Tag: list

june’s ending, so here’s a list

There have been several little things going on with me lately, but nothing big, so I figured a list would do the trick. Here we go:

  • As I mentioned a few times, we got a PS3 earlier in June. Yesterday, I noticed that they had a bundle with Little Big Planet (the game I bought the same day I got the PS3) and Wall E included (for the same price I paid for just the system). I went to Best Buy and asked for my copy of LBP and Wall E, and they said I’d have to return the system; so I did. I got $65 store credit for my opened copy of LBP, $30 store credit for Wall E, and a new PS3. Saving almost $100 was well worth me going back home, packing up that massive system and taking it back in. I think sometimes that I probably pay too much attention to ads and deals, but when things like this happen, I just pat myself on the back for being so aware.
  • After some discussion at brunch yesterday, I decided it was time to whiten my teeth again. I have the custom trays, but they hurt my gums, so I have been avoiding them for quite a while now. The Crest White Strips were recommended to me, so I picked up some of the Pro Effects strips today. I hope they work, as I have been feeling like the bright white smile I used to have has been a little dull lately.
  • On my ongoing attempt to become a nurse: I applied to Georgia Perimeter’s associates program again, and this time, I actually had the appropriate Transfer student status!!! If I get in, I am jumping on that opportunity, and definitely starting that program. I also applied to Kennesaw AGAIN, and was able to fix the whole “out of state” situation (which, as it turns out, was just a mistake). So here’s hoping I get in there; because going straight for the BSN would obviously be ideal (I would probably transfer the classes I take at GPC, if I get in there, to KSU). Either way, the baby steps are still being taken, and I hope that some big kid steps are in my near future.
  • The bathroom (I know, I know) is like 99.7345% done. Pictures soon, I PROMISE. Part of the problem, was that I decided to paint the other one, and get a new medicine cabinet for it too; which has obviously meant way more work for me.
  • James doesn’t like the idea, but I am definitely thinking that we need to get a pool. It is too fucking hot, and I think that our friends would want to come over and swim! I LOVE pools, and even if it is only a ~5ft deep pool, it would make summer so much more fun. It may also motivate me to get to gym more often and be less of a fat fuck. (I recently started back at the gym, so I am hoping that dream will become a reality).
  • I think that’s all for now.

tuesday january 20

Tuesday, January 20, 2009… a historical date? Looks like it. As someone who is definitely proud to have voted for Barack Obama, I can say that it is pretty cool to have our first black president taking the oath this morning (now, when is spell check going to be updated to recognize his name?). While everyone is a flutter with excitement, I can’t help but just be happy, and nothing more. I have been going through some personal stuff lately, and while I am okay (don’t worry, people!), I am still very ho hum and a bit depressed. Here’s a few random updates so you can get a feel for what’s going on in duaneland these days:

  • I hate when people talk about the weather like it’s a revelation. Yes, I noticed it was cold outside, because I walked through the brisk wind to get into the building; just like you did. Now, can we go back to not talking? There were two women talking at the gas pump this morning about how cold it was, and well, they were just annoying. Maybe I’m just annoyed too easily by things like this, but it is like I have said before, any time you want to point out the completely obvious, just know that you are opening yourself up to my ridicule.
  • James and I have been talking about the wedding, and honestly, the whole thing has caused us to have to re-think the entire event. Yes, we are still moving forward, but I don’t know what’s actually going to happen, nor do I know when. So, just stay tuned.
  • I’ve seen some really entertaining movies lately. That’s always a good thing.
  • I think a lot of my funk has to do with this snail’s pace that life seems to be taking for me, especially with regards to keeping the whole nursing thing going. After not getting into the accelerated program, I have just been met with more and more frustration, but I am determined to keep going. I am applying to two different programs for Fall, so fingers crossed, I will keep moving this juggernaut forward. It’s hard not to feel like Sisyphus right now, which again, is probably a huge part of my frustration/depressive state.
  • Apathy is a motherfucker. It’s got me by the balls right now, and I can’t figure out how to shake it. It makes me think of my friend Michael’s tag line on his LJ; fight apathy! or not… So funny, but so true.
  • I feel like I am just coasting right now, and I think that is part of the problem. I am working on it, but I just wish everything wasn’t an uphill battle. Is it so bad that one might want to just stay in bed all day?!
  • After having issues with my iPod Touch, I decided to restore it, and now, it seems a lot happier, and appears to be working normally. I just wish Apple products weren’t so bitchy when you use them with windows. Seriously, Apple, we like you, but don’t punish us because we cannot afford your amazing, but expensive, computers too.

