Category: movie musings

thanks and thoughts

I wanted to say thanks to everyone that sent well wishes and stuff the other day; I was just in a weird spot, and I honestly was thinking too much for my own good. I have this incredible ability to let something minuscule turn into a huge festering thing in my mind, all because I focus too much on it. I am working on that, but it is part of what I learned in how to deal with people when I was growing up. Some of that stuff never goes away, and you just have to deal with it; perhaps that is why I find that I do get let down when I expect too much from people. My parents were good at letting me down, and yet, I naively always believed that the next time, they wouldn’t; which unfortunately, almost always ended in disappointment. I am working on getting out of that, but for now, I can only go at this pace. Thanks for listening, understanding, and being here.

Sydney is doing better, although he is very lethargic and doesn’t want to move around much. I am hoping that by the end of the weekend, he is back to his normal, energetic self. I don’t like seeing him in any pain, because he really is my “baby”, and I love him so much. I am just glad that his tests came back normal, and it appears to just be a case of upset tummy. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts about him, as well.

Other than that, there isn’t really much going on in the way of “stuff” right now. I am still in a little bit of a weird place, as it was pointed out to me that I was being a little snippy at lunch with James. I was constantly on his case about his driving, because, well, he is a very easily distracted person anyway, and I really didn’t want anything to happen to him or his car. I guess sometimes, good intentions come out bitchy. Oh well… perhaps it is the rain today? Who knows… I just know I am glad that it is Friday.

Finally, a few links with some scattered thoughts:
— Surprise! A negative review of “I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry” from a gay website. While I don’t really care one way or another about the movie getting good or bad reviews, it always makes me wonder about people who watch movies and criticize them, when it is clear to everyone else that the movie is going to contain the very elements that the critic negatively goes on and on about. Obviously, this movie is going to use borderline or outright negative gay stereotypes and bad humor to poke fun at what most American men see to be an uncomfortable situation; a simulated homosexual relationship between two straight men. While it may be distasteful and possibly a negative reinforcement (but probably not, since GLAAD gave it a thumbs up), if you don’t want to hear the negative gay jokes, don’t go see this movie; problem solved. I do have to say though, that I think Kevin James is absolutely adorable, and I don’t think that his part in this dumb movie will change any of that feeling from me.
Cheney will be in charge while Bush goes under for a routine colonoscopy. I would really have loved it if the news outlets had gotten creative, and came up with creatively disgusting titles to supplement this story. However, I for one don’t know how they are actually going to get in there, with that big stick shoved up his ass, and all.
— I saw this clip of Tammy Faye when she was recently on the Larry King show, and it honestly just breaks my heart to see someone so sweet and genuinely wonderful suffering like that. Hell, I don’t like seeing anyone suffer, but Tammy Faye is good, and she totally has had our backs for a long time, showing the world what a true Christian should be like. Additionally, her son has turned out to be accepting and loving as well; not to mention, kind of hot. I love you Tammy Faye, and I hope that you are not suffering, and that your final days are peaceful and happy. You have been there for the gays, and we definitely thank you for your love, kindness, and support. If only there were more like you, Tammy Faye.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and I am going to do my best to relax, finish the paintings I am working on, and spend time with my family (James, little Sydney, and some friends if they are interesting in hanging out). Now, I’m off to get some damn wine… I have been Cabernet-ing it up this week; I see no reason to slow up now!

a boring tuesday

Today has been painfully boring; meetings and not much else.

