Tag: stupid


A couple of weeks ago, it was ignorant Prejean, blabbing her opinion on the “gay lifestyle”, and her beliefs about gay marriage. She kept talking after the incident, and went so far as to claim that people choose to be gay. Clearly, she chose to be a heterosexual, and barely escaped a lesbian lifestyle. All I could think of everything she was saying was, shut the fuck up you ignorant twit. Seriously, we don’t need your bible thumping views and ignorant ideas to set our fight for equal rights back any more than we need a nail through the foot. Thanks. Moving on…

It doesn’t take long for another twit to get the mic, because here’s another person that I want to STFU: Virgina Foxx. She claims that Matthew Shepard’s HORRIBLE and VIOLENT death was not because he was gay, when it is like 99.9% clear that it was. I will never understand why people are so opposed to hate crime legislation, when so many people have been the victim of hate crimes. No one should have to be brutally slaughtered because of who they are, the color of their skin, or who they love. And if you are against it, fine, that’s your bag, but it’s reprehensible that she would go so far to discredit hate crimes legislation, and claim Matthew’s death was a “simple robbery”. How people can have their stupid heads buried this deep in the sand, and how they can somehow get public platforms is beyond me. Hey Virgina, STFU, alright? Just like Prejean, we don’t need your hateful ignorance, and your warped sense of reality mucking up things for us while we FIGHT for civil rights. What is so scary about gay people just being equal with everyone else?

It really peeves me even more that these are two women, who should know what it means not to have equal rights, seeing as women had to fight for them too. How quickly people forget. You know, you are entitled to your opinion, that’s true, but sometimes, you should think about the ramifications of your “ideals”, and just STFU already. Seriously, go back to your church and tell your mindless followers this crap; keep the public forum free of your hate-driven lies and ignorance please.

how stupid are you?

I get a lot of spam email, and I never understand why these idiots think that their schemes will work. Take this email I got this morning for instance:

Subject: Postal Tracking #HMPSH71337KU7MH
From: “United Parcel Service of America”
Date: Tue, April 14, 2009 9:25 am


We were not able to deliver postal package you sent on the 14th of March in time
because the recipient?s address is not correct.
Please print out the invoice copy attached and collect the package at our office.

Your United Parcel Service of America

It had an included zip file, which I am sure was full of spyware or a virus or something. How stupid are these people that they think I would fall for this shit? I mean, I’m no rocket scientist, but I am pretty sure that if UPS wanted to get in touch with me, they wouldn’t use a hotmail email. I’m just saying.

Nice try though, asshole.

best buy promotion: be a tool-bag… for free!

Pictured above is the promotion Best Buy is running for the release of GH: Metallica; you buy the game, and you get a free “fake tattoo sleeve”. Seriously, Best Buy? Seriously?

Note to anyone that wears this shit: You are a tool-bag. I will mock you openly if I see you wearing such a ridiculous thing. A major part of tattoos is going through the process of getting it, oh that, and the fact that it is permanent. A pantyhose on your arm is truly loser-making material. You’ve been informed, so there is no excuse.

repealing don’t ask don’t tell… hmmm how should I put this…

Let me just start by saying that I am sure that what I am going to say about this will make some people mad. That being said, if you don’t like my opinion, realize that it is just my opinion, and then get over it.

I read an article today talking about how Obama would do what he could to get don’t ask don’t tell repealed if he were elected president. I ask myself, seriously, why this is an issue that he would be concerned with, and perhaps more importantly, why this is being used as a method of placating the gay community for their vote? I mean, repealing this archaic policy is not going to end homophobia and the dangers associated with the anti-gay sentiments running very lively through the current military, so I don’t see a need in getting rid of it. The only important point made in the article is the only thing that Obama should be touting, and reinforcing that he is really for:

He said he’s frequently spoken out against homophobia and in support of gay rights.

My point: does the policy keeps out gays? No. There are gay people in the military. Does it protect gay people? No. Two words: Barry Winchell. He wasn’t even gay, but was beaten to death by a fellow soldier because he thought that he was. Don’t ask don’t tell is a stupid policy that was created by straight men in an effort to use that whole “it’s okay to be gay as long as you don’t act on it” argument in order to “allow” gay people to be in the military. Yes, there are gay people that have been kicked out of the military when it was “found out” that they were gay, but honestly, if an institution such as the military is SOOOOOO threatened by the mere presence of gay people, then I have a very hard time believing that it is JUST the DADT rule that this strong ideal comes from.

I say, that if you want to be in the military, and if you are gay, then you clearly know what you are getting into. It is a gay-fearing institution, that is chock full of overly aggressive, and in some cases, clearly unstable, men and women. Does that describe everyone in the military? NO! But you have to be aware that there may be one crazy that will be in your platoon (or whatever they call the groups you are assigned to) that would just as soon kill you just because he might think that you are gay; whether you are gay or not. My point is, that if you want to truly do something positive for gay people with regards to the military, enforce a strict anti-homophobia policy, and enact strict punishments for those that violate them.

While I think that don’t ask don’t tell is a crock of horseshit, I do have to say that I like it for one reason: it means that I will never, ever have to serve in the military. I have gay friends in the military, and I fully appreciate everything that they have given for this country, but I can’t say that I would do the same. This season on the L Word, they had this scenario were one of the characters was in the military, and was being investigated for being gay. In the end, she was put on trial, and they made her lover testify against her. Her lover refused, and turned the tables on the prosecutor; but the most important part of the whole trial happened when the accused soldier refused to just let it go. She said it plainly and simply; she was tired of having someone treat her, or someone that she loved like a criminal because of who they were, and that if this was going to be the way that the military treated them, that she didn’t feel like that was where she belonged.

While there are many that will disagree with her, I don’t. I cannot see myself supporting an organization that is so afraid of my sexuality, that they would harm me or treat my loved ones like criminals if they suspected I might be gay. Additionally, I wouldn’t want to support a system that is dead set on keeping me in second class citizen status.

There are so many issues here that need to be addressed, and I don’t think that simply repealing don’t ask don’t tell is the answer. I think that by oversimplifying this problem, Obama, and those like him, are politicking in the worst way, and are trying to wave “goodies” in the face of gay voters, hoping to earn their support.

Listen, Obama, we got you. We are going to vote for you (for the most part… Log Cabin Republicans most likely won’t). However, get it through your thick skull that trying to overturn a simple, archaic rule isn’t going to change the state of homophobia in the military, and as such, is not offering any gay person that participates in the military any more REAL protection. Until you want to put your head on the chopping block and go balls to the wall saying that you want to do everything in your power to make sure that everyone in this country is treated fairly and equally, as it says in the constitution, then please, quit the politicking, and just stick to letting us know that you have our backs.

Anything less is just annoying, and frankly, insulting to my intelligence. I don’t think that that repealing don’t ask don’t tell will really have the ramifications that you imply; and I don’t think that I am alone in that sentiment.