A new day; a new Martha! (it’s a good thing)

Last night, when I came home, I was flipping through the Tivo guide, looking for something to watch, when I stumbled upon it: the new Martha show was about to come on. I quickly turned to TLC, so that I could see what this new show was all about, and I was met with something wonderful. Martha is back, and she is better than ever. Now, I know that a lot of people don’t like Martha for whatever reason, but frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn. I have mad respect for someone who can not only make, grow, paint, and create anything; but someone that can also own up to something, go to jail for it, and then come out unscathed; with both her reputation and dignity intact.
Welcome Back, Martha!

Martha looked as if jail was good to her figure, as she had lost a little weight, and simply glowed on the screen. She looked as happy as a school girl, and rightfully so. I must say the most refreshing thing about the show, was the vibe that nothing would remain taboo; as exhibited by the joke that she kept her staff in ankle bracelet monitors, so that she could know where they were at all times. Martha poked fun at herself, and showed that she wasn’t the stuffy, hardcore bitch that many have portrayed her to be in the past (ala Cybil Shepard in that horrible movie about Martha’s life… that was painful to watch). This was evidenced by Martha’s first guest; Marcia Cross, from desperate Housewives; who plays a character that is based on Martha. Martha took that in stride, and made fun of the fact that they were indeed very similar. Martha remarked at a scene from the show, in which Bree gives Paul and his son a basket of food and immediately demands that they return the baskets upon finishing the food inside them, “Do you really think that I would ask for the baskets back?” And then laughed and said, “Well, actually I probably would, those boys wouldn’t need them anyway.” Classic. Thank. You. Martha.

Throughout the episode, Martha continued to chide herself, but in a playful manner, that showed the viewers that she didn’t take herself as seriously as people thought; at least not as seriously as even I had previously thought. There was actually a point where she had gone to a guest’s house to surprise them for dinner, and about to play cards with some of the men, when she remarked, “You know, when I was in prison, I had a book of all of the card games, and I must say that I am completely unaware of this one.” Martha, I love you.
Poncho Day
My only complaint about the show, was that there was so much going on at times, that Martha and her guests ended up talking over one another, or competing for a space to say something. I think that, with time, this will get much better, after all, it is a live show. Today’s show will have David Spade, and is titled “Poncho Day” (I love that!), after the skit where David made fun of Martha on SNL. More hilarity will surely ensue; and I will be right there watching. Thanks for coming back, and bringing us something great to watch Martha.

**I have also taken the time to attach the photo instructions for how to fold a shirt, because, as we know, Martha brings us practical ideas that we can use everyday in our homes.

[all images from marthastewart.com]

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