Category: funnies

fixing our wireless, and will someone please smack this ass?!

This past weekend, me and several friends ventured out to a new (as in, we had never been there new) bar called BJ Roosters for a friend’s birthday. He said that they normally had go-go dancers on Saturday night, but as it turns out, they had them on Friday night as well. While the whole “half naked dancing men on a bar” thing does nothing but make me a little uncomfortable, I looked at the situation as an adventure, and as such, proceeded to drink enough so as not to worry too much about it.

We settled in one of the little rooms, and not 2 minutes after we had taken our seats, one of the many strippers came into our room to “see what we were up to”. As he entered, wearing nothing but underwear, he asked enthusiastically, “what are you guys talking about in here?” as he jumped up on the table that sat between the two facing couches that we occupied. I told him that we were just talking about random stuff, and then he pulled out his dick, and asked me if we wanted to talk about that. Well, I never. I told him that he was more than welcome to talk about it, but I would pass, as I didn’t see a need to talk about his penis, being that it was his and all. Unsatisfied with my answer, he sought further approval from my other friends. After we all gave a pretty clear “we are not interested” series of responses, he felt the need to “get something” out of the encounter, and proceeded to bend over, pull down his underwear, and requested that I smack his ass. In fact, he said “smack it!” very forcefully at me. I politely declined, and then he turned to my friend Chris, and insisted that he “slap that ass!”. Chris also declined, which prompted him to ask, “damn, isn’t anyone gonna smack this ass?”, to which my friend Rich responded, “I will!”, and slapped the hell out of him. He seemed satisfied, so he pulled up the underwear and left us alone for the rest of the night.

It was definitely an interesting place. There was once “dancer” in particular who we watched intently; not because he was cute or good, but because he was so tweaked out of his mind that he was barely able to stand on the bar, let alone “dance”. It was a funny, but kind of sad sight to behold. Needless to say, he was the entertainment we enjoyed the most all evening.

The one saving grace of that place, was the amazingly hot bartender who totally gave me a “gay discount”. He looked a lot like Shayne Ward, and I was swooning over him all night. After seeing my tab, it appears I wasn’t the only one looking… or maybe he just mis-charged me… Either way, the boy was HOT.

Switching to a completely different topic, we finally got our wireless network back up and running last night, after James decided to reset everything on Monday without consulting me. He wiped out every setting, meaning that I had to re-set up everything; which wouldn’t have been a problem, if I knew all the settings I had put on it in the first place. On top of it all, after I set it up, the Xbox wouldn’t recognize the network no matter what I did. On a hunch, I suggested that we get a new router, and low and behold, the problem has been solved. Hooray for working technology; boo to partners that don’t consult you before messing something up that they themselves cannot fix. Oh well… all’s well that ends well, right?

reproductive fluids

I am taking Anatomy II this semester, and unfortunately, as with part one, there is a weekly 3 and a half hour lab that goes along with the course. So far, the lab hasn’t been that bad, albeit, it has been a little boring, because you really can’t “teach” anatomy, you just kind of go over it, if you know what I mean. This is strictly a memorization science, and as such, the lab class can be quite boring.

Last week in lab, however, the professor unknowingly made lab a laugh out loud riot. She was covering the digestive tract, and speaking about the epiglottis, which is the covering of the trachea that prevents food from going into the lungs when swallowing. As she is discussing the function of the epiglottis, this is exactly what she says:

“When you swallow, the epiglottis covers the trachea, and the reproductive fluids travel down through the throat, down the esophagus, and into the stomach.”

Then she realized what she said:

“Wait a second, did I just say reproductive fluids? That is not what I meant at all.”

Needless to say, by that point, I was almost in hysterics. You know how you are hit with a fit of laughter, and you are so overcome with silly that your laughter is silent, and almost impossible to contain? Like, you sit there, face turning redder, and eyes welling up with tears, and you worry that any second your head may explode, and the laughter will come spilling out? Well, that is exactly how I was. I couldn’t even look at my lab partner, who was laughing along with me.

What I did notice, was that no one else in the class thought it was funny that our professor had just described the throat and esophagus as being the route that reproductive fluids travel. Well, I guess she does have something there… I would assume that on certain occasions for certain people, the reproductive fluids actually do take that journey; I would just guess that they don’t do so routinely.

four years… and one month

James and I were talking this week about what we wanted to do today, to celebrate our four year anniversary.

