Tag: Ray-LaMontagne

favorite albums of 2020

So, I have really been neglecting this blog, but really, I don’t have any excuses. Life is pretty crazy, and times aren’t like they were, BUT! Work is good, albeit sometimes stressful, and takes up a lot of my time. Life is good, but can also be stressful, and takes up the rest of my time.

That being said, I wanted to share some of my favorite albums from this year, as there were quite a few stellar albums released (I also included the songs from the cancelled Eurovision this year; there were some AMAZING entries, and it is sadly, another thing that covid-19 ruined). Here’s a playlist for you; play them in order or mix is up, it’s up to you! I know 2020 has been a crazy year for everyone, so here’s hoping next year is a little less traumatic!

(Note: The playlist is a lot longer than it appears… make sure you check out the full one on Spotify!)

I might make a playlist of my favorite songs, and if so, I will plan on another, rare post! Til then (hopefully)!!

Happy holidays, and happy new year everybody!

sotd: Ray Lamontagne – Let It Be Me

Sometimes, there is a song that is just so perfect, just so wonderful, just so beautiful, that it literally gives you chills. This is one of those songs for me. I was talking with a friend about Ray Lamontagne the other day, and I was reminded of this song, which for me, is one of the most emotive, and powerfully written and sung love songs I’ve ever heard. I posted about this a long time ago on the 5SF (which should be back this week, so stay tuned!!!), and it is one of those songs that, no matter how many times you hear it, it is still just as beautiful and amazing as the first time.

In a word; incredible.

5SF: january 16

It’s been a pretty strange week… nothing I can really talk about on here, but needless to say, some changes have been made for the better, and I hope that things can continue to go in an upward direction. As far as music goes, I have been kind of out of it lately, and as such, I’m pretty all over the place with what I have been listening to. Regardless, I managed to find five quality tracks for this week; a couple of them should have been featured earlier, and a few of them are even new for me. Regardless, its plenty to enjoy, so let’s get it going, shall we?

Ray LaMontagne – Let It Be Me
Last month I was catching up on one of the best shows of the 2008 fall season, Fringe, when I heard this song playing in the background during a specifically sweet scene. I was instantly thinking that I had heard it somewhere before, and I realized that it was the amazing Ray LaMontagne, and that I had in fact heard it, and that it was on my ipod! Well, cut to this week, when I realized that I hadn’t featured this song yet, even though I was just sure that I had, because it is so amazingly brilliant; what was I thinking? To rectify this gross error on my part, I made it a priority to get the word out about this song right away. This song is so sweet, tender, and powerful that Ray really tugs at your heartstrings as he gently begs to be the one that you choose. I love how simple, yet powerful the lyrics are in this song, and Ray’s smoky vocals really bring the emotion to the forefront. This is definitely a song I would already consider amongst my all time favorites; it’s truly that amazing.

Waves on Waves – We Want 2
I have been listening off and on to this one for a little over a month now, and for whatever reason, it never made it to 5SF because other stuff kept bumping it. However, that doesn’t mean that it is anything less than a quality track, and a total 80’s theme song at that! Seriously, this song is so retro eighties emo-before- it-was-emo that it isn’t even funny. I could really see this on an eighties soundtrack to some movie like Pretty in Pink or something like it. I love the subtle tones of the song, and the lead singer’s vocals are just sweet to my ears. I do think it is interesting that he looks like a brother, or at least a very close relative, of Tim Curry, however. Does it make you shiver with antici….pation?

Brandy – Long Distance
After one listen to her most recent release, Human, I kind of wrote it off as an ‘alright’ album, but it didn’t really resonate with me at first because of the attention my massive year end reviews required from me. Well, one of you asked me to give it another listen, and I did; there are some solid tracks on this record, and in typical Brandy fashion, she has picked some stuff that really sounds great with her voice. This is probably my favorite song on the album, as it is a solid and beautiful love ballad. I could completely do without the interlude that precedes it, though, so I deleted that from my ipod. I’m glad that it was suggested that I give this one another go, because I definitely liked it a lot better on the second spin.

Christina Milian – Us Against The World
I recently saw that Christina had a new remix out for this very song, and while I like the remix, I always feel like I should listen to the regular version, and in this case, I liked it even better. I have been a fan of Christina’s since her BRILLIANTLY amazing single, AM to PM captivated me a few years ago. Well, for whatever reason, she doesn’t seem to be able to make a big splash in the US music scene (well, Dip it Low had moderate success, didn’t it?), even though this is her home turf; but that hasn’t stopped her from making some solid pop music and disseminating it elsewhere. This song is from her upcoming album, and if it is as good as this lead single, I really hope it gets a proper US release, because I want to hear more from Ms. Milian.

