI am still battling this damn sinus infection today, I just wish it would GO AWAY already! Also, my friend Deb and I were talking yesterday about how it was getting colder, and she was telling me all about growing up in England in a house were her room did not have central heating. Well, I experienced a little of that last night. Coincidental to our conversation, our heat has now stopped working, and we woke up to a frigid house this morning. Thank God for down comforters, right!? I think that something happened when they were under the house fixing the floors; here’s hoping that it is easy and inexpensive to fix. Ugh! It is always something with home improvement!!!!

On a different note; Brokeback finally opens in ATL today. It is only going to be at one theater (!!!), the Midtown Arts Theater in Midtown, which is one of the smallest theater’s they could have chosen for such a big movie! (to celebrate, I give you the cute Jake photo above!!) The queens are going to be swarming around that honey this weekend, so I think that James and I are going to hold our horses til Wednesday… Oh how I shiver with antici…… pation. Damn it, Janet! I want to see that movie NOW!