It dawned on my just yesterday (!), that in actuality, our four year anniversary was LAST MONTH. So, here’s to four years and one month, since we both somehow forgot that our four year anniversary was actually last month.

I guess we have both been a little busy/distracted, eh? No matter… so long as we have each other. Here’s to many, many more!

Why me? Dammit, Coke, you’ve done it again!

I can’t believe that this is happening again.

Why me?

It is becoming more and more clear, that I must have a target painted on my chest that says, “hey Coca-Cola, feel free to fire at will.”.

Alas, unfortunately, what I speak of is not the first betrayal of my trust in tasty beverages. Coke has forsaken me in the past, and now, they have come back to re-open the wound. Although, it appears that this time, they seek to leave a permanent aching scar. This begs me again to ask, why, Coke, why do you do this to me?

To begin, we should probably reminisce for a moment, to gain a little perspective into the past betrayal I have fallen victim to. Back in November of 2005, I read that Diet Coke Vanilla, the tastiest tasty beverage in the world, was being phased out, to be replaced (as if) by Diet Black Cherry Vanilla. I was so devastated and hurt, that I wrote Coke a letter. My cries went unheard, and my pleas went unanswered. When Coke continued twisting the knife in my gut, I finally conceded defeat, and gave in to their demands; I bid farewell to my faithful friend, Diet Vanilla Coke. Fortunately, the wound healed, as Diet Black Cherry Vanilla proved to be an adequate, although definitely subordinate, replacement. Diet Black Cherry Vanilla was like a bandage on my wound (a second love, if you will), and over the years, it has truly healed, and I finally felt whole again.

I honestly thought, that I was on a plateau again. I could smell the flowers, breathe the air in peace, and enjoy tasty beverages again. I was me again. My faith in Coca-Cola was restored, and it showed me, that they had never truly left me, even though they had to hurt me in the process of showing me. But, I never expected, that again, we would be heading down this dark road. I never thought that Coca-Cola would stoop that low again, especially after I have proven time and again, that yes, I am loyal. Yes. I will stay. Yes. I do love you, Coke.

But I sit here, with a tear in my eye, to tell you, that a dark day has come once again. Three little words that should have meant excitement and the potential return of an old friend have left bitter feelings of betrayal once again: Vanilla Coke Zero. At first, I thought this was a new dawn for my old friend. A new, fresh start, in a place where I could proclaim my love openly and freely again, without fear of retribution. I hoped that I could once again frolic with my long lost tasty pal, Diet Vanilla Coke, but this time, it would have a new name, and a new look; but underneath have the same heart and soul that I had fallen in love with so long ago.

When I first saw the case of Vanilla Coke Zero, I gasped. It was like seeing an old friend after years of being apart. I couldn’t speak. I just stood there, welling up with excitement; this was going to be a good day. I could feel it. It wasn’t even on sale, but that didn’t stop me. I bought a case, put it in my car, and knew I was bringing an old friend home again. When I got there, I unloaded the car, and brought my friend inside, and made it comfortable amongst the other refrigerated items. The anticipation was very high, but I knew it was going to be worth it.

Several hours later, I was finally ready to be reacquainted with my old friend, and anxiously, I reached for a can. This was the time, I thought to myself. This is it. My hand was shaking as I popped the top, and in an instant, a sweet nectar was flowing from the can.

But what I felt wasn’t relief. It wasn’t a sense of togetherness, and reunion. It was a taste I had tasted before; the bitterness of betrayal. Only, this time, there was no light at the end of the tunnel. This “replacement” was no formidable, nor acceptable, equivalent to my new friend, Diet Black Cherry Vanilla. This new stranger was no friend at all. It was all a lie.

I asked myself, where was the vanilla flavor, the flavor that had gotten me through many nights of studying in grad school? Where was the sweet deliciousness that had quenched my thirst on many a hot Atlanta summer’s eve? Where was my desire that I had been longing for all these years? And perhaps most of all, I wondered, why would Coca-Cola give me false hope that they were bringing back a first love, when it was all a lie, and to make it worse, this new “beverage” will take away the new love too? I feel so alone.

