Tag: nonsensical

what’s going on wednesday

I have been a bad blogger lately, but I blame my new PSP, in part. Lumines II has proven to be a highly addictive game, and so has Loco Roco. I can’t get enough of them, and find myself playing a lot in my free time. It seems like it was a good purchase after all!

I have been listening to music, and just trying to get through each day; my sinuses are still angry that they are expected to work properly, so they have been on strike for a few weeks now.

I am a quesadilla phase. I loves the cheesies and the crunchy tortillas. Yum.

I went on a photo stroll with Brody recently, and eventually, I will get around to posting the pictures. I really do love doing things with friends, and wonder why I don’t do more, more often.

Mr. Pickles has been a lot of fun, albeit a lot of annoying, overall. I am glad we got him. He’s a cutie, but I just wish he would stop biting at Sydney. If he would cut that out, he would be almost perfect. That and the chewing random things (like the eyes out of a toy… who does that?!).

I also blame twitter for my lack of blogging. I tend to think nonsensically, and twitter is PERFECT for that. I could seriously do movie quotes, song lyrics, and random thoughts all day long; and I tend to do just that on twitter. All of those people that wonder what the point of twitter is, well, that’s my take, so put that in your bonnet.

Other than this random crap, not much else is going on of note with the old duane. How’s everyone else?

twitter: the death knell of blogging?

So, I’m sure that you’ve probably noticed that I don’t blog much outside of my weekly five song Fridays anymore. While part of it is because I have been in a funk for a few months, and don’t really have much to say other than “eh”, I blame, in part, the deliciously addictive twitter, and the sense of community it creates. It’s like IMing, but without the urgency of an immediate reply, or the need to stay online. Add to that the fact that you can tie your twitter to your facebook, so that it updates your facebook status, and you have a powerful web app that brings even more nonsensical information to the masses (well, to the masses that follow me on twitter, and/or are friends with me on facebook). It makes me feel even more connected, and in a way that my blog never could, so for that, I tip my hat to twitter. However, with all of the good, there is always a bit of “bad”; I fear that twitter will eventually phase out blogging, or at least, relegate it to posts that give real information or something worth taking the time to write about. I used to use livejournal for the nonsensical stuff, but now, I find myself addicted to twitter. Every morning, I check my twitter feed, and I even have a firefox plugin (twitterfox) that so neatly alerts me of each and every new tweet. Also, it’s just fun to say things like twitter and tweet; it’s like baby talk… for nerdy adults!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world of the easily digestible, fast and loose communication stream. Twitter, I wish I could quit you, but it seems you are here to stay. Alright, I’ve spent enough time writing about twitter, I have to get back and check it!!! If you aren’t already following me on twitter, be sure to add me; I have become a twitteraholic, practically overnight.

On a final note, this does not mean in any way, shape, or form that the blog will come to an end. I have this domain booked for like 5 more years, and I actually love having my own little home on the web, so it ain’t going nowhere. It’s just got some competition for my ADHD-driven attention!