Comments about the draft

A post that I wrote from 7/28/04 about the draft had a couple of comments that I felt the need to not only comment on, but post an entry to clarify what I actually meant in what I wrote. Here is my comment on the post. (Be sure to check out the actual post and comments if you so wish).

Well, I feel the need to clarify what I meant. Point blank: The draft is a bad idea for me. The draft is a bad idea for anyone who doesn’t believe in war, violence, and destruction as a means to secure or conquer anything. Surely there are other ways to save the world than to kill thousands of innocent people. And the people that are doing the killing are our military right now. People that, like Stephanie says, tend to be the poorer people, people that, in many cases, have no other choices to make it ahead in life, so they must join the military. Well, that stinks, and I agree with that. It sucks that the way our country is set up, is that many of the poor have no other way. But, I don’t believe in reinstating a draft that will most likely draft a majority of lower middle, middle, and upper middle class citizens into wars that they may or may not believe in, after all, that is the bulk of the country, right? Many, like myself, see this war as totally unnecessary (i.e. the “reason” we went was to find and destroy WMD… right? yet none are there.), and see it as more of an agenda to further the financial gains of certain chosen companies, as well as to procure supplies of oil (as many people who drive have begun to notice that our supply is getting a little low).
So in summation, I just want to clarify… the draft WOULD eliminate the problem that the poor are the majority fighting in the war, but it would force many peaceful pacifists onto the front line (many of which work hard as hell and pay taxes out the wazoo to make certain things like essential systems, like public health (myself) work in this country and throughout the world). So there is no right or wrong answer about the draft…for the masses, but there is a right or wrong answer for the draft FOR ME. That answer is that the idea of a draft sucks, ESPECIALLY considering it would be to fight a war that I believe is not necessary in the first place.

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