Leaked cauldron… so??!!!

It is all over the fake news about how the Harry Potter book was leaked (at several different places, at different times), but my question is this: Why does it matter? It comes out on Saturday, which in case we haven’t noticed, is only 2 days away; since this day is almost over. Also, it is a book. It isn’t like they leaked a movie, a DVD, or a CD… you don’t really expect to see “criminals” in Kinko’s making illegal copies of the book do you? It would cost more to actually COPY the book, than it would to BUY it!!! (At least it would if you went to Kinko’s, or the library at my previous schools) And for those people that are all freaked out that the “secrets” of the book will be revealed, well, then don’t go looking for them on the internet, if you don’t want to find them!

JK Rowling will still get her bazillion (apparently, bazillion is a word, kids!!!) dollars for the book, so I say that everyone should just stop freaking out.
Some woman bought one in NY (see article), and her husband had this tibit to add:

“We’re going to do the right thing,” Mike Muldoon said. “We don’t want to ruin it for other kids and take away from the experience of everyone reading it together.”

Are we all going to get together, hold hands, and read the book?? I would prefer to just read it when I get around to it, actually.
So, with that being said, I am going to go and get the damn book on Saturday, just like a lot of people that haven’t pre-ordered it… because it isn’t THAT important. And if they don’t have it… I can wait. It isn’t like I am itching to read for pleasure… I do enough reading without pleasure at work.

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