I still find it incredibly strange that people still deny that our involvement in the process of globalization has, in some ways, affected the situation we find ourselves dealing with in the middle east. If you cannot holistically grasp the concept that America is not all bread and butter, and in the many years that we have been stomping around carrying our big stick, that we have smashed a few houses, and gotten pretty dirty in our quest for wealth, then there is no need to argue with you anymore, because you will never understand the truly holistic nature of the situation. I suggest, for people that find themselves in this place (lacking the ability to wrap your brain around the FACT that America is partly to blame for the fact that we are so hated by so many in the world) take a few courses in anthropological theory, applied anthropological methods, and read up on the epistemological backbone of cultural anthropology. It may change your world (hopefully). If not, continuing to believe that you are right (that there is only one, or two reasons that we are hated and are being threatened), then there is no need to continue to bring that argument here; I got it. Move on. I am going to continue to share my opinions in a rational, holistic, and thoughtful manner, and this is obviously not something that you will be able to understand, comprehend, or agree with. Strange? Yes. Have to continue listen to it? No. Feel free to state your opinions if you wish, but realize, that just because I don’t buy into A+B=C, realizing that there is also a D, an E, a W, and a Y (not to mention potential others) that contributes to the answer, it doesn’t make my ideas radical or incoherent; it shows that I have the ability, and frankly the duty, to think about things holistically, searching for the entire meaning before I act on what I believe to be the cause of a problem.

Other than that, I have been entering in my DVDs on this website called DVDSpot, which I heard about from Brian. This is pretty cool, because it is another way I can organize and keep track of my growing collection, which shows statistics, and is downloadable. It is also pretty cool that the website lets you put in reviews (slowly… I know I know), and even estimates your collection’s value. Neat stuff. All free too! Thanks for the heads up Brian! When everything is entered, I am sure that I will add a handy dandy link over in the links section, so stay tuned!

I forgot to mention…

We saw Transformers on Saturday, and that movie kicked some serious ass! I wasn’t expecting it to be as good as it was, and I was so pleasantly surprised, that I had to say something about it; I highly recommend it. It was cool to see this thing from my childhood amped up, and totally awesomely portrayed on the big screen.

Also, Shia LaBeouf completely carried the movie for the first hour. He is an awesome actor, and is totally hilarious. I have to say, the group of guys I went to see the movie with totally agreed; he is a little hottie, and definitely someone that we have a new-found love for.

If you aren’t so high and mighty (at the detriment of your own ability to enjoy a fun movie) that you feel movies like this are beneath you, I highly recommend that you see Transformers. (Think what I said about those people that negatively reviewed F4:ROTSS, who don’t like that type of movie). The story was actually really well done, the dialogue was laugh out loud funny in a lot of places, Shia LaBeouf was AWESOME, and the special effects were amazing. The action sequences were simply insane. I can’t wait for the DVD. This movie is a solid six out of six () easy, y’all.

well, it’s friday… wait, what?

So this week has really gotten away from me. Perhaps it was the combination of the pain killers, the muscle relaxers, the inability to get around without pain, the back spasms, the cabin fever, and the myriad of other distractions that have somehow kept me sane in my bed this week. Thank god for wireless internet, movies, music, working from home, a snuggly dog, the internets, and my lovely husband (who does, unfortunately, have a pretty shallow threshold for dealing with things like this, and occasionally needs to disappear; which is annoying, but sometimes understandable). Overall, it has been a relaxing week, but I just can’t believe that it is over, and I am still pretty uncomfortable.

I know that a lot of people are still wondering why I haven’t gone to the doctor, and thanks for the advice that everyone has provided, but at this point, I don’t see a need to go in, wait an hour, pay my copay, and hear him say I have a pulled muscle in my back and tell me to continue taking the muscle relaxers he has already provided me with. If it gets any worse, I will definitely head for the nearest medical professional, but as long as I continue on my path to progress (see my LONG path to SLOW progress), I will just keep the routine of relax, rest, take pills, sleep, and try not to move in a way that will activate a back spasm (as I did this morning, and triggered the aggravation all over again… nice).

I just hope that this weekend can include some time outside of this house… I am beginning to get a little stir crazy. I have to say though, it has been nice having time to spend watching all of these movies, and repeatedly listening to Sara Bareilles‘ new CD (which again, is WONDERFUL). I have also spent a little time getting to know my netvibes page, which I am obviously not using to its fullest potential. I still want to add more cool shit, so if you have an suggestions, I am all ears.

Final interesting note: I noticed that the picture that I took of my friend at pride was getting a TON of attention yesterday, and I finally found out why; it made reddit at some point during the day. What does that mean? Try 20k+ views and around 30 some odd favorites and comments. Nice. At least it was flickr’s bandwidth and not mine, right? Still, I love that such an awesome “protest” of the protesters is getting so much positive attention; they really do ruin things like pride.

