new blog… a new day!

Well, now that I have fiddled with my blog php settings for like the last hour (man I wish I knew php like I know html… but I digress), I am actually pleased with the results. The point is to make it flow more with my site, and make it less of a “outside” thing. This way, maybe I will stop separating my site from my blog, and treat them as one. And who knows… maybe I will write more. I guess the main reason I don’t write more is because I don’t want to bore people, but I guess if you are bored enough to be reading blogs, then what is the harm right?

Sidenote of the day: Do you have people in your life, whether at work or wherever, that you encounter at least once every day or so that just piss you off for no reason whatsoever? There is this old guy; and I refer to him as old guy; who I see very often who just makes me mad. I feel heat in my face when I see him, and I want to slap him around or something. Maybe that would make me feel better. I don’t know why I feel this way, I have never even talked to him or anything. He just looks at me weird, like he is judging me, and then hangs around forever. He is also really slow, and that really pisses me off. Maybe I need one of those little rubber things you can squeeze when you are upset, but I would probably break it after seeing him. Oh well. But honestly they weirdest part of this, to me, is that I don’t even know why I feel this way!!! I have no reason to. He has never done anything to me, other than annoy the piss out of me. But ah, isn’t that enough?

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