Tag: religion

more hate from the catholic church

Check out this latest act of stupidity drowned in hate, from the Catholic Church: (h/t to my friend W. Scott for letting me know about this)

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington said Wednesday that it will be unable to continue the social service programs it runs for the District if the city doesn’t change a proposed same-sex marriage law, a threat that could affect tens of thousands of people the church helps with adoption, homelessness and health care.

Under the bill, headed for a D.C. Council vote next month, religious organizations would not be required to perform or make space available for same-sex weddings. But they would have to obey city laws prohibiting discrimination against gay men and lesbians.

Fearful that they could be forced, among other things, to extend employee benefits to same-sex married couples, church officials said they would have no choice but to abandon their contracts with the city.

“If the city requires this, we can’t do it,” Susan Gibbs, spokeswoman for the archdiocese, said Wednesday. “The city is saying in order to provide social services, you need to be secular. For us, that’s really a problem.”

They might as well have released a statement that said specifically, “We, the Catholic Church, hate the idea of gay people getting married so much, that we will turn our backs on the charity we provide to people that desperately need it. If you, the state that gives us some of the money that allows us to do that charity force us to follow your rules, we won’t provide those services anymore. Our hatred is so strong, that we are willing to publicly paint ourselves as haters just to prove how much we feel and want to perpetuate that hate. Hate, hate, hate; that is what we are all about. Erm, I don’t know how to end… I guess, Love, the Catholic Church.”

Now, the Catholic Church has a strong track record of doling out their own specifically interesting breed of hatred, so this isn’t really a surprise to me. However, it is highlighting the fact that if you didn’t think they could go lower, oh boy, you were wrong; there is no telling how low the Catholic Church will go in the name of hatred over what they decide is wrong. I am sure that Jesus would love the idea of turning your back on the needy just to prove a point, Catholic Church. Y’all truly are a “city on a hill”.

Finally, I do have to say, directly to the Catholic Church in DC; if you are so upset with being told to treat people equally, why not give up your tax exempt status, and stop receiving city funds? Additionally, the statement released accused this measure of ignoring religious freedom, which it doesn’t do; what it does, is it highlights the importance of following the covenant laid forth in the constitution, that there be a separation of church and state, and as such, one can practice which ever religion they want. If you don’t want the government making decisions, and “controlling” your religion, then stop accepting money from them and expecting differential treatment; you can’t have it both ways.

5SF: november 21

It was hard not to post any of the leaked tracks from Britney’s upcoming album, Circus this week, because frankly, it is quite good. She has really worked hard this time around, and it really shows; I see big things for her in the near future. However, since it isn’t technically out yet, I don’t want to post about it yet, and as always, there are tons of other songs that I have ready for you. One of this week’s tracks is even about Ms. Spears; how appropriate, no? Now, without further adieu…

Matt Alber – Monarch
I first saw the video for this many, many months ago, and I searched the interwebs high and low trying to get my hands on this track so that I could feature it. Well, I couldn’t find anything, and then I saw it was FINALLY available on amazon a week or so ago, so I quickly ordered the CD, and now I can finally feature my praise for this track properly this Friday. This is the lead single from out artist Matt Alber’s recently released record, Hide Nothing. His voice has that husky, and sexy quality that is certainly reminiscent of fellow out artist Rufus Wainwright, and I can’t help but notice that he’s quite the swoon-worthy guy; just check out those eyes! The first time I heard this song, I knew that I wanted to hear a lot more from Matt, and I have eagerly been waiting for his CD to get released so I could feature him here, and let you guys know about this amazing artist. Definitely do yourself a favor and check out his videos on youtube; not only can he sing beautifully, but as I mentioned, he is quite a handsome guy!