The answers I seek are tragically simple. My love is lost. Forgotten. Tossed aside, and buried. Coca-cola has truly shit on our friendship. They have shown me that loyalty does not equal trust. Loyalty will be rewarded with second-rate less-than-tasty beverages that will phase out even your new friends, the friends that helped you recover after last time. Loyalty means nothing. And that truly hurts.

I can only hope, even though it is a small amount of hope, that Coca-Cola is still working towards perfecting this recipe, and that future shipments will contain more deliciously tasty vanilla flavor; because even through the cynical callous that has become my tastebuds, I can tell that there is at least a hint of it there. They want it to be there; even the name suggests that this is so. I, of course, want it to be there too. I can only hope, that it will be in the future.

Coca-Cola, listen to me, I beg you. Please. Please do not disappoint me, after this, your second betrayal. Please, send forth an adequate replacement for my new friend, who tried its best to replace my one true love. Please, for the sake of my tasty beverage enjoyment, think of us, those that provide you with the loyalty and brand recognition you desire, and give us what we need; a tasty, calorie free, truely vanilla coke. I pray my cries will be heard. But alas, at this moment, I am bewildered, lost, and afraid. I can only hope that the future will hold good things, but only time will tell. Only you have the power to truly fix this situation, and I will just have to wait and see if you will.

Yes, only time will tell.

fielding questions in the grocery store

Last night, after the gym, James and I stopped off at the Publix to pick up some necessities (i.e., booze), and I hear this woman behind me say, “excuse me gentlemen”. I usually don’t pay attention to people in places like the grocery store, because chances are, they aren’t talking to you, and you look like an idiot when you give them attention, or answer back. But in this case, she was talking to us, and I sort of half way turned around, and she continued to speak. “Excuse me, you guys look like you might know something about cars, and I need some advice, if you have a moment.”

So let me get this straight, we look like guys that might know something about cars? Is it the sweaty work out clothes we are wearing? Regardless of my inability to reasonably figure out what made us look more like two people to know about cars, we tried to help her with her problem. She needed some oil because her oil light was on, and was unsure what 10W30 vs 10W40 was, and so on. Well, we BSed our way through it (I know what MY car needs, okay!), and sent her happily on her way (don’t worry, it wasn’t all BS, we did tell her the essential, “don’t drive it much, and take it in for a change immediately”).

What I found hilarious about the situation, as did James, was that we were literally surrounded by lots of people when she approached us, and she felt that the only two gay men standing in the Publix were the ones that looked most likely to know about cars. Well, at least we look butch to someone; even if it is only because we were guys, and at the moment she needed “man’s” advice, we happened to be right in front of her. Funny stuff, I tell ya.

Also, Dreamgirls is on DVD today. Needless to say, I am getting that movie, and will be having a little musical fun tonight. Yay Jennifer Hudson!

hey troops:

Here’s what we Americans have to say about respect, honor, and your service for our country:

FUCK YOU! Enjoy your extended stay in HELL! BWUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Great news, and support, courtesy of Mr. Robert Gates; true supporter of the troops and visionary of peace.

The preceding message is sponsored by the Robert Gates is an effing douchebag campaign. Also sponsored in part by Capitol Hill Idiots Union; “when you need an idiot, look no further than Capitol Hill! We got ’em by the bushel!”

But hey sad clown, don’t fret, because you know, we do have a guy watching out for you for reals! AWWWW YEAH!

Mr John McCain backs you, troops, and points out how us Democrats are the evil forces that have turned their backs on you! He believes things in Iraq are going so great that there is no reason the Democrats should deny the senseless oil war you are dying for more money, and allow the big ass mistake of a war to go on! Cool! In fact, Mr McCain has personal knowledge and proof that Iraq is safer, now more than ever! Knowing this information should make you feel okay about sticking around longer, as Mr. Gates has decided for you, because it means that you guys are in a safer place, so no need to fret, right?! Hooray, joy and love in Baghdad! We are winning the senseless, initiated under false pretenses, oil war, and violence is coming to a halt; DESPITE everything you hear about it increasing!! No more soldiers are dying! No more people are dying! It is fucking party in Baghdad time!

