Atlanta Pride 2005

I just wanted to post a quick post, to be expanded later, about the wonderful Pride weekend that I just had! As many know, to all those under a rock, listen up, it was Pride weekend in Atlanta this past weekend, and to celebrate, we participated in many of the festival’s activities. On Thursday, we saw Mommie Dearest. On Friday, we saw the Indigo Girls, live in the park, followed by going out. On Saturday, we went to the park and then went out late, late, late. On Sunday, we dragged ourselves to the parade, where it rained the entire time, and then hung out in the park, until we were so tired we had to go home and crash. Sounds like I need a weekend to get over my weekend.

I will be posting some pictures of the parade, as well as giving a more detailed description later on, when I am not so bored/sleepy.

One thing that I really do want to say is this: Pride really is about being proud of who you are, no matter who you are. Throughout this weekend, as I spent time with my close friends, and enjoyed the festival, I had this overwhelming sense of happiness. That sense came from seeing how many people were there, being themselves, and just enjoying who they are. There were a ton of people (I think around 300k), and all of them, sans a few evil religious-right protesters, were there to celebrate love and unity. We all came together, each of us different sharing something in us that was the same, in celebration of that very thing that made us different from everyone else. We celebrated what has been used to hurt us. We let ourselves be proud of what others have taught us we should hate. We came together to love ourselves and each other. And we did it with style. For me, it always is, and always will be, an awe-inspiring experience, and all I can say is: I need to rest up, for I know where I will be again, next year, and every other year from then on. HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE!!!

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