James Morrison – You Make It Real
I have been told by a few of you to give James’ new release a chance, and after hearing this song on BBC 1 the other day, I can see why you wanted me to; this track is sweet and ever so beautiful. I couldn’t really get into James’ debut that was released last year, but it wasn’t because it wasn’t good; I can definitely recognize his talent, and I certainly get that he is good at what he is doing. However, it just didn’t mesh with me for whatever reason, so when I saw he had released another record, I wasn’t that interested. Well, color me interested now, because this song is sweet music to my ears. I am glad that I listened to your recommendations and checked him out again… also, this is a big nod to the amazingness that is BBC 1; they play so many songs that I wouldn’t expect to like, but do!!

Bebo Norman – Britney
Many of you may not know this about me, but I used to be a certified Jesus Freak (especially musically). When I was in college, ALL of my music was pretty much contemporary Christian, with my favorite band being the amazing Jars of Clay. Through Jars of Clay, I found Bebo Norman, and I still count both of them amongst my favorite artists to this day (even though I am not as “into them” as I was back then). Well, I saw somewhere randomly that Bebo had a song about Britney on his new record (which was released a couple of months ago), and it prompted me to check out his newest release. The song is really sweet, and touching, and honestly, it is nice to know that people really do see the what the media and the press can do to stars like Ms. Spears, and offer compassion for her having hard times because of it. Bebo definitely writes from a very Christian perspective (being that he is a Christian artist), but I have never gotten a sense that he is offering anything but compassion and understanding; without judgment. In this song, he’s coming from a place of compassion, and find that refreshing; especially in a time when so many others that call themselves Christian come from a place of such hatred. One thing that I learned when I was so into church, was the God, Jesus, and Christianity as a religious identity isn’t meant to be a tool used for damning, persecuting, or judging anyone; it is meant to be a tool for showing compassion, understanding, and love. Since I came out, church hasn’t been a big part of my life, partly because of the hate and hypocrisy I constantly see splattered about the news, but little things like Bebo’s music remind me that not all Christian’s are like that; some of them really are coming from the place that the Bible says that they should… a place of love and hope. Regardless of whether you interpret Bebo’s message to be love from God, or just love from someone that cares, Christians like Bebo really seem to exemplify what I came to know as Christianity in the first place; and when I heard that in this song, I really loved it. I appreciate Bebo’s compassion, and after listening to his recently released self-titled album, I remember why I loved him so much; he is a fantastic singer, artist, and musician, and he seems to be a truly fantastic person at heart… if only other Christians could see that you can love God without hating someone who doesn’t fit the mold perfectly through your eyes. To speak quite frankly, it isn’t about believing in God; it is about being a good person, and caring about others, and seeing that we all struggle through different things in our lives, and offering compassion to those in their time of need. If only those that judge and hate could show the love that they are supposed to subscribe to, perhaps we’d all be better off for it. Religious or not, I think that’s something we could all learn from.

Ladyhawke – Dusk ‘Til Dawn
In kind of a way to honor Ladyhawke’s solid debut record finally coming out in the US this week, I wanted to feature my favorite track from the record. Since there has been so much continued press and hype about her in the music blogosphere, I didn’t feel the need to focus on her specifically, because I felt that it had been covered, and that the word was out there. I will say that I am definitely impressed with her debut, and I do believe that you will see it amongst my albums of the year; but again, I felt like everyone else had already raised that flag, so I didn’t need to. Well, her record is finally out in the US this week, and to celebrate, here’s my favorite track from the album. It is definitely a little eighties, and it is a toe-tapper that will have you bopping your head and wanting more. You may not have heard about Ladyhawke from me first, but know that just because I haven’t said anything, doesn’t mean that I don’t give her a big thumbs up as well.

Merril Bainbridge – Mouth
To round out the bunch, here’s one of my favorite one hit wonders from the nineties. If you recall, last week, I said that I would pepper future 5SF’s with these little gems, and this is one of my favorites. This song wasn’t really HUGE, but it is definitely one of those tracks that is a MAJOR ear worm. I seriously cannot skip this track if it comes up on my ipod, and if it comes on the radio, I find myself singing along at the top of my lungs. I have to this day, never heard another Merril Bainbridge track, but this one more than makes up for anything else she may have done; it’s pop perfection. Even if you hate this song, I can bet that even you know the words. Songs like this are a perfect example of the one hit wonders from the nineties, and these tracks REALLY take me back there. Enjoy!