Hope everyone has a great weekend… you’ve got red on you.

some days, you just want to stay in bed…

And some days, you do! This has been my MO for the past several days; lots of rest, and the forced retreat to my comfortable resting spot, my bed. Since throwing my back out on Saturday, I have managed to get a lot of rest, and, in the process, get much better, but I am still experiencing the brunt of the injury (at least I can walk now… thank GOD). Hopefully, things will be right as rain soon, as I am seriously STARTING to get a little cabin fever.

I do have to admit, that I am super pleased that my work has been kind enough to let me work from home, and I have seriously enjoyed the time that I have spent relaxing these past few days. It has kind of been like a mini-vacation; except for the working from home, and the trapped in bed with immense pain parts. To top it all off, the drugs that they gave me serve me well, but only seem to make me incredibly loopy, and feel nauseous as well. Here’s hoping the heating pad does its job, and I am back in action soon.

I want to get out and go see Transformers, because everyone is a buzz about how good it is. Nothing like some mindless special effects to make you take your mind off of your throbbing back, right? When I regain the ability to walk without assistance, James and I are going to take in a showing.

Also, on a weird note, I randomly found this website, that “rates” your blog with a movie rating; based on some unspoken algorithm, and I found it kind of interesting how mine was rated, and more importantly, why they rated it as such. Here’s what I was given:
Online Dating

Mingle2Online Dating

Wow, an NC-17! Eat that Elizabeth Berkley! But what is more interesting in the extreme rating, is the justification:

This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words: gay (31x), pain (5x), queer (4x), sex (3x), hell (2x), hurt (1x).

Well then… gays in pain, who identify themselves as queer garner an NC-17 rating… interesting how that takes precedent over sex. Weird. Oh well, I just thought it was interesting. Perhaps there is more to be said, but honestly, I am too focused on my back to get into it.

Hope everyone is better than I am today, and I hope to be back on me feet soon.

I’ve got a little crush…

YAY! We made it to Friday! I am super happy about this weekend, because I know that next week has a holiday right smack dab in the middle of the week; which always make the weekend seem that much better! Plus, everyone in my office is out on vacation, so that makes things super relaxed around here as well. Very, very nice.

Not too much going on today in duane-land, but I have to confess that I have more than a little crush (I know, misleading, aren’t I?) on Simon Pegg (who is being pulled in the picture by the also very handsome Nick Frost; which came from this great photography site). Not only is Shaun of the Dead one of my all time favorite movies, I have to say, that every time I see him, I just can’t get over how strikingly cute he is. Perhaps it is the nerd lover in me? Either way, we watched the movie Big Nothing last night, and it was quite hilarious. Simon Pegg is in it, hence today’s post… It is definitely one we will be adding to the DVD library. Dark comedies can be so fun, can’t they!? If you enjoy dark comedy, I suggest you check this one out, I liked it.

Other than that, I found out that I have $25 in reward zone cash from Best Buy. How sweet! Money for spending lots of money! I am going to swing by there and pick up something this afternoon… a treat!

Finally, does anyone have advice for selling things on eBay? I have thought about it in the past, and never followed through, but I was looking in my closet this morning at all the clothes that I no longer wear, and thought, hey, I should totally sell those on eBay! Just wanted to see what other people’s experiences were with selling on eBay, before I go barreling forward with my “new business”. HA! I always knew there would be a day those designer jeans would have a new home… perhaps that day will come sooner than expected; and in return, I can get a few extra dollars to boot!

Hope everyone has a great afternoon, and a superb weekend. Rock it!

let’s keep it simple today, okay?

First of all, I wonder why people like this even bother seeing movies like Fantastic Four in the first place? Don’t they know that it is actually supposed to be a total cheese-fest, eye candy movie that is based on a hokie, silly, comic book? I don’t get why people are so disappointed by movies that they know they won’t like… why go see them? With that being said, James and I went and saw Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, and we both really liked it.

