hmmm… now I know

First of all, thanks to everyone that has wished me well, it means a lot. I am definitely doing better, but I am still in some significant pain. I also managed to twist my right knee, somehow, and I basically feel like I am falling apart. Hopefully, both things will heal at the same time, and I can get back to feeling good, and very importantly, go back to working out; I can tell the weight loss has grinded to a seriously halt. I also look forward to NOT taking pain medication and muscle relaxers anymore; I am on vicodin, naproxen (500mg), and skelaxin. Unfortunately, the effect of those medicines, is that I feel completely trashed, and loopy as fuck. Right now, as I write this, I feel like I have had 5 drinks too many, and I am completely sober. Tis not good, y’all. It also makes me incredibly nauseous, which just complicates things. Here’s to getting better!

I went a little crazy this weekend with decorating. I was so stir crazy from the cabin fever, that James and I went to Home Goods on Saturday, and I totally got bitten by the decorating bug. Our bedroom has never actually be decorated the whole time that we have lived in our house, and I felt that it was about time to do something about that. The result was a fun time picking out art and things to decorate the barren walls of our “love chamber”. I will try to get some pictures of it when it is finished (and when I have had time to clean it to a presentable standard). I love decorating, and I had a lot of fun picking out all of the stuff I got. I also haven’t been to Home Goods in a while, and totally forgot how much I love that place.

Finally, we had to take Sydney to the vet this morning because of his day on, day off, yelping and “woe is me” routine. We were sufficiently worried about his well being, so we decided that it was pertinent to take him in. They said that it might be stomach acid, or even an ulcer, so we got the medication (i.e., gross) dog food for him, and were instructed to watch him. James and I had a talk, and I think that we have caused this problem (at least in part) by giving him scraps from our plates. We are going to stop the people food all together, because I want my little boy to live a long and happy life. If anything happened to him, I would be devastated, and I am just glad that we are going to be striving for a happier, healthier Sydney.

Well, that’s about it for now… I am seriously hating the effects of these pills. I feel like complete shit right now. Here’s hoping I don’t have to throw up, because the nausea is taking me over right now. Wish me luck, and pray that I don’t have to.

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