don’t forget to vote!

Today’s primary day in Georgia, and if you don’t know where to vote, go to this site, and type in your info. Don’t forget to vote! Remember, if you don’t vote, you have no room to complain!

Also, I find it interesting that they are trying to get the FMA going AGAIN, and are voting on that as well this week. The reason why I find it so interesting that they have chosen to force this issue again to “protect family values”, is because there are 1000000’s of more important issues that should be of way bigger concern, but they waste time with this shit, AGAIN. It is amazing to me how you can say that you are trying to prevent gay marriage in order to preserve family values, while at the same time completely ignoring the issues that affect many families today. My point, is that instead of focusing on gay marriage (which has absolutely no effect on anything, other than discrimination against gays) why not focus on the real issues, like working on preventing homelessness, providing health care, working on insurance reform, working on immigration laws, adequately funding education, working on tax reform, and any other number of issues that totally affect family values WAY more than gay marriage. When are they going to let this go??? I will be glad to stand by and watch this vote on the FMA keep going on and on and on if ONE person that is for it can explain to me how and why gay marriage is actually a threat to family values. And believe me, you better have an extremely great reason, none of this whole being gay is a sin shit, because that is just stupid. Just move on to something more important people! There’s people dieing in the middle east! There are people dieing in the streets here!! Focus on that! NOT GAY MARRIAGE! I completely think the law makers and leaders of this country need to stop thinking so much about gay sex and start focusing on what really matters… priorities people! You know, that makes me wonder about these people… they probably spend more time thinking about gay sex than I do; now what does that say?? Obviously gay marriage is a threat to them, because they harbor thoughts about gay sex! Shock! Awe! Oh just suck a cock and get it out of your system. Then we can move on to shit that is more important, okay?!?!

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