Tag: music-videos

embedding disabled by request

As I was thinking up the list of songs that I will be featuring on tomorrow’s 5SF, I pondered the potential of at least one of said songs having a video on youtube, as I always do. One song in particular (which I will not name, because I have to have some secrecy to bring you kids back, don’t I?) has a fantastical video that I would love to post, but due to the nature that it is by a major artist, I am sure that the video will be either yanked off of youtube soon, or it will have the lovely “embedding disabled by request” where the code to embed said video on my blog should be.

Now, I have to say, that I really do not understand this move by record companies at all (this assuming that they are the reason, since I can think of no reason an artist would want to restrict the viewing of their video to youtube). Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t a video practically a commercial for a song; it represents the artist, and provides more incentive to listen to the song, and more likely than not, increases interest in buying the artist’s CD when it hits stores? So, when you put the video on youtube (especially since the “usual” way to see videos has drastically changed since MTV doesn’t play many these days), aren’t you attempting to put this piece of work out there for all to see? By the same logic, one would also think that by allowing that video to be reposted (through embedding youtube links, of course), that you would be increasing exposure to the video and the song, and there by, allowing FREE publicity for your artist. But no. For whatever reason, many major labels insist on keeping the content “safe”, and will not allow you to embed any of their videos. Again, this makes no sense.

If I posted a commercial, or an advertisement on my website for free, and received no income from having the banner on my site, I would be providing FREE PR for whatever the advertisement was for. I would think, again by that same logic, that the company that sold that product would be more than happy to have me do such a thing, since again, I am publicizing it for free.

I guess my rant is just a venting of the frustration that continually comes from dealing with the recording industry (DRM, lack of embedding, piracy issues, etc). They try so hard to lock down everything, that many artists have a hard time releasing their music, and even the ones that manage to get it out there have a choke hold placed on their material; which is interesting, because without them, the record industry would be nothing. I say, that if you are going to even post a video on youtube in the first place, that allowing people to embed it on their websites is just a common courtesy to your artists, and at a minimum, a free advert for your product; after all, it is again, FREE PR!!! I mean, it’s not like youtube is so secure that I can’t use a software to gank the video, and post it from my own server; which is actually “stealing”, and what I am assuming you are trying to avoid, right? Because that is easier than actually changing the code to make the video fit into my page parameters, just so you know.

Ridiculous much? Methinks so. /rant

finally… friday at last! (five new songs too!)

This has been a LONG week… two midterms that are thankfully complete!!! I hope that I did well, but honestly, I don’t even want to think about it right now. I am in full on relaxation mood right now.

And in order to get the relaxation going strong, I bring you your five song Friday selections!!!

This week is a bit all over the place, but you will enjoy the ride; trust me.

The Pipettes: Pull Shapes
First of all, as a HUGE thank you to the Pipettes for FINALLY releasing their AMAZING album here in the states (it came out on Tuesday), I present the Pipettes: Pull Shapes. I can’t believe that it has been so long since I first heard this group, and I am glad I did; it is still in my favorites, and most listened to albums!! I am also totally excited, because a US release totally makes them eligible for my 2007 favorite CD selections (since they were sadly not discovered in time to make my 2006 list). That being said, make sure you check out the rest of what the Pipettes have to offer; they are fantastic. I am going to see them in November, and I can’t wait! Pull Shapes!

The Bird and The Bee: Again and Again

Next, this is pretty much the only video from the amazing group, The Bird and The Bee; who made another one of my favorite CDs so far this year. While this isn’t my FAVORITE song from the record, it really gives you a good feel for their sound, and hopefully, is enough for you to want to hear more. They also released an EP recently that I picked up this week titled, “Please Clap Your Hands”, which shows that they are only going to get better with more releases. I can’t wait to hear more. In the meantime, I am loving the Bird and the Bee, and can’t wait to see what’s next!

Emmy Rossum: Slow Me Down
First of all, Emmy is seriously one of the most beautiful women I think I have ever seen. She is stunning. I knew that she could sing from her performance in the Phantom of the Opera, but I had no idea that as an artist, that this was her style. It has been described to me as Enya meets Imogen Heap, and while I am not the biggest Enya buff, I LOVE Imogen, and I couldn’t agree more with that comparison. I picked up Emmy’s EP on iTunes, and have been enjoying it all week. I LOVE this song, and am seriously listening to it on repeat.

Annie Lennox: Dark Road

As a LONG TIME lover of Annie Lennox, I was super excited to hear that she would be releasing a new CD this fall. When I first heard Dark Road, I was so happy to hear the beauty and unique quality that I have come to expect from this amazing artist. Truly one of the most distinguishable voices, I have loved Annie for a long time, and upon getting her CD this week, I have been reminded why; she is amazing. The CD, entitled Songs of Mass Destruction is fantastic. I love me some Annie Lennox.

Melissa Etheridge: Message To Myself
Last, but certainly not least, I give you the fabulous Melissa Etheridge and her new song, Message to Myself. I have to say, the first time I heard this song, I remembered just how much I love Ms. Etheridge, and I was giddy to hear more. Call it “embracing my inner lesbian”, but I love Melissa, and have been enjoying her new album, Awakening, which dropped last week. If you are a fan of hers, you should definitely pick it up, because it is great. I am glad that she made it through her cancer, and is as strong and amazing as she is on this record.

Well, there you have it! This week’s installment of Five Song Friday! Hope you enjoyed it!! Also, thanks to the internets and the awesome skills of my buddy Garrett, I am going to start offering the mp3s of the songs that I post to my loyal readers!!! Let me know if you are interested, and I will hook you up with DL information! I am not going to post it just yet, mainly because of the horrible, yet realistic, shit going on about sharing music in this country. I am reminded by, and I feel so incredibly sorry for this woman, and fear that many more will be subjected to this nonsense. I can understand asking her to pay for the “stolen” music, but 220,000 is RIDICULOUS. This is obvious injustice, and it makes me weary, so let me know if you are interested via comment. Have a great weekend everyone!