Tag: randomness

what to blog?

What is there to blog about?

Not having the list to work on, I find that I am not very interested in blogging about the topics swirling in my head these days. Yet, for the sake of sparking possible conversation, let’s say I did blog these thoughts; what would they be?

  • I find myself wondering, if at some point in the (near) future, if we will have to explain to children what winter means. Seriously, in the South, we don’t really have one anymore, and if the climate keeps going the way that it is, it will be 90 in February at some point. Scary thought, really.
  • Does anyone really care that much about the caucus races? At least in the beginning? Neither party has actually come out and said, “we want X”, so I am just wondering why everyone is so “point happy” right now. It’s going to be a while before anything really worth paying attention to happens, so I guess this is going to be a long year. It really makes you wonder why people are encouraged and allowed to waste so much money on simply campaigning; when it could be used to actually solve the problems they talk incessantly about fixing.
  • Any good music out there lately? I feel like I have hit a wall, and I am not taking in anything right now. Perhaps it was because of the overload from last month’s list. Who knows, the hunger is still there, if anyone has something they want to suggest.
  • School started back this week. I am taking Anatomy II and Abnormal Psychology. I really hope that this semester goes better than the last one did. I got really good grades, but I was really stressed the whole time. Here’s hoping for a better time this time around.
  • Anything I’m missing?

What’s going out there in the internets? Hello? Is this thing on? Sometimes I just feel like no one is listening/reading, and people are just whizzing by, living their daily lives, while I inexplicably fall into the drab mundane routine I have found myself in for the past several years. Here’s to change in 2008… right?

Eh. Whatever…

a friday free-for-all!

I am all over the place today! So, in the spirit of that “all over the place” mentality I am currently afflicted by, I thought I would share! Why not, right?! I knew you would agree.

First of all, my car starting making a noise this week. Not a good noise either, it was a “metal on metal” scraping noise coming from the wheels. Shit. Of course, I am a proactive person when it comes to car care (I always get the oil done on time, and I rotate tires and that kind of stuff), so I called Acura and made an appointment for this afternoon. Turns out, it is something to do with brake pads and the rotors, and so I have to have the back ones fixed… the front ones are covered by the warranty for whatever reason. It’s going to be $165, but at least I have two things going FOR me here; the vibration and that awful metal on metal noise when braking will go away, AND, I luckily got my tax return money this week. So, I guess things could be worse. I just can’t wait to see how it drives when it is fixed, especially since they let me borrow a BRAND NEW RDX to drive while I am waiting for my car. That car is NICE, but really, the only thing about it I would want, is the MP3 CD capability, and the audio in jack for my ipod… my car doesn’t have either of those features. Other than that, I am very happy with Bianca, and can’t wait to get her back.

Second, to preface this next thing, let me start by saying that my tattoo guy had me on a stand by list, in case of a cancellation, in order to fix my ankle tattoo. Apparently, this was the quickest way to get in, because he has a massive waiting list (which is totally understandable, because he is amazing)… but I didn’t expect that they would call and be all, “um, can you come in tonight?”. Well, needless to say, I said yes, because I don’t want to have to wait that much longer; especially considering the main reason I went to Russ in the first place, was to get my ankle redone… and I ended up with a half sleeve!!! I probably want to do more with the sleeve in the future, but for now, we are doing ankle work ONLY. I can’t wait to see what he can do with it. The man is a genius with a needle and ink. The appointment tonight shouldn’t be half as painful as my last one (which was all inner arm work, ouch!). I just hope James isn’t too shaken by the sudden change of plans… he doesn’t deal well with that, but in this case, I didn’t have much of a choice. Oh well, I guess we’ll see!

a daffodil's view

Finally, my good friend Deb has talked me into getting a kick ass lens for my camera, because it is pretty much one of the best deal lenses for the Canon EOS cameras… it is a 50mm with f1.8, and it should allow me to enhance the bokeh in my shots (bokeh is the effect in the shot above, where the main object of the photo is sharp, but the background is blurred and softened… but this lens can make it much smoother and more soft). This is the effect in photography that I have learned, and one that I love the most, and I can’t wait to see what this lens can do, because the one that comes with the camera is pretty limited when you want to do more specific and advanced things like this; plus, it is a cheap lens (as I mentioned). I am completely loving this camera, and I am SOOOO glad that I got it. It was totally worth the wait, and I know that I am gushing about it, but I really can’t help it. Mama likes her electronics, kids!!! Also, keep in mind I waited over a year and a half to get this camera, so a little excitement is in order. Be sure to keep an eye on my flickr page, because I can assure you, things are only going to get more interesting. Well, at least I am going to posting a lot more… I have fallen back in love with flickr!

