Tag: ridiculousness

embedding disabled by request

As I was thinking up the list of songs that I will be featuring on tomorrow’s 5SF, I pondered the potential of at least one of said songs having a video on youtube, as I always do. One song in particular (which I will not name, because I have to have some secrecy to bring you kids back, don’t I?) has a fantastical video that I would love to post, but due to the nature that it is by a major artist, I am sure that the video will be either yanked off of youtube soon, or it will have the lovely “embedding disabled by request” where the code to embed said video on my blog should be.

Now, I have to say, that I really do not understand this move by record companies at all (this assuming that they are the reason, since I can think of no reason an artist would want to restrict the viewing of their video to youtube). Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t a video practically a commercial for a song; it represents the artist, and provides more incentive to listen to the song, and more likely than not, increases interest in buying the artist’s CD when it hits stores? So, when you put the video on youtube (especially since the “usual” way to see videos has drastically changed since MTV doesn’t play many these days), aren’t you attempting to put this piece of work out there for all to see? By the same logic, one would also think that by allowing that video to be reposted (through embedding youtube links, of course), that you would be increasing exposure to the video and the song, and there by, allowing FREE publicity for your artist. But no. For whatever reason, many major labels insist on keeping the content “safe”, and will not allow you to embed any of their videos. Again, this makes no sense.

If I posted a commercial, or an advertisement on my website for free, and received no income from having the banner on my site, I would be providing FREE PR for whatever the advertisement was for. I would think, again by that same logic, that the company that sold that product would be more than happy to have me do such a thing, since again, I am publicizing it for free.

I guess my rant is just a venting of the frustration that continually comes from dealing with the recording industry (DRM, lack of embedding, piracy issues, etc). They try so hard to lock down everything, that many artists have a hard time releasing their music, and even the ones that manage to get it out there have a choke hold placed on their material; which is interesting, because without them, the record industry would be nothing. I say, that if you are going to even post a video on youtube in the first place, that allowing people to embed it on their websites is just a common courtesy to your artists, and at a minimum, a free advert for your product; after all, it is again, FREE PR!!! I mean, it’s not like youtube is so secure that I can’t use a software to gank the video, and post it from my own server; which is actually “stealing”, and what I am assuming you are trying to avoid, right? Because that is easier than actually changing the code to make the video fit into my page parameters, just so you know.

Ridiculous much? Methinks so. /rant

olympics, netvibes, and redefining contraceptives (REALLY?!)?

First up, how proud does it make you feel when you see people like Michael Phelps smashing world records and getting all of those gold medals!? I have to say, that it definitely makes me proud of him for what he has achieved. Also, I can’t seem to get past the bad mouthing that teams get when they “beat us”; meaning that they get the gold and we get anything but gold. Seriously, mistakes happen, and performances aren’t always the best, but let’s not be sore “losers” America… a sliver is still pretty fucking good.

I have been using Netvibes for a very long time, and after the redesign, it has been like a dream feed-reader. However it is doing this new thing where it won’t save a feed for a new item, and that is really pissing me off. Is it doing that to anyone else? Seriously, if you have to enter the feed every time you use the damn thing, what is the point of even adding them?? It is doing this to two websites that are unrelated, and that both have active and working feeds. If you have experienced this, let me know, and hopefully, you can tell me how to fix my Netvibes.

Finally, my friend Deb brought this to my attention today (which makes me wonder why it isn’t getting MORE MSM press than it is): apparently, Bush and some of his fellow conservatives are trying to redefine contraception as abortion. Holy fuck, where in the hell are these people’s minds? As one person says so very well, these are the same people that don’t think it is the government’s responsibility to take care of the people that need actual abortions or assistance as a result of having limited access to, or knowledge of the importance in using contraception. There have been a lot of STUPID things to come out of this administration, but this is a complete violation of responsibility or care for women’s health. This is just dumb, and I can’t believe that they are trying to do this shit. January cannot come fast enough; this nut job has got to go! Seriously, what do you think about this? I mean, redefining contraception (which PREVENTS pregnancy) as abortion (which ENDS pregnancy, a pregnancy that has ALREADY OCCURRED) is completely insane!!! I just can’t believe the rampant stupidity that exists in some people these days. UGH! It’s almost like the “Bush way” is to take common sense, and actual fact-based knowledge, and then throw that out the window and go with the direct opposite (which is also supported by facts stating that it should be your LAST option). *massive face palm*

a note about my year end list (which is causing me a little stress)

I want to start by saying that I have actually had a hard time trying to “list” out my top records for this year in “order”, because there are different things I like about each record, and to be completely honest and evenly fair, they really don’t compare. In fact, the further into this list I get, the more I realize that I am not ranking these records at all; if something gets 4 stars, it is getting 4 stars, and essentially, it is just as good as every other record that got 4 stars, and as such, it has made my year end list with a 4 star rating.