I have to say this about the movie: if you share anything in common with the writer of that review, steer clear, because you won’t be able to just sit back and enjoy the show. Additionally, if you didn’t like the first one, again, stay clear, you won’t like this one either. While I didn’t think that it was the best movie ever, it was certainly entertaining, and I had a good time while watching it. The special effects were fun, and the Silver Surfer was amazing. I can’t wait to see what the spin-off franchise has in store for him. All in all, I would totally see it again; and I will get it when it comes out on DVD. I would have to give it between 4 and 5 stars, so I will just give it 4 ; seems fitting, doesn’t it? Again, if you don’t have the ability to just enjoy something for what it is; a special effects driven, silly, comic book, eye-candy film, this movie isn’t for you. With that being said, why waste your time watching it, and then go on to bitch about it? Go see something else. I know that there are plenty of those like me that will see it and will actually enjoy it, and we are the people the movie was made for anyway.

While I was getting the link for F4:RotSS, I totally stumbled on the page of the guy that plays the Silver Surfer, and noticed that they are currently filming Hellboy 2!!!! ROCK! I loved the first one. Can’t wait for that! I love my comic book movies; which probably stems from my rather large comic book collection that I still have from when I was younger… Either way, I love this surge in comic book movies; especially in this day and age with the special effects they can do. Anyone else say Thundercats? Yeah! We can hope, right?

Finally, I noticed that Kelly Clarkson is cancelling her tour, due to poor ticket sales, and I can’t say that I am surprised. Based on what we have heard so far, things don’t look good for our favorite Idol. I have to say, I have tried really hard to get into her new song, and I have even given the album more than a few lessons, and overall, it isn’t what I was expecting from someone who wrote such a beautiful song with Because of You. I know that she wants to “do her own thing”, but I really hope that she does listen to the professionals that are trying to help her have a long career… I don’t want to lose the Kelly that I love! Let’s hope we can put this album behind us and move back into greatly produced pop, okay? I say this, because you know how flawless you are, Kelly, you don’t need to prove anything to us! I’m routing for your Kelly!!! I won’t give up on you just yet, okay!

Hope you all have a great weekend… James and I have the twins 4 year old birthday party tomorrow before we head out to see MIKA at center stage. That is a concert I am totally excited about!!! Expect pictures in the future!!

family values, or neoconservative propaganda?

Yesterday morning, before work, I got a call from a solicitor. When I answered the phone, the lady on the other end asked for the woman of the house. I informed her there was no woman of the house, and that the man of the house was speaking. She then went into her scripted speech about her cause; the Dove Foundation. She asked me questions about whether I was concerned about the “lack” of “family” oriented movies that are being produced by Hollywood. I told her no. Shocked, because she said “oh”, she continues to throw “facts” at me about how many more R rated movies are produced, and how there aren’t enough “family” oriented films being produced at the same rates. She then asked if I was concerned that this gap was so disparate, and asked why I thought it was. I then told her that movies are made to make profits; Hollywood makes movies that will sell, and it is less about family entertainment, and more about profit margins. Again, I got an “oh”. All in all, I listened to her spiel, I was polite, and our call ended with the traditional no three times rule (which is really annoying by the way).

As I got to thinking about the call, and after investigating the foundation, I felt the need to post about it, because I had some thoughts I wanted to express. First of all, I thought it was odd that she would initially ask for the woman of the household. Perhaps this foundation believes that it is the mother, not the father, who has the job of protecting and representing the “family” values that the Dove Foundation so solidly wants? Or maybe she just wanted to talk to a woman, either way, it was something to think about.

After investigating the website, and their justifications for backing one film, and not backing another, I found it to be pretty inconsistent with regards to violence and representations of “family”. Take for instance, they approved Spiderman 3 (which is no doubt, a violent film), but did not approve Pirates of the Caribbean, citing that Pirates was too violent. Now, I don’t see a need for an organization to approve or disapprove a film because of the level of clearly fictionalized violence, because if you are a parent, you should be intelligent enough to know that each of these films holds the potential to be violent, and as such, may be inappropriate for children; especially considering that each of these films are rated PG-13. If you lack this sort of filtering mechanism, well, I don’t really know what to say other than, wow, you are pretty willfully ignorant, so it probably doesn’t matter to you what your kids watch, does it?