Well, there’s another five song Friday for you!! I do want to follow up and apologize if I unwillingly took some of y’all to “church” this week. That is a side of me that I usually don’t have much to say about, because of the hypocrisy in the world that bothers me so much; but I really liked the song, and where it seemingly comes from, and wanted to share it. It’s also important for me to define why I say “seemingly comes from”: since I don’t know him personally, I can only assume that Bebo writes from a place of love, and because I have never heard otherwise, I do believe that he does. However, because of my experience with some Christians, I will always remain cautiously skeptical, because I have been burned so many times. I will NEVER understand how someone could use something as reaffirming and positive as religion (is supposed to be) to persecute or judge anyone, and perhaps that is why I don’t bother saying much about it. I believe in God, and if you don’t, that is perfectly fine… and I just wish that it could be that simple for everyone else. People like Bebo give me hope that maybe, someday, other religious people can speak from a place of love and not hate. Oh well… enjoy the music, let’s not worry too much about all of that this afternoon, okay? Have a great weekend, and tell me what you’ve got playing on your music device!!

never satisfied!

So I saw a blog theme that I liked earlier today, and all it did was put a bee in my bonnet about making changes to mine. Problem is, I only know enough CSS to do the basics, and as such, really don’t know how to edit an open source theme to do what K2 does for me. So that leads me to just being frustrated, and never satisfied with my current theme (which, as you may or may not have noticed, has changed a little over the past few weeks). What does everyone else think about this theme? I like the plaid, but I am not stuck on it. I want something that looks a little less simple; all while maintaining some simplicity. Wow, that sounded way more complicated than I wanted it to. Either way, advice would be welcome at this point.

Also, totally unrelated, but why are people even listening to Mike Huckabee? The man is clearly off his God-fearing rocker, so I can’t help but wonder why this man is constantly given the microphone and allowed to spread his ridiculous ideas. Apparently, he thinks that homosexuality and bestiality are the same thing, on top of his desire to change this country into a theocracy. So then, I ask, who believes this shit? Clearly, not anyone that I would want to run into in my lifetime. I guess he is “entitled” to speak as much as he wants, so long as he can keep coming up with the money to run for office; but it really makes you wonder how people that have this warped of a sense of reality, and this close-minded of a view of society can rise so far in the ranks, you know? Either way, I just wish he would shut up already; we’ve got it… you’re crazy. Thanks. Moving on. How about we pay attention to someone that actually will do something positive for all of us in this country, shall we?

why is gay marriage an issue?

I keep hearing all of this stuff about trying to find each presidential candidate’s position on gay marriage, and I have ask… why is gay marriage an issue that should be the concern of a president? Seriously? The issue is not gay marriage; it is civil rights. Marriage is the word that the use to describe the religious procedure of getting bound to another person for life. The only thing that could make it an issue, is that it is currently recognized by the government as a legal union, and there are privileges that come with its status. However, it is not the issue, and I don’t get why we are so concerned with that word; marriage.

I would happily take a civil union any day; so long as it afforded me EQUAL rights. I don’t give two shits about calling my partnership a “marriage” vs. calling it a “civil union”; so long as we are treated equally under the law of our government. I personally think that should be more of the focus, as this issue will always be used as more of a wedge than anything, and no person in their right mind is going to go up against the juggernaut that is the Christian church. Also, isn’t there supposed to be a separation of church and state? So again, why not stop calling it “gay marriage” as an issue?

I think that if you get married, good for you; you should also have to file for a civil union, which should be the only union the government officially recognizes. Make it standard for everyone, and make it available for gays and lesbians as well. Keep marriage in the churches, take religion out of the equation, and things can be more acceptable for everyone, right? Perhaps this is too simple of a concept, but it boggles my mind that gay marriage is all anyone ever asks about when it comes to gay and lesbian rights and a presidential candidate. (what about gay civil rights of other people throughout the world? I think that should be a huge concern of ours as well; but that is a more lengthy conversation).

