Tell us the truth Cathy Cox: for us, or against us?

Today I happened to stumble onto some information about one Ms Cathy Cox, and thought, as a concerned Atlantian, I should share it. Before I get into that, I guess I should point out that Cathy is running for governor of Georgia, and this is merely one way of asking Cathy what she means by this, and if there will be a change in the near future. Sorry to keep you in the dark, children, so here comes the light. Apparently, Cathy Cox is a member of the Druid Hills Country Club. Her and her husband, Mark Dehler, are both members. They are members, as a family, and are recognized as such by the country club. But that is not what disturbs me. It disturbs me that Cathy Cox portrays herself as a Democrat that is “for the people of Georgia” and attends events advocating gay rights (HRC dinner in Atlanta), but gives thousands of dollars a year to an organization that does not believe gay and lesbian couples deserve the same rights as straight couples do.

Let me explain. The Druid Hills Country Club (DHCC) is the very same country club that was sued by the two gay couples for not honoring spousal benefits for each of their respective partners. Since membership to the club was around $40,000, it would mean that, instead of each couple paying one membership and the spousal benefits being transferred onto their partners; each person would have to pay for membership to the club. Not only is this unfair, it is a complete and utter disregard for gay and lesbian families, and takes the stance that those families are not the same as, and should be treated as less than, straight families. Shirley Franklin, the mayor of Atlanta, ordered the city solicitor to fine the DHCC to pay $500 a day – up to $90,000 – if they did not comply, and offer the same spousal benefits to everyone. (see this article) This was overturned, of course (yadda yadda yadda); but the point is that DHCC has a history and active stance against equal rights amongst gay and lesbian families. This action signifies a stance against gay rights. Point blank. And now, we see that not only is Cathy Cox a member, but also holds fundraisers and events on their grounds. You can see so for yourself by going here and entering “Druid Hills” in the “Search Criteria for All Candidate Expenditure Reports” at the bottom of the page (this is the Secretary of State’s website, specifically the public record of campaign contributions); or check out this screenshot.

You may be asking yourself, now why should this matter Duane? Does anyone care that Cathy Cox has fun at and gets money from a country club that is known for diminishing the rights of gays and lesbians? Well, the answer is simple: I DO! If not for the sheer possibility that she may become governor, but for the manner in which she tries to secure gay and lesbian votes by taking a seemingly pro-gay stance! (See, that tidbit about Cathy at the HRC dinner makes sense now!)

So, here’s the deal. Basically what I want from this posting is this: I want Cathy Cox to cut the BS, and tell us flat out: are you for gay rights or against them; and do you believe that gays and lesbians deserve the same rights as everyone else? Because your actions, by being a member of a well known anti-gay rights establishment, shows that you are on their side; while you pretend to be on ours. So what is it Cathy? For or against? That is all I want to know. I don’t care either way here, I am actually not hoping for one answer over another, but I do believe that you need to take a stance, and stick with it. If for no other reason than respect. If you are against the gays, and side with DHCC, please stop attending gay functions, and discontinue your efforts vying for our vote. Or, If you are for equal rights for gays and lesbians, then resign from the club and stop raising money there. Give your constituents the respect we deserve: the truth.

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