But the violence inconsistency wasn’t what got my goat; it was the disapproval for movies that represented anything that wasn’t the judeo-christian “norm” of family (again, with inconsistency). I looked up three films that I thoroughly enjoy and own, all of which are rated PG-13: Best in Show, Rent, and De-Lovely. I picked these films, because I had a hunch that a film that portrayed gays in a positive light would not be approved by the “family”-centered foundation. I was correct. Each film was shot down, and here are some of the descriptions that were used as to why they were not approved:

Best in Show:

Content Description: Sex: picture of gay man in strange outfit, baring his bare bottom; two men kiss briefly; two women, outing their attraction for each other, kiss passionately; one woman has been sexually promiscuous in her past; the discourse coming form the gay couple is peppered with references to homosexuality – three other sexually based dialogues.


RENT As you can tell from the above synopsis, this is NOT a family-friendly film. Like it or not, it is a peek into the underground world of drugs and homosexuality among a group of friends on the streets of New York at the “End of the Millennium.” Don’t let the singing fool you, this is serious stuff. Be prepared to see same-sex kissing, crude and suggestive dancing, cross-dressing, prostitution, drug addiction and withdrawal, and the effects of AIDS. The homosexual lifestyle is portrayed as acceptable and supported by family and friends.

and finally, De-Lovely:

De-Lovely has much to offer both musically and dramatically. And in a day when Christians are faced with pressures to consider homosexuality an acceptable lifestyle, De-Lovely may be worth seeing and discussing simply because it approaches the topic without being terribly graphic. It includes males dancing and kissing as well as implied sexual encounters. The film promotes the claim that homosexuals, like heterosexuals, are simply searching for love in their own way. Unfortunately, appropriate moral commentary is absent from this film, making it impossibel (this was taken from the site, as is) for awarding it the Dove Seal. The film adds crude and profane language.

What I see as something that IS consistent, is a disdain for anything that portrays homosexuals in a positive manner, or anything that shows the acceptance of homosexuality as a part of someones life. That disgusts me, especially because they rest on the laurels of promoting “family” values. This says to me, as a gay man, that I do not represent family values because I am gay and proud of who I am. This says that my friends, who are a lesbian couple with three children, are not a family, because they represent a positive example of a homosexual couple successfully raising children. That is religious propaganda, and should be called out for what it is. If you want to say that you promote family values, then promote happiness, safety, love, compassion, togetherness, and other positive values that would be fitting for any family to strive for. If you want to prevent children from being exposed to these “crude” representations of actual life, that I totally understand, as I would never take my child to see any of these films. BUT, that doesn’t mean that these films don’t contain elements of normalcy, decency, and representations of family, love, happiness, and life. To deny that, and to say that you don’t approve, represents ignorance, and more importantly, participation in a neoconservative propaganda campaign against homosexuality, and frankly, sexuality all together. That is a scary thing, especially considering the rate at which young people are being affected by AIDS these days; ignorance will make it worse.

Finally, I also found it interesting how much praise was given to the story of a father and son, which begins with a pretty jarring representation of mass murder, where the mother and all but the one son are brutally killed (even though it is implied and not explicitly shown). What movie to I speak of? Why, Finding Nemo of course!! What I find disturbing about their strong approval of this film, is that I personally know that there are several children that are traumatized by the beginning scene that I speak of, so much so, that if they would have been taken to see this Dove approved film in the theater, the parents would have been forced to take them outside because of the trauma and crying that would ensue. Forgetting that intensely jarring detail that happens at the beginning of the film seems pretty negligent of this organization, in my opinion.