I realized this more fully when I was reading what Obama said, and the “reaction” from some of the gays that he was against gay marriage. We don’t need to fight for religious justification; we need to fight for equality. Sure, the fight for gay marriage is a fight for equality, but it isn’t necessarily the same thing; take religious practice out of the picture officially. These church driven people are NEVER going to give us the “right” to take their “sacred” practice (now with a 50+% failure-rate!) for ourselves, so we should just drop the shit already. I am tired of continually giving it back to them so they can wedge it between what’s really important and this dance that we have been stuck in forever. I am for equality; nothing less, nothing more. Doesn’t that sound like a more fruitful fight?

Unrelated link: This is quite fascinating if it is true; apparently, the first AIDS case was in 1969 in the US. This makes me wonder; why didn’t it spread to the epic proportions that it has today? What was the factor that caused it to spread so rapidly in the 1980s that was different 11 years earlier? If this man was the first documented case of AIDS, how many people had it before him; and who infected him? It really turns the notion of epidemiology on its head, because it really did occur in a seemingly singular incident. Weird.

two things Tuesday: evolution and condoms

Kind of different; kind of the same, no? Both of these things have people up in arms, and I just wanted to throw in my two cents; for whatever it’s worth.

Basically, the issue with evolution (this time), is that a local republican state representative sent out a memo stating that evolution shouldn’t be taught in schools because it is a religious deception that was derived from an ancient Jewish religious sect. Basically, his memo is stating that evolution not actually secular science, and is instead a so-called “creation scenario”, that is actually based on the “Christ hating” ancient Jews, and that it was written a couple millenia ago. Okay, let me get this straight, the Jews made up the Big Bang theory? Those crazy Jews came up with this myth to explain the beginning of the world and to explain life on earth, and they called it evolution?! Damn! They are crazy!!! OH WAIT, YOU DOUCHE, not only are you being anti-semitic (surprise), the Jews didn’t make up the Big Bang theory, and it actually isn’t a myth, it is a theory that is still pondered by scientists. You do know what scientists are, don’t you? They are people that use facts to put together ideas about things… and in this case, they continually use the facts they know about and learn about the world, and all of the stuff in it, in order to come up with a good idea of where it came from. See, the difference between a myth and theory, is that one is based on science, and one isn’t. Okay? So it’s pretty clear to me, and MANY others, that evolution is science, and is not a myth. You can believe that if you want, but leave the Jews out of it, okay? And don’t try to use this as your crazy Christian reasoning for keeping it out of schools, you anti-Semite!

Obviously, he denies writing the memo, but regardless if he actually wrote it or not, it goes without saying that people like this guy shouldn’t be allowed to have any political power; all they do is confuse those that are already ignorant. You know that there is going to be someone out there that supports this “idea”, and that is just one person too many. Also, to further illustrate his memo’s off-the-wallness, not only is he saying this about evolution, he also believes that the earth isn’t rotating, and that we aren’t actually going around the sun. I suppose sunrise and sunset are magic then, right? Ugh, people like this make me want to just bang my head on my desk and scream, WTF!?!?! The Anti-Defamation League is going after him, so I hope that he isn’t re-elected. If people like this make it into politics, that is one more reason to fear the government, right? Jesus.


So, NYC has a great idea; let’s make a NYC condom, and hand it out FOR FREE all over the city, in order to curtail the incidence of HIV!! Sounds good, right? It does to me!!! HELL YEAH!

But of course… “NO!”, shouts the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church came out against the condom, stating that you should practice abstinence before marriage, and practice fidelity within marriage to prevent HIV. (They’ve also preached up and down in the past about how condoms aren’t effective at preventing HIV anyway, which they are totally wrong about). Hmm… Let’s look at this from their perspective: perhaps 95000+ known cases of HIV in NYC, is evidence that they are doing such a good job of what you want already, that there is no need for something OTHER than that old abstinence/marriage shtick. Oh, 95000 sounds like a lot to you? Well, it does to me too! Perhaps what you are saying isn’t working? Oh snap!