But don’t get all sloppy now, because remember that things could quickly slip away from us. Remember that bastard Saddam??? Remember how we gave him all that money and all those guns and shit? Yeah, that kinda blew up in our faces, so we don’t want the cleaning up of that mess to bother us again. Four years into a senseless war waged under false pretenses and lies is a long time to put into this, and now that we have re-established the peace, the peace that we caused to be taken away, you can’t forget the journey you have endured. But live it up! Because we appreciate your efforts so much, that we will continue to ignore your needs for combat training and appropriate materials, because hey, that’s how we show you we care! And don’t worry, sure the Republicans will continue to blame us silly Democrats for taking away these things, even though you were never getting them before, but again, don’t worry! According to Mr. McCain, things are fine anyway, so you shouldn’t even need it anymore. In fact, you are probably just going to be hanging out there forever, but that is nothing to worry about, since things are going so fetchingly! Rock!

But since you are there for a while longer, and have nothing to do since things are so safe and awesome, make sure to do yourself a favor and take in some culture. And don’t forget to pick up your cheap ass carpets! Only a dollar each! What a deal! Also, enjoy your extended stay in Baghdad, which is now the closest thing to a peaceful Indiana marketplace on the planet; that is, other than an actual Indiana marketplace in Indiana! Woo Hoo! Nothing else to worry about, other than sun tanning and enjoying that fabulous desert heat (darn, too bad the beach isn’t nearby… then it would be paradise! aw shucks). God, it must be great to be deployed… And it must be super awesome to know that a Republican candidate for president has your back! Shit, if he wins, I am sure you will get to enjoy more awesome deployment time!! Stay safe (but you don’t need to, since it is sooooooo safe there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)!!! War is awesome!

This glimmer of awesome news is courtesy of Mr. “totally awesome humanitarian” McCain. Work it!

The preceding message is sponsored by the John McCain must be smoking some serious amounts of crack if he thinks he has a snow cone’s chance in hell of getting elected as the POTUS campaign. Also sponsored by the “shut the fuck up McCain, because you are a completely and utter dumbass” fund.

be wary of trusting little dogs…

sniff!So last night, James was a sweetie and made us meatloaf for dinner. While we were waiting for it to cook in the oven, James was playing Rome on his PC (which he does a lot these days), and I was editing new banners for my site. Once the meatloaf was done, James fixed us plates, and set them aside to cool, while we went about our computer distractions.

What I didn’t know, was the he took one of the plates into the TV room, and put it on the ottoman, which is just low enough for little Sydney to reach his little mouth up over.

After about 5 or 6 minutes of being totally distracted, James decided that the meatloaf was cool enough to eat, so he set off into the kitchen to get his plate, while I remained diligently editing at my computer. Upon entering the kitchen, he realized and remembered that the other plate remained in the living room.

It was at that same moment, that he realized Sydney had been missing for the past 5 or 6 minutes as well. Suddenly, I hear, “Oh my God!”, come from the TV room.

I quickly got up to run to James’ aid, only to find Sydney licking his lips, and licking the plate of meatloaf that was sitting on the ottoman.

He had eaten about half of the portion before he was discovered, and managed to drop enough of it on the floor to leave a lasting reminder of his little sneaky theft.

Next time we have meatloaf, or any meal for that matter, I will make sure to have James refrain from taking a plate of food into the TV room, and leaving it there unsupervised. Little Sydney might wander off and find it.

It will also be important to realize when he has wandered off, because he only disappears when he has gotten into something that he shouldn’t have. He’s done it before, you know.

Here’s a picture of the aftermath:
The aftermath
Silly little dog.

God doesn’t hate anyone, Donnie

Earlier this morning, I saw a link on a friend’s LJ to a website that listed “gay bands” that should be avoided (at least according to the anti-gay website). While the list is certainly funny, like how they write “(really gay)” next to Elton John’s name, and how the Indigo Girls made it on there twice (perhaps because there are two of them?), curiosity over things like this got the better of me, and so I thought I would take a look at what the rest of this site had to offer. After clicking through a few different pages (including the safe artist list; which includes Cyndi Lauper, so I guess they don’t know about her love for the gays), I got pretty much what I was expecting; the same old song and dance that should always be expected from these anti-gay “preachers”. All they have to offer is hate, hate which they disguise in the word love.

