um, yeah. no, seriously, WTF?

I just read that Putin stopped in the middle of a crowd of people, bent down to a little boy, lifted his shirt, and kissed him on the stomach. Putin said that he wanted to touch the little boy “like a kitten”. (article) Does ANYONE else find this completely disturbing? I mean, there are people that do things like that here, and we call them child predators and/or molesters. Wow. I honestly don’t know how to feel about that.

Also, two states, including the lovely one that I live in, still don’t think that preventing gay marriage goes against civil rights. Not that it is a surprise to me, but it just makes me want to distance myself from the hope that we will ever get to have the same civil liberties as all the straight people around us. I just don’t understand what is so threatening about gay marriage, I mean, other than the fact that I stated before; that it would make more straight men want to divorce their wives to get married to gay men (because that is all that is stopping them from jumping on the cock). Either way, James and I will get married some day, mark my words; I just hope that we get the rights that come with it, like having my stuff will pass to him (or vice versa) without taxation, and that we will be able to receive each other’s benefits (like married couples do). Oh yeah, and that our children (very distant future) will be able to see their parents treated somewhat equally. We can hope, right? Well, not today, but hopefully someday.

I also have a headache and an upcoming conference call. Shit.

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