Listen, if you don’t approve of contraception, realize that condoms do more than that, they protect against HIV! THAT is the reason this program was started… to decrease the incidence of HIV in NYC!! I am so sick of religion poking its nose in issues related to health; it is pretty clear that they have absolutely no idea that what they say and what they do actually causes more health problems. If you really cared, and if you were actually as compassionate as your religion dictates that you should be, then you would want more people to live life without suffering from chronic diseases; regardless of your views on sex. Free condoms won’t increase sex, it will allow for future sex to be SAFER sex… And that is a great thing. All I have to say is a HUGE Bravo(!!!!!) to NYC, and an even bigger BOO(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) to the Catholic Church. I would like to know: when are we, as a society, going to be mature enough to stop putting our heads in the religious sand and actually do something about sexually transmitted diseases, like HIV? We have got to get over this fear of sex, or we will NEVER get rid of HIV, and that scares me, because I truly don’t know if we are all capable of such logical thinking; enough to actually make changes and decrease disease. I do have hope when I see cities like NYC taking it seriously, though… Perhaps Atlanta will follow suit?? Come on you guys! Don’t be afraid of the church! They will get their panties all tied up in knots, while we all can have access to free condoms… it’s a win win, as far as I see it. Way to stick to your guns, NYC, and show your dedication to public health.

does it matter if it is fake, given that it happens all of the time?

Dave emailed me about this blog post earlier. I read it, and like the writer of the post, I felt sick. In fact, still do. I feel horrible that another person would suffer the fate of suicide, because of the lack of care and real love from their family. I feel awful that someone would take their life because they felt so alone and so misunderstood, that they became depressed to the point of suicide. And probably even worse, is that I feel angry that people like this boy’s mother continually do this same sort of thing over and over, causing more and more kids to go through similar scenarios; many of which end with the same conclusion.

The blog post I am talking about, is referring to a forum-posted story where a Christian Fundamentalist mother finds out her son is gay, he comes out to her, and she suggests therapy; only her response is to tell him the therapist is wrong for saying being gay is normal, and that he should instead not act on his feelings. The mother proceeds to turn her back on understanding her son, and ceases to be there for him emotionally; actions which stem from her fundamentalist beliefs. Unfortunately, the result, is that her son commits suicide, leaving her wondering why he resorted to such a drastic response to her lack of understanding.

Now, while I feel the same things that probabilityzero felt, hurt, anger, disbelief, disgust; I couldn’t help but notice something eerily consistent in the comments both on his website, and on digg (where it no doubt made its way due to how interesting it was, I assume): many of the people commenting are way too focused on whether or not the story is actually true. People are going so far as to chastise the writer of the post for his feelings about this occurrence on the grounds that the story might not be true. I have a huge problem with that, mainly because even if this story isn’t true, this sort of thing happens all of the time!! It is known that the suicide and attempted suicide rates among gay and lesbian teens is higher than any other group of adolescents, and in many instances, these actions are due to religious persecution and self hatred stemming from families that refuse to understand their children.

While it angered me to see people chastising the boy for being gay, seeing people agree with the actions of the mother, and even seeing people say that the mother was in no way to blame for the death of her son, it bothers me more that people would focus on this not being an issue, simply because the instance may or may not be a real life instance. This type of thing is exactly what I encountered when I wrote that post about Donnie Davies from yesterday; while he may or may not be real, people like him exist and do the same things that he is doing, for real. While this woman may or may not have posted a true story about her religion getting in the way of her love for her son, and the subsequent consequences of her actions, there are parents that are making the same decisions and doing the same hurtful things to children all over the world, for real.

