sometimes being outside, is good…

I was just talking with my friend Byron about something I noticed while I was out at Blake’s last night; I can totally tell that I am not in the traditional “core” of gay Atlanta anymore. And you know what, that is fine by me! I noticed how the people were interacting, and how differently it seemed to me, and just a few years ago, I was right there doing the same things. Perhaps I have grown, perhaps I have matured, or perhaps I have slipped to the outside and am now looking in. Either way, I feel myself maturing and becoming happier with myself, more comfortable with myself and who I am, and for once, being more than just gay.

I have discussed friend groups and whatnot lately as well, and I think that the turn that I have taken in making friends is a direct result of these changes in my life. Being on the outside of gay “core” culture means not having to feel the pressure to be perfect (even though a twinge of that is always there… come on, I can’t lie). It means being able to meet and hang out with people because of who they are, and similar interests, one of which does not include picking up boys at the bar. It is honestly a refreshing enlightenment, and I just wanted to share it with you all. Here’s hoping that the maturity and growth continues to enrich my life, and I can and maintain my place in whatever niche I feel most comfortable in. The core used to be that niche, and now, it is isn’t; but sometimes being on the outside of the core can be good… in this case, I can certainly say that it is.

Have any of you experienced a similar shift? Do you feel that you have changed and matured, and as a result, have moved into a different niche in your life? I love learning about people, culture, and behavior, so I am all ears… this stuff is fascinating!

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