Category: “pointless”

wait a second…

What do you mean that the weekend is OVER?

That was fast! However, it was a great weekend. Fun times with good friends. That’s how every weekend should be!! Not much else to report here… just plugging along with my Stats homework, wondering what the first Anatomy test will be like, and hoping that I do well in all of my classes from here on out.

I kind of feel a little “in the fog” today, which I hope will pass soon. There’s nothing fun about drifting through the fog, waiting to see what will happen next.

I have started working out again too, and I have to say, I have felt like I have been hit by a train for a few days now. I also can’t wait for that to end…. But I am back to the treadmill tonight! I will make it stick this time!!

giving in, one web app at a time

Nikki recently joined facebook amongst the others; and alas, so have I. Not only that, I find myself on twitter, yelp, flickr, livejournal, netvibes, and a host of other great web apps. I still never gave in to myspace, which I have say, is not something that I am ever going to join, EVER.

With that being said, facebook is pretty awesome; there is a ton to actually do and look at. I foresee lots of time spent on there. At least it is another corner of the internet that can entertain me. I have added links to my profiles at twitter, livejournal, facebook, etc in the “more than just a blog” column on the right over there; so go, check it out, and add me as a friend if you so desire.

I am not going to post those links in this post (even though that would probably be convenient) because I am lazy. Also, I listening to the Silversun Pickups (again), and the song “Well Thought Out Twinkles” may be one of the best songs EVER. Seriously. Awesome.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday, well, at least as relaxing as mine has been. Now… only to decide whether to go or not to go to the gym…

whatever you want

What’s going on with ya’ll these days? There isn’t much going on that I can see in the way of news, so I guess this is a blog post for the sake of having a blog post.

Feel free to stop in and say hello, give words of wisdom, ask me questions that are burning your brain; whatever you want. This post is open to all of you, as I am pretty devoid of actual contribution today because of the lack of anything going on.

Hope that your day is awesome, and I look forward to hearing from you, or not… it’s up to you!

is there anything else?

So yeah, I felt like I had a while ago, but now I really believe that it has finally happened; I have hit the end of the internet. I have seen everything that I could “stumble upon” (no relation to the site… but maybe I should check that out?), and I only have about 4 or 5 websites that I drift back and forth on throughout my day. Of course, it is the staples like flickr, digg, the news channels, my site, etc; but that’s it. I don’t watch videos on you tube because my computer has no sound and I share an office. Also, I listen to my ipod, so it is silly to watch videos with no sound; so that site’s out. What else is there? Is there something amazing that has new fresh content every day that I need to be seeing? Is there something that I am missing? Because it seems that even the regular bloggers don’t blog everyday, so again, there is a lack of new and fresh stuff. As such, I find myself clicking through flickr throughout the day, over and over again. So, tell me what you guys look at, and what engages you on these internets; because I feel like I am either missing it, or I have already seen it, and that’s all there is to that.

I said oops, up side the head

I said oops up side the head!

Yeah, I am in a silly mood. I have noticed though, as it has come to my attention several times, that I do seem to ask for the fight here on my blog. I mean, I know that I am just putting my opinions out there, but apparently, I attract a certain type of person that wants to disagree at all costs. I am not saying that there is anything wrong with this, but it is just an observation. I guess I should own up to the part I play in the whole “asking for it” portion of most of the arguments I get into on here. I can’t help it really, because I really do passionately believe what I write, and it is hard for me to just let it go when someone says something that I believe is wrong; especially when they are refuting my opinions which I believe are based on facts.

This is not a personal attack on anyone; it is simply an observation of MY part in the whole “asking for it” thing. I don’t care if you agree with me or not, really, I just felt like it needed to be said (mostly for me).

Other than that, not much going on today. I have just been slumming around the house, and strangely enough, 3 hours just went by, and I really didn’t even notice. Some of that time was spent trying to edit my CSS page for this blog, only to be met with frustration, because most of the changes I tried to make didn’t do anything. I still can’t figure out why, because built the CSS for my last template, but I can’t seem to figure this one out. Oh well… not a big deal I guess. I did add a new more fun icon for the default gravatar, and made the other ones bigger. Sometimes, it’s the little things, you know? I am going to go and relax in front of the TV, and enjoy the rest of the afternoon.

Update on the sewer: Everything was totally done yesterday!! I am so happy it was as painless as it was. They did find out though, that our septic tank is under the deck, which is only a minor problem. See, there really aren’t permits or regulation laws regarding them in Georgia, so technically, it can just be left there once it is pumped out. Which is good, because I really don’t want them to have to tear off our back deck. Hopefully, they will get the new sod in soon, and we can have a normal back yard again. I am just happy we didn’t have to spend one dime to get hooked up the sewer… we just saved thousands of dollars! ROCK!

OCD gets the best of me…

Kinda like Sophie Ellis Bextor, but with less panache. Basically, I have spent most of the afternoon organizing my iTunes library, so the damn album art will show up when you are playing the song on my ipod. You would be surprised at how many you have to manually put in there. At least I figured out how to do multiple items at the same time… that was uber frustrating at first.

Today has been pretty productive, I guess, because there is nothing like a little order to make things all better. We babysat for a good friend this morning, and ever since, the relaxation and organization have been a good team.

The only way it could be any better, is if I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow… but I guess you can’t have everything, right?

