I support the Dixie Chicks; and a note about mama Britney

I for one, don’t understand why people are STILL “dissing” the Dixie Chicks. Since Natalie Maines made a personal proclamation about the president, an opinion that I in fact share, people have even gone so far as to send them death threats. My problem with this, is that first of all, it shows that free speech gets you in big trouble in parts of this country. But probably the biggest problem I have with this, is that there are a group of people out there (let’s call them country fans) that are still pissed off because someone dissed a shitty president. That goes hand in hand with my state of awe that I go into when I see people with W stickers still on their cars, and people that still say that they support this president. It just blows my mind that someone can continually fuck up, lie, cheat, steal, and break the law, and people still stand behind him. Gives new meaning to the word sheep. Either way, I don’t think that one statement should make or break someone, especially when those someones are as talented as the Dixie Chicks. I for one, will be picking up their album tomorrow. Not ready to make nice girls? I don’t blame you.

Now, I have to say something about the Britney Spears “baby blunders” that have been splashed all over the news lately. First of all, almost all of this stuff is so minuscule and insignificant, it isn’t even funny. This stuff happens to other kids all of the time; especially when the parents are first time parents and are so young. People make mistakes and learn from trial and error during parenting sometimes. That is what Britney is doing, and I honestly don’t see why it is such a big deal. Second, these type of things happen to kids all of the time, and no one even looks twice. For one, the car seat thing, it was recommended he face backwards. Recommended doesn’t mean required. I’m just saying. There are people out there that legitimately beat and abuse their kids all of the time, why not focus on finding them, instead of criticizing Britney, right? Which is more important? Lastly, I just want to say that Britney, sweetie, now is a good time to leave K-Fed, and make a kick ass comeback album. Push that baby out, and let’s get back to being the Britney we are all struggling to remember!

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