Tag: upcoming-birthday-weekend

back to the heat, back to the grind

Well, I survived Rochester, NY. I guess I didn’t mention WHERE I was going this weekend for work, and I honestly don’t have a reason for not doing so… just an oversight.

Either way, I had to work all day Saturday, and then was tied up with travel and airport nonsense all day Sunday. Sitting here in my office on a Monday, it really doesn’t feel like Monday at all. I am going to make some of that up by taking off time this weekend… because it’s birthday weekend!

My birthday is on Sunday, so if you want to do something, let me know. I don’t really do parties or big dinners, but would love to just spend time with friends. Also, if you feel so inclined, you can purchase me something shiny and new from one of my amazon wish-lists; which are right there on the right column under “more than just a blog”. But don’t feel obligated, okay?

Overall, the weekend was nice. The weather in Rochester was unbelievably amazing. So much so, that I will seriously consider moving north once I get my nursing degree. It was really nice to walk around in 50-60 degree weather after leaving the sweltering coal furnace that is Atlanta. On Saturday, I went to the movies and to dinner with one of my coworkers, and that was nice, because I really felt we have never really connected before. We saw The Invasion (which was okay), and had dinner before saying goodnight. It was good conversation the whole time. I also managed to have a little one on one time with another coworker who I had connected with, and it was great getting to know her. I look forward to getting to know her better too! I guess some good can come out of working on the weekends, eh?

Classes officially started for me at GPC today. For those that don’t know, I am taking a few prerequisites for nursing school at GPC, and luckily, I get to take some of them online. I have signed on and looked at the stuff, but haven’t gotten my books yet, so I will probably do that tomorrow, and I will then try to get a little ahead in each of my classes. Man, going back to school after so many years is weird, but I just hope it is a good experience! I am sure that I will have updates on that from time to time… so stay tuned.

Hope everyone is having a great Monday… mind feels like Wednesday or something!