Kelly Clarkson – My Life Would Suck Without You
BIG SHOES. That is what Kelly Clarkson has to fill with her next album; especially after the debacle that was her not-so-hot previous album, My December. Well, earlier this week, she released her new single (Since U Been Gone II!!!), and I have to say, that I quite like it, and I think that she might be able to fill those shoes after all. At least, she is definitely going in the right direction; this is a slick pop track that harnesses her voice beautifully, and really reminds me of the Kelly that I fell in love with back in 2003, and even more so in 2004. I has been a while since she’s had a proper hit, and I think that if the rest of the album is anything like this track, then she might have another go at the top of the charts later this year. Here’s hoping we’ve got our old Kelly back… because by the sound of this song, I think that we just might. My ONLY gripe about this song, is that the chorus feels like it’s missing something… I feel like she should say “tonight!” or “today!” after “my life would suck without you…” (tonight). See what I mean?

Well, there you go. Five more songs for your Friday listening pleasure. I hope you liked ’em, and as always let me know what hot tracks are burning up your eardrums… I want to know. I really do! Now… off to enjoy a THREE DAY WEEKEND! YES!

mismanaged monday meandering

Alliteration, bitch, WHAT!?

So yeah, lots in my head today. Here we go.

  • I am still sort of reeling from the news that my friend is positive. He hasn’t told me, but I want to talk to him. Not sure of how to do that without seeming totally conspicuous. Perhaps I will use another friend as a contact. We’ll have to see where this goes.
  • I am not attracted to Ray Lamontagne at all (way too shaggy), but I definitely love him. His music is awesome. I am seriously all, Damien Rice who(?) now. HA!
  • I can’t believe that this article was written recently. Seriously, a checklist to see if your husband is gay? So basically, if your husband hates gay people, or, if he likes them and surround himself with gay people, he must be gay. Well, that is pretty much everyone, the gay haters, and the gay supporters; we must all be gay! WTF? I would like to believe that times are becoming more progressive, but people still holding these antiquated views of homosexuality really show that we have a long uphill battle ahead. Now, while I am sure that it is very difficult for a woman to discover that she is married to a gay man, I don’t like that the gay men are painted as some sort of predatory manipulator that is trying to take advantage of the marriage situation, just to make himself feel better (without regard for his wife’s feelings). That is just BS, and we all know it (at least, we should). Being gay is hard, and admitting it and living it is even harder; but getting married because you aren’t okay with your homosexuality isn’t some sort of manipulation game you are playing with, it is obviously way more complex than that. I just can’t believe that there is a checklist that reinforces all of those stupid stereotypes. Ugh, I would like to think that we are normalizing homosexuality, but things like this are just creating more stigma. Bleck.
  • I really don’t know how I feel about this. I mean, it is good that Barbara Walters is bring attention to something that really goes unnoticed (that is, until someone is beaten to death because they are transgendered) and something that is utterly shunned, but I don’t know what the impact on these kids will be. First of all, a HUGE kudos to the parents who support their children; I hate those so-called Christians that throw their children out because they didn’t come out exactly like “God made them”, i.e. “normal”. At least there are parents who are supporting their children. I guess my concern, is that exposure as transsexual really does put them at risk for those nutsos that really would want to beat them to death for who they are. I just have hope that people can change, you know? I just want the world to be more tolerant; is that so much to ask? Until the answer to that question is a resounding ‘no’, I will be concerned for people that deal with situations like being transgendered, and even for those that have the unfortunate circumstance of being gay in a very homophobic area. Be careful!
  • I painted two paintings last night. I think that it is definitely one of the first times I have painted something, and was very pleased with the initial results. It came out exactly as I imagined, and I haven’t second guessed the project at all. I am kind of floored with my lack of criticism, to be quite honest. I will put some pictures up, hopefully this afternoon. I can’t wait to hang them up!! It also reminds me of my utter wish that I could do creative things for a living… but alas, I do live in the real world, not the dream world where I get to do things I enjoy for a living…
  • Finally, a HUGE WTF for this story. I mean seriously… not one spider, but TWO SPIDERS were living in this kid’s ear. That freaks me the fuck out. My grandma was just telling me the other day that she cleaned out her boyfriend’s ears, and got a pea-sized amount of wax out (EW!) because he NEVER cleans them. WTF?! I am very weird about stuff in my ear, and I am just shivering thinking about a spider being in there. Yikes!

Yeah, so um, yeah. That’s what’s going on with me right now. How about you?