the time has come for a revolution

I have posted before about my being more comfortable in life with James, and subsequent weight gain that it has afforded; but enough is enough. James and I went the YMCA in Eastlake last night, to take a tour and see if we wanted to join; and I weighed myself. HOLY SHIT! I weigh more than I have ever weighed, and that is OVER. I am on serious lock-down until things get better. I have developed a workout plan, and I am going to get back to my svelte figure; or die trying. Now, I am not trying to say I am FAT, but I don’t want to get FAT, so I gotta do something NOW. I will try and post updates about how the workout is going, and honestly, use this as a method to hold myself accountable. See, if I have to post about it, then I should be more likely to do it; in theory.

We will be joining the Y tomorrow, and in the meantime, I am going to use the elliptical at our house tonight. Lifting weights was actually fun last night, and the Y in east lake is actually really nice (just in case you live in that area, and want to join). I am excited about getting back into the groove of working out (which for so long was a MAJOR part of my life), which I honestly believe is the key here. I have just been too lazy or bored to stick to it up until this point… but those days are over. I am not looking for a six pack, but if I find one along the way, I wouldn’t send it back. Wish me luck on this new endeavor… and here’s hoping that I can stick the landing.

Current weight: *shudder* 200 (This is the most I have EVER weighed, ever.)
Monday, August 29: 30 minutes on elliptical
Tuesday, August 30: 4 cycles of weights (back and Bi’s) and 300 sit ups.
Planned for Tonight, Wednesday, August 31: 30 minutes elliptical.
THEN Okay, I was bloated in this pic, but still... FAT!!!!
As for the picture above of me in the black… that was a bad night, I looked like I was swollen/bee stung or something. I don’t normally look that puffy. I didn’t even look that bad later that night (Mike’s party on the photos page, if you want to see more), but for some reason, I chose this photo so that I can see what needs to be done. I probably just stumbled onto some bad lighting.

But on with the show. I am going to do whatever it takes to get me back to THEN. LET’S DO THIS!!!!!!!

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