Countdown to disaster (at least I hope not)

Here we are just about 6 weeks away from what may be the most important election this country has seen in over 100 years. What is most disturbing to me about this is that there is so much that is going on, most people are ignorant, and when I say ignorant, in many cases, I mean selectively ignorant, to what is ACTUALLY going on.
All over the airwaves, all over the TV, all over the internet, I keep seeing people label Kerry as a flip flopper, and people calling Bush a liar, and so on, and so on. Do you people that are reading all of this, be it from one side, for one side, whatever, understand what all of this means? Do you understand what any of this means? Do you understand what I mean?? Sorry, got carried away…

Kerry is a flip flopper. Yup, I said it. He is. If being a flip flopper means realizing that you made a mistake and changing your decision to make things right, then yep, he flip flopped. Most people site the most famous Kerry flip flop, which is when he voted initially to go to IRAQ, then did not vote for continuation in funding. Mr. Kerry did this because he saw the evidence that we didn’t need to be in IRAQ to end the war on terror. In fact, many people that believed in the beginning that we needed to go to IRAQ are coming forward and saying that we had no, and HAVE NO business being there. So yeah, I guess if you have convictions, are a strong man, and can admit that you are wrong, you are a damn flip flopper.
But what about Bush lying? What is that all about? And who believes that? Well folks, and when I say well folks, I am mainly talking to those of you that believe that he is a strong president and doesn’t lie, Bush has lied time and time again, and continues to do so. Bush said he would never take money from the social security surplus, yet, he has and plans to continue doing so until at least 2013! (doesn’t that sound like more of a flip flop, saying one thing and then doing something else?) Bush also said that the main reason we were going to Iraq was to find weapons of mass destruction and eliminate threats in the war on terror. But what about Osama?? What happened to the witch-hunt on him? How come it got turned into a which hunt for Sadam? What did he have to do with 9/11? good question. Sound like he flipped his attention to something more important to him (securing millions and millions of dollars of oil, war contracts for companies like Halliburton, etc.) good idea.
So given this, the proverbial tip of the iceberg, can you people truly say that you know all of the issues and are willing to stand up or die for one side or another?? (because if they reinstate the draft… a bunch of us possibly will be called to die in this silly war for foreign oil and of course, the “liberation” of Iraq).
My point is this… until you read all the facts, and find out all the important issues, don’t call anyone a flip flopper, and don’t decide that one person is better than the other. One of the most BEAUTIFUL things about this country is the freedom to do pretty much whatever the hell you want, as long as it isn’t illegal. Reading books, learning about the government, and watching TV/listening to the radio aren’t illegal. But this is not the only place to find out the right info (don’t forget about the conservative slant on the media kids!), you must do some leg work. And it won’t be so bad, will it? To become more educated? Hell, even some of those Christian right conservatives may become a little more compassionate when they discover that the gay agenda is to be left the hell alone and be treated like real citizens, not like second class weirdoes. Hmmm… but don’t take my word for it.
*keep in mind all you crazies out there, this is my opinion. I know that you are just ready to comment and call me an idiot, or and asshole. I don’t care. If I want to, I can delete your comments. It is my blog. But keep in mind, these are my opinions, and the constitution says I can have ’em. And I know, it is obvious I am voting for Kerry, for two main reasons… he has awesome plans for this country (actual homeland security… check it out!!! and health care for everyone…. OOOO!!!! to name a couple), AND a potato clock has more cognitive thought that W. So if you don’t like what I wrote, do your research and retort. At least you will learn something, and hell, I may even learn something to, that is something that I like to do, you know, learn. Just don’t take everything at face value, that’s really all I ask.

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