Tag: school-work

checking in….

It has been a few days since I have posted; and not without good reason. I am BUSY!! School is continuing to flex its muscles; seriously, this statistics course is acting like a grad level course. I wonder if the professor knows it is supposed to be intro? Either way, I just hope I can make it out of the class with a good grade. Also, my first anatomy test is this week, and I am studying like mad to make the best grade possible… here’s hoping for an A on the first test.

Other than that, I got more tattoo on my ankle yesterday, and it looks so much better. While I liked just the flowers, I thought it was rather plan, and Malia agreed, so she added some waves and rocks to make it more of a “piece”. I think it looks amazing, even though it hurts like crazy, and I will try to get some pictures up soon… as soon as I am finished with my anatomy test!

Wish me luck!

Hope everyone is having a great week… I know that I have been enjoying this much cooler weather; I have even been kind of cold riding into work these past few days, as I have been riding with all of the windows down and the sunroof open. MAN, I love fall!!! Bring on the fleece!!!

working in a group

So we have this project for my Stats class… a group project. Keep in mind, that we have no in class time, and almost the entire course is self taught (given the materials the professor provides). Now, while I am certainly not against a group project, I just want to know how this is going to work properly…

I mean, you would think that everyone in the group would email each other, communicate, and adequately divide up the work amongst the group, and then bring the final project together before submission, right? Well, that’s not what happened. We had an assumer (as in, I assumed I would just get started, so I did that already… even though he didn’t), as well as the good guy, who really communicated well, and actually did his work, and sent me his stuff. Too bad I have to redo it all, because it does answer the questions well enough; and, because what they do (or in this case, don’t do), can negatively impact my grade.

So, now I am doing the entire project by myself, for our “group”. It seems like working in a group isn’t something that works, at least in this online class, to my advantage in any way. *back to work*…. grrrr….

All I can say, is I better get an A on this!