Tag: sick-and-tired-of-bullshit

maybe a little venting, maybe a little something else

I know that people love to disagree with my “radical” ideas. I also like to have discussion and debate, even when people infer things that I haven’t said, and say things like, “you are being inconsistent”, even when I am not (again, if I were, you would be able to point it out… yet, that hasn’t happened, not even once). I do like to have intelligent discourse, even when those that attempt to engage me, do so in a less than intelligent way.

But what I don’t care for, and what I won’t do, is apologize or justify what I say or have what I have said. If you don’t like it, fuck off. If you want, comment, read, whatever you want. I don’t have to impress you, and I am not trying to.

There are pricks out there on the internet that are literally obsessed with “making fun” of me, and yet, they still don’t get the fact that I don’t need to impress them either. I have addressed this in the past, and I am just in awe of the pathetic obsession that still burns inside them. It is sickeningly pathetic, actually. Move on already.

I am sick and fucking tired of putting up with bullshit, especially here on my own blog. So, if you have a counter point to something that I have said, state it, and we will discuss. However, if all that you have is “you’re wrong!”, then save it, because that isn’t an argument. It’s nothing. And, it will be treated as such. If you want to represent yourself here as having nothing to contribute, that’s your bag, and feel free to do so; but don’t get mad when I call it nothing, because I will.

What a way to start your day, eh? To see those same old people still talking the same old school-yard bullshit about you, just under the radar, rather than having the nuts to actually bring it. Pathetic. When are you going to grow up? If you haven’t already, chances are, you won’t. Perhaps you don’t have the ability to. Either way, pathetic.

I have taken this shit for far too long; I have been dealing with assholes for as long as I can remember, so I guess time for “fuck off” is long overdue. Now, just try and bring the shit-storm bitches. I’m ready for anything.