I hope that everyone has a great Friday (what’s left of it), and I hope everyone has a great weekend as well! Expect some commentary on the Oscars on Monday… GO JENNIFER HUDSON!!! WOOO WOOO!

hump day observations

Randomness switch on…

  • Why do people think that just because you have an opinion on something, and that because someone says, “hey, that’s mean, could you not do that?”, that it qualifies as a controversy (or “non-controversy”, as those that believe it isn’t worth the title of controversy would call it)?
  • Why is Indian food so good to you, and yet, so bad to you at the same time?
  • I started watching a new show last night: Top Design. Lori and I both realized something interesting: Todd Oldham’s upper lip doesn’t move at all. And, that show is fantastically gay. I will start watching it starting tonight.
  • Where do people find music? I find mine from blogs and friends… just curious where you guys get your music from.
  • I want to win the lottery. Or find out that I have a rich Aunt out there who just died and left me every bit of her multi-million dollar fortune.
  • Could you be in a relationship where your partner wouldn’t let you work? Why or why not?
  • What is it about hairy men that is so hot? I mean seriously. I seriously have a thing for looking at guys. I could do it all of the time and be happy.
  • There are a lot of movies coming out I want to see. Perhaps I will do a post about that.
  • Why don’t they release a new ipod? Mine is full. I need a new, bigger, touch-screen one. Now.
  • It is quite possible that I will be getting the largest refund from my taxes ever this year. I am sure that it is some mistake, and I will not be getting as much as TurboTax is telling me.
  • What is the allure of Clap Your Hands Say Yeah? I have tried, but I just don’t see it.
  • Why do I always feel the need to say, “but in the good way”, when I say something is gay? Duh, gay is awesome.
  • Would you ever have sex with someone to further your career/get a job? Is there a limit to that?
  • I recorded a podcast this weekend for the Georgia Podcast Network. While I don’t like the sound of my own voice, I am excited about it. It’s called the Atlanta POPcast. I will blog about it when the first episode is up. It’s interesting the things that interest me; when there are so many things that still remain unable to shake me from this nothing.

Randomness switch off.

That’s what I got right now. Man, the Shins really make you reflect, and, well, make you mellow and shit.

yay! it’s friday!

So, I guess the randomness from the other day is infectious, because I seem to still be infected with it. So here we go:

  • I found out what it means to be Jewish today. No, I didn’t convert, I have a friend that is Jewish, and she helped me understand the “difference” between the religion and the ethnicity. It was cool to clarify something that I am sure a lot of people don’t know about unless it affects them personally. Needless to say, you can become Jewish if you convert, that’s the religion part. If you are born to a woman that is Jewish, you are Jewish by birth, whether you ascribe to the religion or not. Interesting! I love being an anthropologist sometimes… I should really use that more.
  • I have realized that I REALLY need to go on a diet. I am not saying that I am fat, so don’t even go there. But, regardless of that fact, I need to lose some weight; I want to be able to wear my summer clothes when it comes back around. I have started back at the gym, but I need to be more regular about it. I will go today. I will!
  • I am “done” with my half-sleeve tattoo, but decided that I would go forward with getting my ankle touched up; since that is why I went in the first place to talk with Russ. I am actually kind of excited to see what he can do with it, because it is a pretty plain tattoo, and it really needs some work. I am sure he will be able to come up with something great; he really isn’t capable of anything less than great.
  • I realize that I have some pretty great friends/family. Last night, two people helped me get over a bad day, and I am really appreciative of that. Others are going to hang tonight, and the fun should keep going strong. And, my cousin called today just to say hi and tell me she loves me. Sometimes, it really is those little things that help me make it, you know?
  • I have been obsessed with plug-ins lately. I mean, wordpress is 1000 times better than Movable Type (mainly because MT ate my blog), and there are of these nifty plug ins to keep me from going bonkers trying to re-write the chicken scratch that is PHP. I changed the default gravatars icon so that I don’t hate it. I might change it again though; I can’t seem to find a gravatars plug-in that is easy to set up, install, or change the options of (that is, without potentially fucking something up completely).
  • My musical momentum still seems to be steaming along; I keep finding great stuff. I will be doing a music podcast next week (as I mentioned before), and I can’t wait. Music really is a passion of mine.

Well, that’s about all, because after all, it is Friday. Oh, one final note: we got our DSL modem from Bellsouth, and are waiting to have a phone jack put in the office (Monday). We got $250 of rebates, and I can’t wait to tell Comcast to shove it up their ComcASS! I hope it will be an improvement, but I will certainly be blogging it whether it is, or isn’t. Have a good weekend, ya’ll!