Tag: structured blogging

more content coming to this space!!

The previous post is a taste of what’s to come here at duanemoody.com; (hopefully) lots more content! In an effort to bring more pizazz and zing! to this site, especially since it often lays barren, and without updates for days and days at a time, I have been looking into the concept of structured blogging; which involves sharing more content than just a post here and a post there. It seems that spreading out to other sites (while I do enjoy it, and it is good in and of itself), has caused me to neglect this space.

So, from now on, I plan on integrating reviews, links, and other fun content alongside my “regular” posts (which at this point, refers mostly to the 5SF). I hope that this will make my website more exciting, and allow me to bring more for you, my awesome readers, to enjoy.