Tag: what-do-you-think?

there’s differing music tastes, and then there’s…

Okay, so I may be the only one that doesn’t “get it”, but is M.I.A (and other artists like her… are there any?) serious? I wonder this, because her second CD was recently listed as the number one of the year by Rolling Stone magazine. Seriously? Have they heard it? Because every single thing I have heard from her is truly awful. When I first heard of her a couple of years ago, I seriously thought that it was a farce; I thought that she was doing an act, and sounding like shit was the punchline (or worse: is she making fun of the cultural music that she is so poorly imitating?). I am further convinced that it is all one big joke, by the amazing eye-raping that you get when you go to her website (don’t say I didn’t warn you. ouch!). What freaks me out the most, though, is that regardless of whether or not she is doing this seriously, is that people really see it is something great. I just don’t understand it. Am I missing something?

I wonder this, because my taste in music varies widely; I love folk, pop, rock, jazz, hip hop, dance, and to be quite frank, I would say that I can find something that I like in practically (not really much in the realm of rap) every genera of music. Sure, there is a lot of stuff out there that I don’t like, which is natural, and usually, I can see why someone else might like it, where I do not. That being said, rarely do I think to myself, “now how on earth could ANYONE listen to this, it’s awful!”, when I hear something. Usually, I just think, “well, that’s not for me; it sounds pretty bad to me“. On those rare instances where I do have the first thought, the accompanying music almost always comes from a completely obscure artist, and not from someone that would ever make a end of the year top albums list. Also, said artist that freaks me out by their awfulness, usually has no redeemable songs that would ever make me think otherwise; I try to give everything a chance, and sometimes, more than one chance.

Take LCD Soundsystem for instance. I LOVE that song Tribulations. It is fucking amazing. It blew my mind when I heard it, and I literally played it on repeat like 67 times in a row. However, the rest of the stuff that they have isn’t my cup of tea; in fact, to me, most of it is quite bad. Yet, they tend to be heralded in a similar way that M.I.A. is. However, the praise that is heaped on them makes more sense to me, because of the redemption that comes from that song Tribulations, because I can see the brilliance in it.

M.I.A. has no redemption for me; there is nothing that I have heard from her that could be considered good. In fact, there isn’t anything from her that I even consider to be serious; like I said, I sincerely think the whole thing is a farce. Yet, I know people that love her, and heap praise on her. I. Just. Don’t. Get. It.

Perhaps, one day, she will come out and say that this whole thing truly is a farce, and will get a big laugh at those that fell so hard for her. If that did happen, that could be my redemption for M.I.A. Until that time comes (which isn’t likely, because she is probably serious), I will still be standing here, scratching my head, wondering how in the hell people consider that good, let alone good music.

Are there any artists out there that make you scratch your head, wondering what in the hell other people hear, when all you hear is a complete offense on the eardrum? I can’t be alone in my thinking here. Thoughts?

is APWBWGTTD dead? and listen to this!

First of all, tonight was supposed to be the monthly meet up of the APWBWGTTD, which has been a monthly tradition for more than a year now, and unfortunately, due to only one other potential attendee, I have decided to cancel it. So what does this mean for the future of APWBWGTTD? Well, you tell me. Do you want this monthly Atlanta blogger meet up to continue? Do you wish to see it resurrected in a different venue, on a different day, or under different circumstances? Now is your chance to chuck in your two cents on the whole thing, because we are literally marching towards the funeral here, and if you want to save it, you have to speak up. I for one am kind of sad that it might potentially be over, because I have made some amazing friends through these meet ups, and have always looked forward to them.

Many people complained about Manuel’s being the regular spot for the meet ups, but no one suggested different places. If this was your barrier, please, suggest somewhere new, or suggest some ideas for what you would like to see, in order to participate in future meet ups. Also, there was always talk of people’s schedules being too full, and being unable to meet up, and I understand that this will always be an issue; so how about suggesting some alternatives to the current one meet up, one time, plan? Would it be better to have two meet ups a month on different nights? Would it be better on the weekend? Let me know what you guys think.

I for one, hope that we can do some CPR on our dying friend, and save our APWBWGTTD, because I would honestly be sad to see it pass away. Since today was the day our meet up was scheduled, today is a good day to get to talking about planning the future of APWBWGTTD. Speak up please!!

Also, I just got the new CD Riot!, by the group Paramore, and I cannot stop listening to it! It is fantastic!!! It is like a little bit Weezer, with some Letters to Cleo, and a little of the type of rock those other All American Rejects-type bands churn out, peppered on the top. The lead singer also gives it a feel of Shiny Toy Guns, who are a band that everyone who listens to me, knows I freaking ADORE. The whole CD is a great listen, and is full of energy, and great songs. I rarely run out and buy a CD after checking it out initially, but this one is a definite exception! Be sure to check out my favorites: That’s What You Get, crushcrushcrush (OMG SO GOOD!), and, well I like them all, but these I listen to repeatedly. Now, go out and get it, and have some fun; I know I am! Apparently, there is a video too, so check it out!

buying a computer may just be…

…one of the most stressful and frustrating things that you can do in life. I have been looking for several hours at different features, different prices, and different brands, trying to make a choice that I won’t regret. What I have found out, other than realizing that I don’t really want to buy one, is that there is absolutely no solid consensus on which brand/model is better, and why. Even consumer reports finds that the difference isn’t significant between the top brands (with of course, the exception being Apple).

While I would love to get an Apple, I simply cannot afford it, and I sit here scratching my head, wondering which PC would be the best for me. I have had HP in the past, and only started to hate it once it started getting slower and slower. That was a result of time, I know, but the damn thing still works, and it was purchased in 1998. So I guess that is saying something personally for HP. BUT, James has a Dell, and loves it. No complaints. Other people want to piss on Dell, so there is no consensus as to which of the two is better. And then you have to consider that there is Gateway, eMachines, IBM, etc, out there, that may or may not be any better; again, can’t seem to find a consensus.

Overall, buying a new PC, something that I thought I would really look forward to, as my slow ass laptop leaves me more frustrated with every click of that iTunes icon, has turned out to be a solid example of frustration. Major frustration. I am going up to Best Buy to see if I can make any progress with a Geek Squad person, but I am sure that they are just going to try and up-sale me on a system that I don’t need.

Are there any computer experts out there that have a definitive word as to which computer would make for the best purchase? I don’t do any gaming with my PC, and I use it mostly for photo editing, mp3s, and the internet. I also tend to watch videos, but that is usually late at night, if you know what I mean. I don’t need anything super powered, but I want something that will run pretty fast, and do it every time. I want a machine that won’t break the day after the service plan expires, and I want one that will actually run the fucking “standard” Windows Vista. Do you have any answers to quiet my frustrated mind?

An appropriate response will not include any of the following:
“dude, just buy an apple.”
“I hate _______.”
“I have never had a problem with mine, but I haven’t really heard anything else either”.
“have you checked consumer reports?”
“get a ____, I work there!”

Alright, there it is. Let me know what you think. It should also be said that I have a Toshiba laptop which has been a gem of a computer, but they don’t seem to do much in the way of desktops, which is what this whole quest is centered on finding. I just hope that I can find something that will make me happy, and not take my wallet through the ringer in the process.


BIG ASS UPDATE: So, um, should I just say FUCK IT, and go with a Mac Mini? I mean shit, it is only $50 more than the HP I am looking at. Seriously. Who thinks that is the best idea?