What I did find interesting about this particular “ministry”, is that Donnie Davies, the founder of the CHOPS program (more on that in a moment), is a self-professed “reformed homosexual”. Here’s what he has to say:

I am in fact a Reformed Homosexual and I’m trying to let people know that there is an escape from being Gay. By letting people know that “God hates a Fag” I am doing Gods work, I’m preaching.

When I was in highschool I kept having feelings for the boys I was in school with. Often I would let these feelings take over. I got into lots of trouble when I was Gay.

I stopped listening to secular music and started going to my fathers church services. I was so miserable, being gay, something had to happen. I found Jesus! I found Jesus and He showed me the way. The right way to live that is. Loving, Gods Way!

(from his website)

According to Donnie, who also cites his personal hero as being Oscar Wilde, who he mistakingly thinks also denounced homosexuality, by saying that “God Hates Fags”, he is actually spreading “Love”. But Donnie, you professed that you were a “Fag” in high school… so does that mean God hates you? Of course not! Because God doesn’t hate anyone… at least, not anyone that “chooses” to go against the ways of homosexuality! Eureka! What a revelation, Donnie. I am so happy that there are people out there like you with their tiny little minds, and their even smaller grasp of grammar and language to proselytize about your narrow-minded beliefs, bringing other narrow-minded automatons into your little program of hate.

And what a program it is. Donnie has developed what he calls CHOPS; Changing Homosexuals (into) Ordinary People. The logo, which I got at his website, just gives me a hard on looking at it. Seriously, this thing is homo-genius! The devil is in your underpants, but God is in your mind! I am almost on my way to being saved! Coming down from my cynicism, and despite the uber-gay logo, I don’t see how his “innovative” “new” strategy of forcing God down my throat to make me hate myself is going to “change” me, or anyone into an “ordinary” person (I already am ordinary?!). Perhaps there is something I don’t know… like maybe Donnie is a wizard or something, because according to his site, he implies that his program has the ability to change the feelings you have towards people of the same sex, and help you to stop acting on those feelings. I mean, he did it! To be honest, that sounds like magic to me, because I am pretty sure that Donnie’s program won’t do anything more teach the same self-hatred he has had for himself all these years. I would love to ask him if he still feels sexual feelings about other men, because I can bet the farm he does (and remember Donnie, lying is a sin!).

What you forget, Donnie, is that according to your Bible, God doesn’t hate “fags” (in fact, I don’t think that word is in the Bible), and He actually says that he loves everyone… oh wait, that’s Jesus, but since Jesus is God, there is no need to split hairs. Perhaps God may hate things like ingrown hairs, mosquitoes, and melted ice cream, but I am pretty sure he doesn’t hate homosexuals; because if he created us, how could an infallible God (under the Bible’s definition) do something wrong? Whatever God said and did is why we are here the way we are, right? And he isn’t wrong, right? So being gay is a-okay! Right? In fact, he probably doesn’t hate those other things either… since, according to your Bible, He created them!! Woohoo! God is awesome. God likes everything. What a swell supreme being. I sure as hell am glad he made me the way I am!! Thanks dude!

Seriously, I don’t care whether you “agree” with homosexuality or not, Donnie, but at least have the guts to stop hiding behind religious oppression, as an excuse for your natural feelings about men (trust me… been there, done that. Not fun). If you don’t want to act on them, fine, but don’t go around spreading hateful messages about those of us that choose to act on our natural feelings. Well, you know what, actually, I take that back. You should go on doing what you are doing, because if you keep it up in the way that you have started (via the spotty, poorly developed website), the majority of people that can think for themselves will just see you as an idiot anyway; especially those that have any level of education, and have a reading level above the 2nd grade.

I honestly feel sorry for people like Donnie, who just can’t be happy, and because of their denial and self-hatred, have to “go on a mission” to “save” the world from the thing they are most afraid of: being themselves. Why don’t you just focus on making the world a better place for everyone, without the hate part, Donnie? Because I am pretty sure that would be more of what God would want. I just hate that there are people out there that will think programs like this can change them, and so they will go down that road of self hatred, right along with Donnie. What I wouldn’t give to help people realize that being gay is okay; I know that someone helping me would have been great… luckily, I came to be happy with myself on my own.

