Conservative America…. UGH, pu-lease.

So, it has been a while since my last post, and this is something that I liken only to a mish mash of grief from the travesty towards civil rights that was the election earlier this month, and just sheer boredom, or what I like to call it, the lack of anything important to write. But now I feel that I must come out of my silence, for something , alas, has pissed me off again.
What I speak of is simple, and hey, now that I think about it, it does relate, if even ever so slightly, to one of the major issues that shaped the outcome of the election. What is this he speaks of, you may wonder. Well, I am talking about gay rights, and America’s ass-backward way of looking at homosexuality as a crazy, demented thing that was created to piss off the Christians, for whatever reason. Two things really have shown me how crazy Americans really are, and begs me to ask the question, “Why the hell do you care so much, and why can’t you just leave the homos alone????” So here it goes.

First things first. I went to see Alexander this weekend. Loved it. I thought it was well acted (even over acted at some points), but still well acted, nonetheless. The story of one of the greatest conquerors of all time, who did more at the age of 20 something than most people could ever do in their life time. He conquered most of the known world at the time. And hence, he is called Alexander the Great, in historical reference. So what is the big deal surrounding the backlash about this movie? The movie, for those of you who don’t know, portrays a PORTRAYAL of Alexander’s life, one in which they actually address the WELL KNOWN fact that Alexander, like many men of that day, were in fact bisexual. It is known that it was a battle tactic of those that trained men for battle to encourage love between the men, in order to foster stronger ties between soldiers, and thus, stronger alliances between fighting comrades. No, this isn’t a porno, but wouldn’t you defend your lover over some guy named Sarge? Thought so. Anyways… The movie beautifully portrays Alexander as a caring and thoughtful man. A man who knew love and life. A man who happened to love his mate, Hephaistion, very, very much. So what is wrong with that? There is no graphic sex scene between him and Hephaistion, they don’t even kiss!!! So what is the big deal? What are the Christian conservatives so afraid of? I guess that the thought that two men who are “together” can be in love is really, really scary. Whatever. The thought that there are people out there that are that bigoted makes me want to vomit, on them.
The second thing is similar, but disgusts me even more. This refers to the “documentary” that was played this past weekend on ABC about Matthew Shepard. In the documentary, they portrayed him incorrectly, and tried to “shed new light” on the case. Even Matthew’s mother declared, via the Matthew Shepard Foundation’s Website, that she was misquoted, and severely edited. What point does this serve? To me it says that America can’t stand that some red neck hicks actually did tie up a boy and beat him to death because he was gay. They cannot admit to themselves that he was gay, and that was the reason. There must be some other reason, they think. He probably had it coming, they think. Well, shame on you America. That too, makes me sick. This poor boy died, have you no heart? Have you no sympathy? What if it was your child, or yourself?? Would you think differently as you laid there dying, tied to that fence? I would certainly hope so. My heart really goes out to Matthew’s family and friends. I hope they never have to endure anything like this evil journalism again. Nor anyone else for that matter.
Okay, so here’s the thing people. Gay people aren’t going anywhere. 10% and growing. And getting louder too. And you can hate us all you want. Go on. We don’t care. In fact, we like a challenge. Being gay wouldn’t be so cool if it weren’t an elite club.
But sereiously, here is my beef with the conservative America: Stop judging. STOP. It says in the Bible that it isn’t your place to do that, only God’s. Yeah, that is in there. Read it. Read all of it. And I also believe that it says not to hate people in there too. Wow. What a great religion Christianity is, when you actually follow the basic principles of it, instead of letting it consume you, and turn you into a big fat hypocrite. Just be careful, cause when you hate the gays your whole life, we aren’t the ones that are going to be judging you in the end… keep that in mind.

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