Perhaps this organization would be better served by trying to make more films that it deems positive, and spend less time trying to denigrate other films that represent alternative facets of society. By doing what they are doing, they are proving that not only are their “values” inconsistent in several cases, but they are taking a positive effort to provide “family safe” entertainment, and hiding it under a religious, neoconservative, hate-filled propaganda campaign. So I say, don’t turn your positive into a negative; if you really want “family safe” entertainment, exercise a level of intelligence when taking your kids to the movies. Unlike what they are saying, there isn’t a lack of “family” movies at all, and damning all the ones that they don’t approve of is distracting from their cause (if that really is their cause).

fielding questions in the grocery store

Last night, after the gym, James and I stopped off at the Publix to pick up some necessities (i.e., booze), and I hear this woman behind me say, “excuse me gentlemen”. I usually don’t pay attention to people in places like the grocery store, because chances are, they aren’t talking to you, and you look like an idiot when you give them attention, or answer back. But in this case, she was talking to us, and I sort of half way turned around, and she continued to speak. “Excuse me, you guys look like you might know something about cars, and I need some advice, if you have a moment.”

So let me get this straight, we look like guys that might know something about cars? Is it the sweaty work out clothes we are wearing? Regardless of my inability to reasonably figure out what made us look more like two people to know about cars, we tried to help her with her problem. She needed some oil because her oil light was on, and was unsure what 10W30 vs 10W40 was, and so on. Well, we BSed our way through it (I know what MY car needs, okay!), and sent her happily on her way (don’t worry, it wasn’t all BS, we did tell her the essential, “don’t drive it much, and take it in for a change immediately”).

What I found hilarious about the situation, as did James, was that we were literally surrounded by lots of people when she approached us, and she felt that the only two gay men standing in the Publix were the ones that looked most likely to know about cars. Well, at least we look butch to someone; even if it is only because we were guys, and at the moment she needed “man’s” advice, we happened to be right in front of her. Funny stuff, I tell ya.

Also, Dreamgirls is on DVD today. Needless to say, I am getting that movie, and will be having a little musical fun tonight. Yay Jennifer Hudson!

hot fuzz indeed

So here’s my review of Hot Fuzz, the new film from the wonderfully brilliant team that brought us one of my favorite movies of all time, Shaun of the Dead:

It. fucking. rocked.

Let me start by saying that the first half of the film did drag on for a bit, but I learned later, that what they were doing was building to a crescendo. And, when the twist was finally unveiled, I was seriously overcome with laughter. I couldn’t stop laughing, because this movie is done in a similar style to Shaun of the Dead, but with more punch, and more non-stop crazy action. The humor is sprinkled throughout, and comes at you from every direction. Often, one phrase, or the placement of one word reveals just how powerful of a comedy duo Simon Pegg and Nick Frost truly are. These two are amazing together, and they seriously burn up the screen.

I have to say, that I was honestly quite surprised about the plot, now that I have seen the movie, mainly because it wasn’t what I was expecting at all. I mean, they do a really great job of hiding the plot twist from you, which I really appreciate, because I hate when you know a movie from the preview. I didn’t see it coming at all, and it totally shocked me; but only for a second, because the twist is when they laid the humor on THICK. These guys are amazing; I was scared that I wouldn’t like this movie, mainly because I am so in love with Shaun of the Dead, that I really didn’t want to be disappointed by Hot Fuzz… And I wasn’t.

I can’t wait to see this movie again, it is a laugh out loud hilarious, full of action (seriously, A LOT of action), and hilariously staged circumstances and characters. They use the same brand of humor that they excellently displayed in Shaun of the Dead, and prove that it is important not to underestimate your surroundings or those around you. I also have to say, that it is official; I definitely have a huge crush on Simon Pegg now. He is so freaking cute, and so is Nick Frost. I absolutely love those two together, because they are totally believable; mainly because of the real on screen chemistry they have and wield effortlessly.

If you loved Shaun of the Dead, do yourself a favor and get your ass out to the theater to see this mega HIT from the brilliant Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright; you will love it. If you didn’t like Shaun of the Dead, well, then something is clearly wrong with you, and you don’t matter. I am so happy that my anticipation for this movie was tremendously exceeded, and I can’t wait to see what these guys have up their sleeves next! I loved this movie so much that I am going to throw the full six stars at it ()! HOT FUZZ BABY! PUNCH. THAT. SHIT!