This issue of religious fundamentalism and the judgement that stems from it is something that makes me so angry, but at the same time, incredibly sad. I was lucky enough to escape most of the religious persecution many gay youth encounter, only to impose it upon myself when I was going through the process of coming to terms with my own sexuality. I thought of suicide many times, and luckily, I never attempted it; but there are many that are not so lucky. I remember what it felt like to be so utterly alone and afraid that my being homosexual was a sin, so much that it was an actual physical pain in my body. I hated myself for who I was, and it cost me a lot of self respect, happiness, and time; but luckily, it didn’t cost me my life. No one should have to go through this alone, and this boy unfortunately did; because his mother turned her back on him when she denied who he was. Her actions forced his depression to grow, and he wasn’t able to overcome it. Whether or not this boy is real, there are many other boys and girls out there that are just like him, feeling those feelings, and experiencing that same depression.

If I had my way, there are a few things that would happen, relating to this true or untrue story. One, I continually hope that religious fundamentalists would actually practice what they preach (i.e., love is supposed to be absolute, not a pick and choose issue-based thing) and stop using religion to discriminate anyone because of who they are, or who they believe themselves to be. Two, I wish that people could stop focusing on whether or not one instance of something like this is real or not, especially when this is just an example of a very real problem occurring right now all over the world. And three, I hope that all kids out there struggling with their sexuality that face this sort of persecution and ignorance will have the strength to make it through their depression and live their lives happily. One of the worst things that ever happened to me was living in the closet, and I am grateful that somehow I was able to make it out; I wish the same for everyone else that struggles with this issue.

yay! it’s friday!

So, I guess the randomness from the other day is infectious, because I seem to still be infected with it. So here we go:

  • I found out what it means to be Jewish today. No, I didn’t convert, I have a friend that is Jewish, and she helped me understand the “difference” between the religion and the ethnicity. It was cool to clarify something that I am sure a lot of people don’t know about unless it affects them personally. Needless to say, you can become Jewish if you convert, that’s the religion part. If you are born to a woman that is Jewish, you are Jewish by birth, whether you ascribe to the religion or not. Interesting! I love being an anthropologist sometimes… I should really use that more.
  • I have realized that I REALLY need to go on a diet. I am not saying that I am fat, so don’t even go there. But, regardless of that fact, I need to lose some weight; I want to be able to wear my summer clothes when it comes back around. I have started back at the gym, but I need to be more regular about it. I will go today. I will!
  • I am “done” with my half-sleeve tattoo, but decided that I would go forward with getting my ankle touched up; since that is why I went in the first place to talk with Russ. I am actually kind of excited to see what he can do with it, because it is a pretty plain tattoo, and it really needs some work. I am sure he will be able to come up with something great; he really isn’t capable of anything less than great.
  • I realize that I have some pretty great friends/family. Last night, two people helped me get over a bad day, and I am really appreciative of that. Others are going to hang tonight, and the fun should keep going strong. And, my cousin called today just to say hi and tell me she loves me. Sometimes, it really is those little things that help me make it, you know?
  • I have been obsessed with plug-ins lately. I mean, wordpress is 1000 times better than Movable Type (mainly because MT ate my blog), and there are of these nifty plug ins to keep me from going bonkers trying to re-write the chicken scratch that is PHP. I changed the default gravatars icon so that I don’t hate it. I might change it again though; I can’t seem to find a gravatars plug-in that is easy to set up, install, or change the options of (that is, without potentially fucking something up completely).
  • My musical momentum still seems to be steaming along; I keep finding great stuff. I will be doing a music podcast next week (as I mentioned before), and I can’t wait. Music really is a passion of mine.

Well, that’s about all, because after all, it is Friday. Oh, one final note: we got our DSL modem from Bellsouth, and are waiting to have a phone jack put in the office (Monday). We got $250 of rebates, and I can’t wait to tell Comcast to shove it up their ComcASS! I hope it will be an improvement, but I will certainly be blogging it whether it is, or isn’t. Have a good weekend, ya’ll!