Since I have been spending so much time in front of iTunes today, I picked up several new CDs to check out. Here’s the list:
Mark Ronson – Version
James Morrison – Undiscovered
Ray Lamontagne – Trouble
Fall Out Boy – Infinity On High
Linkin Park – Minutes To Midnight
Arcade Fire – Neon Bible
Melee – Angels and Demons

So far, on initial listens, I am liking a lot of what I am hearing. As always, let me know what you are checking out! Share and share alike, right?


I feel like I am disconnected from my body, and I am just on the inside looking out while it moves forward with the day to day routine. It is definitely a weird feeling, and it just makes me feel terribly uncomfortable, being disconnected from myself.

I don’t feel out of control, I just feel powerless. I feel run down, like someone forgot to charge me or something. I don’t like this feeling, and hope it goes away soon.

Someone egged my car last night, too. WTF is that about? I mean, it is just a random fucking Wednesday, and you egg my car? James is going to check the camera archive to see if there is video of it. If there is, then I will you tube it, and put it on here for all to see. Perhaps we can even make out who did it, which would at least be cool to see who the jerks are. Either way, it isn’t that big of a deal, but it just pisses me off. I just don’t understand why people have to destroy or vandalize other people’s stuff. I never did anything like that when I was a kid or a teenager, and I just don’t get the motivation behind it. I hope whatever they needed to get from egging my car was achieved, and hope that they don’t need to do it again.

I also got my new ipod skin, and I don’t know how I feel about it. It is pretty, but it is almost slippery; and it isn’t the iskin that I had. I don’t like change. Either way, there will be pictures post haste on flickr. No buyers remorse or anything, just a period of adjustment. It seems that everything is turning into a period of adjustment.

Tonight is the APWBWGTTD, so I hope that I feel more connected and like myself before then. If not, I might just skip it. I don’t like being in this state, and it certainly doesn’t add to being comfortable around others. I guess we’ll see where it goes over the next few hours.

Ugh. Meeting in 30 minutes. I should have stayed in bed.

on a high

Who needs anti-depression meds when you can just buy things!?! Seriously, I feel so bouncy and happy today, all because I have some shiny new things at home. It doesn’t come from the items themselves, but it was the actual “getting new things” that does it. It could have been anything. But this boy loves his technology, and I got a hefty dose of it.

And yes, I did need a new ipod. At least, that is what I keep telling myself. LOL I did order this kick ass skin for it from (papaya wrap with the mandarin band, in case you were curious). I was going to go with my tried and totally trusted iskin, but the motherfuckers decided not to make orange cases anymore, and I am sorry, but that is just rude. I was holding out hoping that they would eventually add orange to their colors, like they always had, but no dice. They should realize that not everyone likes generic blue, red, pink, white, green, etc.; some people actually like vibrant colors, and ifrogz has my back. I can’t wait for it to arrive. I might have to just use to the old ipod until the case arrives, so that I won’t scratch up my new baby. Oh yeah, his name is Charlie. How cute is that?

As for the computer, I am IN LOVE with Vista. Perhaps, I am more in love with the fact that my computer actually does what you want when you click on something now. And it does it fast. When you drag a set of mp3s to make an itunes playlist, it takes less that 1/2 of a second, before, it took like 20 seconds. No lie. HUGE improvement. I don’t know why I waited so long to get a new PC, but I am glad that I finally did. Vista is pretty, but a bit muddled, as they make simple tasks difficult to figure out. It took me like 20 minutes to map my home network; although, to give it credit, it jumped right on the network upon just plugging in the ethernet cord. I guess you can’t have everything. I am going to attempt to burn a DVD tonight, and hope that it goes smoothly; after all, that was one of the reasons I wanted a new PC.

That’s about it for me today; it is difficult to concentrate, but that isn’t a bad thing… I am riding that retail therapy high. It feels really good. I can’t wait to get home and organize my music on my new PC, as I discovered that MOST of the music on my other ipod isn’t on my hard drive anywhere. Oh well… something for me to do! I also want to get some videos on there, that will be cool.

James is on spring break this week, and will be leaving me and Sydney all alone from Wednesday to Sunday. If there is anyone out there that wants to do something, this is the week to do it, because I will have access to lots of free time. Anyone interested in doing something one, two, or all of those nights?? Let me know! I am ready to hang, ya’ll!

Hope your Monday is going well!

what I was going to say was…

I was going to write another post about global warming today, because I seem to be in a debate with people that continue to believe that not only does it not really exist, but that we have no impact on what we do in the world. I posted one of the longest comments I have ever written on that post, and I am spent, so if you want to, check it out. I will write about it again soon, though, because I am just surprised that there are people that don’t think that anything we do has an impact on the environment. That just blows my mind. Seriously, we can’t all be ostriches with our heads in the sand forever, can we? I really hope not; especially since there is compelling science that shows global warming and climate change are happening more rapidly now than ever. But whatever, if you don’t believe it, I guess that is where you stand. I just hope you are ready for the consequences, or, I guess I hope you prepare your children for them, because it’s going to happen whether you believe it or not. I also know that I have been writing really long posts lately, and I apologize for that… for some reason, I have a lot to say lately. Now that I have that out of the way, I am going to post what I really wanted to talk about today in a different post (as to make it a little smaller).