Tag: retail_therapy

welcome to the land of digital SLR

That’s right.

I am a point and shoot ‘only’ boy no more. Today, I got what I have wanted for the past year and a half… A digital SLR camera… specifically, the Canon Digital Rebel XT.

Now, I know that many of you know that I like to dabble in photography, but I have always felt limited by the equipment that I had… and after having a close friend get one of these cameras (and then another, and another), I just felt like it was what I needed to stop dabbling, and actually grow as a photographer. But one thing stood in my way… money. Well, I was lucky enough to get a decent tax return this year (I STILL can’t believe it), and I splurged and got myself this awesome camera (in silver), in hopes that it will re-awaken, and further hone my photography skills and interests. I can’t wait to get into learning more about this camera, as well as what it can do with different lenses. I was lucky enough to have a great friend hook me up by giving me the starter lens that comes with the starter kit for the camera, allowing me to save about $200 and only get the body of the camera. While things are coming in from different directions… camera from online… lens from my friend… memory card from online (hasn’t arrived yet… UGH!), I am happy that I went this route, because I have saved myself a lot of money by waiting, and having a generous friend (thanks again Deb!).

This is one of the first times in my life that I have gotten a tax return that did anything more than go directly into my savings, or go directly towards paying off a big bill; so I am so excited that I was able to get this camera. Now, I can’t wait to get taking pictures with it!!! But all in due time!

Just wanted to share my joy… sometimes retail therapy, even if it is a year and a half in the making, can feel so, so sweet. Anyone want to go on a photo stroll?? I’ll be ready as soon as my memory card arrives!!!!!