This is something that has become more apparent as I review these records, and listen to them again; where many of them leave me wondering why I don’t listen to them more, mainly because of how great they actually are. However, for whatever reason, some records are more “popular” with me, and as such, I have listened to them more, which, for whatever reason, had me hold out on listing them in a half-assed attempt to “rank” them. But no more.

I really don’t think that can compare the Shins and Hilary Duff; and I am not trying to. Both of those records I really enjoy, and they have both made my year end list, and both have 4 star ratings; each for reasons that are unique to those records. Man, rating and ranking things really does stress a girl out. So, from here on, just look at this less like a “rank” or “order”, and more of a list of the greatest from 2007… of course, star ratings definitely rank things, so focus more on that, rather than the order in which the record shows up on my list; and keep in mind that you can’t compare apples and oranges… so I’m not trying to. A four star is a four star, and a five star is a five star. In some cases (which will become more so with the “top” records, as I get closer to the end of this countdown), there really will be a “more enjoyable” factor that really will influence when and where a CD falls on this list; but for the most part, the star rankings are more indicative than anything else.

Whew! This has just been an unnecessary cause of stress; I know I feel better… how about you? I never thought that this would stress me out, but I suppose if anyone could, I know that I could find stress in something that is supposed to bring me joy. Oh the joy in that. Now… back to the list!

music sharing and ridiculousness

So, I spoke briefly on Friday about the girl that was sued by the RIAA who lost, and now owes upwards of $200,000 for downloading and sharing a few songs. Now, while I am do agree that there should be some regulation, and that nothing should just be totally free, I think that this whole war against those that share music has gotten out of hand (as evidenced by this case). In fact, what is forgotten, and I think on purpose for whatever reason, is that most people that download music actually end up buying most of that which they download.

Take me for example. I buy CDs all of the time. Most of those CDs are CDs that I downloaded first, in order to see what they were like. Most of the stuff that I download is stuff that I haven’t heard of, and want to check out. If I get a chance to check out something new, and end up enjoying it, I definitely want to support the artist, and 9 times out of 10, I do.

So is what I am doing helping or hurting the music industry? I would say that it is helping because I am buying the products that are being produced; and most often I am buying the minor artists, and supporting music that would otherwise never be heard. Additionally, many of the smaller artists that I find this way, would never have been discovered without my trying to find them. I also go to concerts of these artists regularly, and support them even more in that manner.

If I relied on the radio for my every music need, I would miss many of the amazing artists that I love today, and I think that not only is that a terrible shame, I think that it clearly shows that the RIAA is not about saving music… they are about their profits.

However, I still contribute to their profits. Willingly. Yet, they still come after those like me, those that love music, and just want to be able to share it with others, in hopes that they will enjoy and support those artists that they might have never heard of; that is, if I didn’t play them that “illegal” mp3.

I think this whole issue is bullshit, and it just makes me angry that big corporations get all angry when they can’t control every single aspect of something. This is especially infuriating with regards to trying to control music that I legitimately pay for… If I bought it, so back off. You got your money, now let me enjoy my CD, or even make a copy for a friend if I choose to do so; I payed for it! In the end, it is clear to me, that the RIAA is always the one that wins, because like I said, most of those suggestions lead to purchases; and most of the profits are never even seen by the artists themselves.

I gave $5 to the save Jammie fund, because I know that if I were in her shoes, I would really be freaking out. I feel sorry for her that the RIAA has chosen so ridiculously to make an example out of her. Asking her to pay a $1 for each song she shared is one thing, but what they are doing is robbery. So, here’s $5 from me, Jammie, I hope that you can raise enough to pay off the bloodsuckers that are on your back.

What do you guys think about sharing music/downloading music? Do you think the whole thing is just another greedy scandal by corporations to make as much money as possible? Or do you really think that artists suffer? What about sharing music is so bad, especially if you are like me, and you almost always go out and buy the CD? Additionally, sharing music was meant to discover new artists, which for me, it totally does… what would happen to the obscure artists if this ability was taken away? How would it effect you?