A final aside: I find it incredibly hilarious that this site (his ministry site) goes on and on about censorship, because MySpace took down his hateful site, when one of the main goals of people like Donnie is to stop certain things from reaching the public (via things like free speech and freedom of expression). I for one am glad to see that MySpace does have some standards in the content (well, that may be going a bit far) they allow, but do believe that Donnie has the right to say what he wants; so long as he realizes that with the right to freedom, you get the whole shebang… not just the little niche that protects racists and bigots from screaming their hate all over the world. (which a lot of you pointed out when I got all pissy about the anti-gay billboard)

I wrote this post mainly because it was a silly example of the craziness that goes on in this world, and I had a good laugh at the ignorance of this person; and thought you might as well. I honestly feel sorry for Donnie, and others like him, because one of the worst things you can do to yourself is deny who you are and turn that into self hatred. What a pity.

the christian thing to do is… (thoughts of Ted Haggard)

Here’s what I predict to be a sample of Ted Haggard’s thoughts over the past few days, and especially now. He is probably telling himself that he is doing the right thing, and there is nothing to see here folks. He is reminding himself that he is a good Christian, and there is nothing to worry about.

Here’s a probably example of some of those thoughts:

— “Alright, Ted, don’t lie, but don’t offer up information about what I have done. See, if I don’t say that I have done it, it technically isn’t a lie. If they do start to spin something that I have said as a lie, make sure and cover that up by quickly back pedaling, and showing everyone that I actually didn’t do what they are suggesting, and I maintained my christian ways. I did the right thing, and what they are suggesting is wrong. Seriously. I told the truth, and if there are any more questions, I will answer them. Or not. I may need to change that, or some of those answers. But I didn’t technically lie. Did I?

— “There is nothing wrong with buying drugs, technically; I was curious about buying them. So, I bought the meth, and just looked at it. It reminded me of the snow that fell on Jesus’ birthday. But I didn’t do the meth, because that’s wrong. Thinking about doing it is also a sin, so I am pretty sure I threw it away before I began to think those thoughts. Seriously. Buy the meth, look at the meth, and then throw it away, and you are safe. And I am pretty sure that’s how it happened. Pretty sure.”

— “There is absolutely nothing unChristian about a massage. They have been doing those for a long time. Since the formation of the earth over 2000 years ago. So, I can get a massage from a gay escort. There is no harm in that. He just comes over, massages me, and goes. Seriously, I am almost fully clothed. I don’t even recall wanting him to use oil. I remember that I told myself that I won’t even think about the guy. In fact, I hoped he was ugly, that way, I can focus on the deep tissue massage. The massage is just for soothing my muscles. After he does the massage, he will leave. See, problem solved. So what that he is a gay sex worker, he also dabbles in massage. He is entrepeunerial. That is a good thing. Foster growth in your business. There is nothing wrong with that. And there is nothing wrong with a man caressing my tight muscles. Nothing at all.”

— “Don’t be judgemental, because that is in the bible. Jesus doesn’t allow us to judge, and so I don’t, right? In fact, none of us Christians do. YEAH! That’s right. Also, I should remember to be sure and stand true to all of the morals that I preach about, and stay far away from immoral activities like lying, gay sex, and doing methamphetamine. Because those are bad. Okay, so I will work on this one. I technically didn’t do any of them, really, but that is besides the point. I just want to be better. God will forgive me, even though I didn’t do anything wrong, and all will be good. You’ll see. Also, remember that this doesn’t really make me a hypocrite either. See Ted, remember that things are still on track. You’ve still got your wife, and things will be fine. God is watching over you buddy. No need to fret.”

Yeah. No need to fret.


Aside: I personally don’t care what he (or anyone for that matter) does in their bed room, sexually or whatever; so long as it is among consenting adults. I don’t think meth use is good, because it is the most addictive drug out there, and it is basically driving the HIV epidemic. So, I don’t really care if this guy did have gay sex, and I don’t really care if he used meth (I just hope no one does, but I can’t make that decision for anyone); I just think it is interesting that these high and mighty “all moral” “all right and good” ever-judgemental and bigoted against gays Christians finds himself being accused of doing the very things he supposedly preaches against. Yes, it makes him a hypocrite, but it is honestly kind of sad that he had to hide behind the ministry, and it had to end up this way, when he could have just accepted his (potential) homosexuality, and actually lived a happy life. But, remember, there is a cure, you know. Only problem, is that it is called denial.