5SF: may 9

This week has been rather mellow, it is honestly weird to have so many tests and deadlines in one week, and then the next week; literally nothing. Oh well… I have been enjoying the down time, and I have surprisingly been sucked into Mario Kart. Seriously, it is really, really fun; even though I am not terribly good at it. I think it is the little wheel that makes it fun. Other than Mario Kart, I have been enjoying the new albums by Jesse McCartney (which leaked recently), Dave Barnes (which is the only album I have ever bought on iTunes), Brian McFadden (which leaked recently), and yup, I am still jamming to Mariah’s great record.

So… now that I have pretty much let the cat out of the bag as to what to expect this week, why not just give you the goods?? Okay, here we go!

Jesse McCartney – Not Your Enemy
First of all, I was very nervous about listening to this record when it leaked, because of how much I have been enjoying the hit Leavin’ (seriously… I have been playing it on repeat I love it so much). However, I have been pleasantly surprised by Mr. McCartney, because minus two songs, his album is actually a pretty brilliant pop record. The songs are catchy, with great beats, and most of them are really great pop songs that could be singles of their own. This song stands out, because of how melodic and beautiful it is. In the beginning, it reminds me a lot of Will Young, but then builds into a great ballad that McCartney can call his own. I really like what he did with this record, and will not be surprised if he has some success with it; it is a really good pop effort from the former teen star.

Ryan Adams – La Cienga Just Smiled
This is one of those songs that I discovered from one of my favorite shows, Felicity, because it was featured many times during tender moments on the show. I have to say, that this song reeled me in a way that few can, and it still remains one of my favorite songs of all time. This is one of those songs that I can bet, that if life had a soundtrack, it would be somewhere on it. There are so many moments that this song would be totally appropriate if it were playing in the background; which is probably why they used it so much on the show. This is my “blast from the past” song this week, and it is a song that I am glad to have “rediscovered”, as I love it so much. Fantastic songs like this don’t come around that often, and when they do, I tend to cling to them… and this is one that I could never let go of.

Dave Barnes – On a Night Like This
This record really surprised me. I heard the song “Until You”, and thought that it was pretty good. I even bought the album from iTunes, because it was only $5.99, and figured that I would listen to it a few times, because I liked what I heard. What I didn’t think, was that I would really enjoy this album as much as I have. Dave Barnes is a lot like John McLaughlin mixed with Marc Broussard. The result is pretty damn good. This piano-driven rock is totally the stuff I swoon over, and this ballad is no different. His emotion comes through in the vocals, and totally has me weak in the knees. Great song, from a great album. I am glad that I discovered him.

Brian McFadden – Twisted
I bought Brian’s first album, which came out a few years ago, because I had to support the first solo effort from an ex-Westlifer. However, I will admit that it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting (as it was really, really dark), and as such, I didn’t listen to it as much as I probably should have. When I randomly saw that he was releasing a new record, I was definitely still interested in seeing what he could do (because the first record was good, albeit dark), and so I snagged a leaked copy. Instantly, I fell in love with this track, which is the first on the record. I hope that he releases this as a single, because it is fun, dancey, and upbeat (all things that were lacking on his previous effort). I have been enjoying the majority of the CD, and I am glad he is back. This song is a lot of fun, and one that I am glad to have found.

Mariah Carey – I’ll Be Lovin’ U Long Time
Finally today, I wanted to come back around to Mimi, because I have surprisingly been enjoying her most recent album, E=MC2 A LOT. I am continually surprised by how much I like it, because it isn’t my usual fair when it comes to the type of music I generally like (way more RnB and way more hip hop than I usually go for). However, I have to hand it to Mariah, she has truly proven herself to be a real, tried and true diva, and with this record, I will bet that she gains tons of fans; it is fantastic. This song is my favorite from the record, and is one that I find myself skipping to over and over. I can practically guarantee, that if Mariah decides to release this as a single, that it will kill the charts. This song is fucking pure gold. Mariah, get your Grammy acceptance speech ready, sweetie; I see more statues in your future!

Well, there you have it… another five song Friday, and I hope that you enjoyed the tracks I picked for this week. Let me know what you are listening to, because I am chomping at the bit to stay ahead of the curve, and continue to find new and fantastic music. Help me out, won’t you?!?!

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