Enough doom and gloom… I just thought it would be beneficial to get some of this stuff out. I hope everyone has a fantastical inauguration day. Congratulations to the Obama’s is certainly in order, and I for one, hope that the nation gets better because of the fact that they are taking the reigns from here.

a bit of freelisting on Monday

Well, I have thoughts running through my head this morning, but none of them that I could elaborate a whole post on, so I figured a free list would be a great idea! Let’s get started.

  • After a great weekend spending time with my friend, and attending her great wedding, I had to wait almost 5 hours in the airport because of delays. Boo to that. Either way, the weekend was a blast. It is funny how reconnecting with old friends can be such an amazing time. I’m glad her wedding went so well (even though it was rained out, and we couldn’t have it on the beach), and I fully expect her to be at mine… that is, if we ever have one *james… hint hint*.
  • Tattoo news: I am going to go and get a Sparrow tattoo this weekend, if all works out accordingly. Where should I get it?? I am seriously torn. I also might sign up for a consultation on another half sleeve… I want a phoenix and a Ganesha… stay tuned!
  • The Vampire Weekend CD is great. It gets better with each listen. Seriously, check it out.
  • After hearing the lead single from Death Cab for Cutie’s new record, I am a little worried. I hope that I like it as much as I love their previous work…
  • While at my friend’s wedding this weekend, I met some of her friends which are Atlanta locals. They had a really cool point and shoot that they actually got for the lucky married couple as a gift as well. After playing with their camera, I think that I am going to go and get it… today. It isn’t “better” than mine, it is just more of what I want. So what does that mean??? Well, that means that my perfectly fine 6MP Panasonic FX-01 is for sale, if someone wants it. It is a great camera, and I would be willing to part with it for $100 (much less than I paid for it). I will also throw in a 256MB memory card for free!! (hey, it isn’t much, but it’s something). Anyone interested? I have the box and all the stuff it came with. Let me know.
  • I wish that I were independently wealthy (big surprise), so that I could go on a real vacation. I went to drop my friend and her new husband off for their cruise before hitting the airport, and I now REALLY REALLY want to go on a cruise myself. I think that James and I may have to do that sometime in the near future.
  • This makes me really, really sad. Seriously, enough is enough. Bring them home. I support each and every troop that has been, that is there, and that will go overseas for us; I just want them home safe, and soon.
  • I had to be the respondent to test an interview instrument today, and I was reminded how interesting our jobs must seem to the outside… I mean, we talk about explicit sex for work!!! It certainly makes you at least smile!
  • Is it bad that Zombie Jesus, or the thought thereof makes me giggle? I mean, he kind of was a zombie, wasn’t he?? Maybe that’s blasphemous, but whatever. Did everyone have a great Easter?? I didn’t really do anything to celebrate; in fact, I had brunch with about 15 Jewish people (my friend’s husband is Jewish), so I guess I REALLY didn’t do anything for Easter.
  • Apparently, I look better with weight on me. At least, that is what everyone in my friend’s family said, after having not seen me for a few years. While it is nice to hear, I still can’t help but feel a little fat.
  • I guess that’s it for me… but what’s going on in your world??? Anything you want to talk about? It’s Monday, so I am sure that there are plenty other bored folks out there… am I right?