to advertise, or not?

I have been reading this morning about advertising programs, like Adsense by Google, and have been wondering if any of these programs would actually be for me. First off, I must say that the very reason that I bothered purchasing my own web domain and hosting service, is so that I wouldn’t have to see those pop ups, as well as so I wouldn’t be so limited by the space on a free account. With that being said, I am not totally against banner ads and ad links; especially if they were to pay for the hosting service fees, and be somewhat minimal. I believe that would make enough of a difference, to me at least, and I wouldn’t cringe at the site of those ads; in fact, I might grow to love them. So why don’t I just sign up, and start advertising, you ask??? Well, I want to know what other people think.

What experiences do you readers have with these programs, that is, if you use them? What have you heard about them? And probably most importantly, what would you think if you saw ads in the right column over here? Would it be welcomed, or do you just cringe at the sight of them on other sites? I ask, because I truly want to know what other people think. I made this site for the purpose of sharing my thoughts, dreams, poems, reviews, rants, raves, pictures, etc. with the world; and I want you to have some say-so in what happens here (I said some, okay, let’s not get carried away folks; don’t go telling me you want me to change everything, because believe it or not, this site took a lot of work…).

Now that I have asked for your input, I have a special request: there are several people that visit the site frequently, that never comment. This is your chance. Let me know what YOU think about the whole thing. Don’t worry, you don’t really have to give a real email address, if you don’t feel comfortable; but I want to know what you think about this, because I am seriously considering it.

And, most importantly (and this is how it effects you), I don’t want you to be whining to your friends when you come back one day and there are ads/ad links in the right column. Don’t you think that would look tacky; you had the opportunity to comment, and you didn’t? Something happened that you didn’t want, and you didn’t voice your opinion? (Or you did, and were out voted… can’t win them all… Kerry ’08!!) And, more importantly, your friends would come and read this post, and would have no other choice than to say, “told you so”, and you really don’t want to hear that, now do you?? Thought so. Now lay it on me.

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