Day of reckoning

We have all waited for so long for this day, and now it is here. This is the day that will determine the course our nation will take over the next four years, and most likely for even longer. It will help us to determine where we stand in the world, and how we will work within the global cultural network. It is also a day that we get to celebrate the election of a new president, or drown our sorrows that the incumbent is re-elected. Here’s hoping that the latter does not happen.

I do have one thing to say though… If you haven’t voted, do it. It is your duty. You owe it to your country. No, I don’t think that it is on the same level with fighting in Iraq or anything like that, but it IS equally important. The decisions that we make as voters will determine what happens in Iraq and will effect the way that we work within the world. Just make sure that you cast your vote based on the facts and what you know (remember we talked about you learning and getting to know more things before making decisions, people). Don’t make your decision based on who you believe in or simply vote on some one based on the fact that you believe that they are better than someone else (especially because of some slant ad has told you to). Vote on the person that would do a better job, and vote for the person who’s standpoints are in line with yours. Make sure that you know these stand points, because in the end, that is what matters. What should be the furthest thing from your mind is someone’s military record 20 some odd years ago. With that being said, get out and vote. And vote for Kerry, folks… cause he rocks, and because it JUST MAKES SENSE. No more potato clocks in office… that is the way to go, you know it, as well as I.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a day of celebration and fun, and I will certainly be drinking to that! Till then!

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