Tag: the low anthem

5SF: july 10

I’m back!! Sorry about last week, but having a day off really makes wanting to blog slip into the forgotten areas of my mind; that, and I was driving all over Atlanta looking for a pool. Well, the pool should be ready next week, and I am ALMOST finished with BOTH bathrooms, so I am getting pretty excited about several things. But enough about that… we are here for the music, right? So let’s get right to it, shall we?

The Low Anthem – Charlie Darwin
Every once and a while, I come across a song so amazing and beautiful, that it literally gives me chills. This is one of those songs. The delicate guitar picking, the haunting vocals, and the gentle-folk quality of this song are pure perfection. The vocal arrangements of the singers is almost choir-like in its nature, but instead of sounding like church music, it comes across as a beautiful ballad with intricacies that make this a truly amazing find. I love it when I come across songs like this, and I realize I have stumbled onto something incredibly beautiful; which unfortunately, doesn’t happen very often. I couldn’t wait to post about this one!

Marina and the Diamonds – I Am Not A Robot
Here is yet another song that I randomly stumbled onto this past week that completely took me by storm. I discovered Marina and the Diamonds by watching the the video of this song (be sure to go and check it out here) on a music blog, and while I instantly loved the song, I was struck by two things instantly: one, how much she reminds me of Imogen Heap, and two, how much she looks like Kelly Clarkson (and Rebecca Romijn from the X-Men movies when she’s got all those sparklies on)! Add to those great things the amazingly-catchy chorus, and total fun of this track, and you have a hit on your hands!! I can’t wait to see what else Marina and the Diamonds have in store for their upcoming album release; if it’s anything like this, I know I’ll love it!

Grizzly Bear – Two Weeks
I don’t know what it is about this song that I love so much; the throw back sound, the weirdness of the oooo’s and ahhh’s, or the quirkiness of the track in general. It reminds me of bands like The Shins, Peter Bjorn and John, and even Vampire Weekend; all of which posses that interesting weird-ish quirk that intrigues me, and in this case, makes me love it. I saw how much hype was surrounding these guys earlier this year, and I scoffed at the time, but after hearing Two Weeks, I am definitely going to reconsider my position.

VV Brown – Shark In The Water
What do you get when you take the vocals of someone very similar to Amy Winehouse, and instead of a throwback sound, you mix it with an truly danceable, pop-rock with almost and island feel to it? Why, you get this song!! I instantly loved the energy and the amazing vocal prowess VV Brown conveys in this massive song. I am sure that the UK radio will be burning up this track this summer (too bad it most likely will NOT make it to radio over here); as well as whatever is attached to my ipod.

Band Of Skulls – I Know What I Am
This song instantly struck me for its hat tip to the intense side of classic rock, but stood out because of the unique pairing of the male and female vocals. The song literally sounds to me like Chrissie Hynde joined the White Stripes; and in the process, made a fucking kick ass single. I am definitely keeping my ears open for whatever comes next from Band of Skulls, because this song is truly fantastic (I haven’t gotten to the rest of the album yet… so many songs coming on my radar right now!!!). Also, is it just me, or is the drumming on this track like a sick, amazing heartbeat-like rhythm that begs to be danced to?

Well, there’s another 5SF for you guys… what did you think? Please let me know, and tell me what you are listening to in return! I hope you found these tracks just as amazing as I did, because this week, there was all kinds of greatness going on!!!