An unfortunate person is one who tries to fart but shits instead

This was a title of one of my junk emails. They rock!! But It also got me thinking, I find that I am extremely shy and embarrassed when it comes to pooping in public. Not like on the sidewalk in front of a crowd or anything, but just public bathrooms in general. For example, I would much rather hold it (if I can), than go in a restaurant or somewhere like that; and just wait til I get home. I have always been this way, and probably always will. I don’t even like to go at work if someone else is in the bathroom. I don’t know why it embarrasses me, because I know that everyone does it, but that doesn’t stop me from waiting until every person has left the bathroom before I leave my stall.

The worst is when you have this high level of anxiety and embarrassment (which causes you to hold it as long as possible), and you have a potentially dire situation in which poop is eminent. The result is a photo finish in sometimes unsavory places, which probably could have been avoided if said anxiety didn’t surround the aforementioned act. Anyone else have this same embarrassment? I know that there are those that love to shit whenever and wherever, but I can’t be the only one that would rather wait til I get home, and keep it to myself, right?

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